^1.50 AN Acre. 1.00

Official reports to tiie Cro^^ii Land Departraent and t'le Count}' Council prove that in North | Peterborough, where the Company's Townships are situated, thrre is a large tract of excellent Farming Lands.

The Town.ship of Dysart is well settled with Saw and Grist Mills, Stores, Post Office, Schools, &c. An Incumbency of the Church of England is established in Dysart and other religious denominations j are represented. Tlie village of Haliburton is eituate in the centre of the Townshi]), at tbe head of a Lake on which a small steamer plies regularly.

The other Townships are all accessible from Halib^'-ton by good roa«te con.structed or improved by the Company. The Company's Townships form one Municipality which derives the benefit of the Taxation of the Company's Wild^ Land.

^^' In no other part of the Province, where there are ;\t all correspondhig advantage, can Wild Land be obtained at anything like the above prices. ' ' . -


Maps, Circulars, and full informat^n can be obtained at THE COMPANY'S OFFICE,, George Street, Peterborough.


Manager. Or from ALFX. NIVEN, P.L.§., Agent C. L. & E. Co., Haiibmton.


Paris, 186^.



London, 18G2.

Simplest Machinery^



ALWAYS 'HAVE, THE HIGHEST ' PREMIUM. ^^Ilkistraled Cataloguej ^.o'strfree-^ fc .any Idddress.,^^ G. A. #ALTON,

So' King /St., ^\^est, Toronto^



Paid up Capital, $1,000,000. Funds Invested, $1,900,000.

Office, Masonic Hall, Toronto St., Toronto.

Buposit.s received daily. Interest guaranteed and paid half-yearly at live i\i\d six per cent per annum.


For from two to fifteen years, at reduced rates, upon Eeal Estate situated in tlie Province of Ontario, repayable on the most favoralile terms by «, Sinking Fund on the principle of the "Credit Foncier" Institutions of Europe.

Circulai'3 with full in f oi-matiou ma}^ be obtained from the Societie's liOcal A]*- praisers, or from


Secretary and Treasurer, Toronto.


D. W. DUMBLE, Peterborough. W. E. ROXBURGH, Norwood.

€«1BIE BOtLEfi W®liS.

W, St




""^L^J^'^'l TOKONTO.



''Let 110 man enter into business while he is ignorant of the manner of regulating books. Never let him imagine that any degree of natural ability will supply the deficiency oi* preserve multiplicity of affairs from inextricable confusion." Dr. Johnson.




DpiSioN. To prepare young men and others as Book-keepers ; Bank, Railway and Steamboat Clerks, Telegraph Operators, and for General Business.

Acknovjledged by leading business men and educationists to be tJie 7nost x>ractical Business School in the Dominion^ unequalled for the thoroughness of its course, and the efficiency of its graduates.


By permission, the Principal of Day's Commercial College has the pleasure of referring to the following gentlemen : Rev. George Whittaker, M. A., Trinity Col- lege ; Rev. H. J. Grassett, Hon. J. McMurrich, A. R. McMaster, Esq., Alex. Mur- ray, Esq., John Boyd & Co., W. & R. Griffith, Rice Lewis, Esq., W. Fitch, Esq., David Buchan, Esq., Davidson, McVittie & Co., Adam Crooks, Esq., Q.C., M.A., LL.D. ; L. W. Smith, Esq., Barrister, D.C.L., Rev. H. Lloyd, Dr. Willis, Prin- cipal of Knox College, W, Edwards, Esq., of Bureau of Arts, &c., Toronto; Hon. Isaac Buchanan, Charles McGill, Esq., M.P., Adam Brown, Esq,, Joseph Lister, Esq., A. McCallum, Esq., B.A., Hamilton; Duncan Bell, Esq., Montreal; E, Jackson, Esq., Newmarket ; Rev. D. W. Rowland, St. Thomas ; Thomas C. Keefe, Esq., C.E., Ottawa; Rev. Dr. Green, Wellington Square; Rev. T. L. Davidson, D.D., St. George ; Dodgson, Shields k Co., Toronto, and many others in different parts of the country.

For full information, address, enclosing stamp, JAMES E. DAY, Accountant, No. 82 King Street East, near the comer of Church Street.





The business heretofore carried on by the late Josepli Hall, and more recently by his Executors, has been purchased, including Shops, Machinery, Patterns, &c., by the Joseph Hall Manufacturing ComiJany, who will continue the same in all its branches with increased energy and vigour. Our facilities have been largely in- creased by the addition of NEW MACHINERY and a more thorough organization. Through our connection with the Glen & Hall Manufacturing Co., of Rochester,

we shall receive all



Our orgnization will be permanent, and it is our determination that all our Manu- factures shall be of the most

And made in the most thorough and workmanlike manner. We shall aim to anticipate the growing wants of our new country, and be ready to supply any

Machinery that will aid in Developing its Great Eesources.

All that capital, skilful workmen, improved machinery, perfect organization and division of labor can do, with the best material, shall be done to put into the hands

of our patrons the

Best Machinery made in Canada.


Mr. F. W. GLEN will continue to give his time to the management of the business as heretofore. For further information, address.













In issuing this my first edition of the County of Peterborough Directory for IStO-Tl, I desii-e to return my thanks to those gentlemen who have assisted me in procuring the information it contains, as well as to those who have favoured me with their patronage as advertisers or subscribers, and thus enabled me to complete the undei-taking upon which I embarked, to produce as perfect a Directory as could be compiled. In this respect I have the satisfaction in believing that I have been suc- cessful, and that the public will therefore be willing to extend to me the favour of their patronage in the future,





AUandale Mills Village 12

Apsley " 12

Ashburnham *' 13

Blairton " 18

Bridgenorth " 18

Burleigh " 19

Carnarvon " 19

Chandcs " 19

County Couiicil 5

County Officials 10

Ennismore Village 19

Galv/ay " 20

Haliburton *' 20

Hall'sBridge " , 20

Hasting* " 20

Haultain " 24

Havelock " 24

Hiawatha " 25

Ingoldsby " 25

Introduction 1

Justices of the Peace, List of 11

Keene Village ^ ^ 25

Lakefield " 29

Minden " 30

Municipal Councils G

Xorth Douro Village (sea Lakefield) 29

Norwood '* , 30

Peterborough Town 34

Pout Offices, List of 4

Preface vi

Selwyn Village 72

South Douro A^'illage 72

•South Dummer " 73

Springvillfc " f3

Warsaw " ." .••• 73

Westwood " V 74

Young's Point *' *■*




Anstruther Township 75

Asphodel " 75

Belmont " 83

Bruton " 86

Burleigh " 87

Cardiff " T 87

Cavendish " 88

Chandos " 88

Clyde " 89

Douro " 89

Dudley '* 94

Dummer '* 94

Dysart " 99

Ennismore " 100

Eyre " 103

Galway " 103

Glamorgan " 105

Guilford *' 105

Harbum " 105

Harcourt " .* 105

Harvey " 106

Havelock *' 107

Lawrence " , 107

Livingstone " 108

McClintock " 108

Methuen " 108

Minden " / 108

Monmouth " Ill

Nightingale " Ill

North Monaghan Township Ill

Otonabee " 114

Sherborne " 124

Smith " 125

Snowdon *' 133

Stanhope ** 134




FOR 1870-71.


In laying this volume (my first edition) of the County of Peterborough Directory before the public, it would perhaps be too much for me to assert that it is entirely free from errors, as this could scarcely be safely said of any work of the kind ever pub- lished. This being the case, I content myself with the statement that no pains or trouble have been spared on my part to secure accuracy, and that whatever errors (if any) may be discovered in the work they will turn out of a trivial and immaterial character.

The County of Peterborough is situated in nearly the centre of the Province of Ontario. It is four townships wide by nine town- ships in depth, extending from Rice Lake, River Trent and the County of Northumberland, which form its Southern boundary to the unsurveyed regions of the great territory lying to the North of this portion of Ontario, a distance of about 100 miles, while its Western boundary is formed by the Counties of Durham and Victoria, its Eastern line is made by the County of- Hastings.

The County of Peterborough comprises 35 townships, and the incorporated town of Peterborough and the Village of Ashburnham, making 37 Municipalities, which are divided for Parliamentary purposes into two Ridings, the East and the West, the former of which embraces the townships of Otonabee, Asphodel, Dummer, Douro, Harvey, Burleigh, Galway, Cavendish, Anstruther, Snow- don, Glamorgon, Monmouth, Cardiff, Chandos, Methuen, Belmont, Minden, Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Stanhope, Guilford, Harburn, Bruton, Sherborne, Havelock, Eyre, Clyde, McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence, Nightingale, and the incorporated Village of Ashburn- ham, of the above named Municipalities the eight following are still unsettled and are held by the Government or the C^^nadian


Land and Emigration Company, (viz.,) Sherborne, Havelock, Eyre, Clyde, McClintock, Livingstone, Lawrence and Nightingale, while the following nine (in one block) Dysart, Dudley, Harcourt, Guil- ford, Harburn, Bruton, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde, are held by the Canadian Land and Emigration Company (limited) under a patent from Government given in 1865. These nine townships embrace about all the good farming lands in the northern part of this county, and the Company are disposing of their lands to actual settlers on very advantageous terms, and for that purpose they have located in the town of Peterborough their head office, under the able management of Chas. J. Blomfield, Esq., of whom all other particu- lars can be had upon application.

The West Biding is composed of the townships of Ennismore, Smith, North Monaghan, the incorporated town of Peterborough and the township of South Monaghan, which for all other purposes but Parliamentary representation is connected with the County of Northumberland, but this township, has given notice of their intention to have introduced a bill in the Legislature of Ontario to permit them to withdraw from Northumberland, and to connect themselves with this county for all purposes.

Each Riding is represented in the House of Commons of Canada, and the Legislature of the Province of Ontario, by one member for each Plouse. The East Riding is represented in the Dominion Parliament, at Ottawa, by Mr. P. M. Grover, of Norwood, and in tlie Legislature of Ontario at Toronto, by Mr. George Read, of Keeiie, while the welfare of the West Riding is looked after by Mr. Charles Peny of Peterborough at Ottawa, and M r. John Car- negie, jr., of the same place at Toronto.

The municipal government of the county consists of nineteen members, being the Reeves and Deputy Reeves elected by the different municipalities, and composing the body known as the County Council.

Peterborough is a county of great natural wealth, and all it needs to take its place as one of the greatest counties in the pro- vince is a thorough development of ifcs great natural resources; and here it may not be out of place to add that the great mineral wealth of the back part of the county has induced men of capital to form several companies for its development, amongst which I may mention the Galway Lead Mining Company, which, owing to the energy displayed by its managing director, Mr. II. C. Rogers, of Peterborough, bids fair to favourably compare with any lead mining company on the continent.

Of its area estimated at 1,200,000 acres only a small por- tion, viz., about 160,000 are cleared, while the balance is either in


the hands of the Government, the Canadian Company or lum- bermen. Of those that are cleared, the major part is under culti- vation, and the remainder is devoted to pasture. The soil in some parts is rich and fertile and very productive, while in others it is nearly one mass of rock ; but these acres upon acres of rock un- doubtedly fairly teem with mineral wealth which only need enter- prize and capital to turn into so much solid gold.

The front townships are noted for the large quantities of grain raised annually, which, in quantity and quality, will compare favour- ably with any raised in the Province.

Peterborough, the county town, is situated in the township of North Monaghan, and, for its size, is one of, if not the smartest town in Canada.

The principal manufactures are flour and lumber, but there are also a number of woollen and other factories scattered over the country in which a large business is done. A large portion of the population numbering about 33,000 are agriculturists. There are, however, a large number of lumbermen, manufacturers, mer- chants and traders.

On the back lakes and streams, in which the county abounds, some of the largest and finest sawmills in America are to be found, constantly giving employment to hundreds of men in manu- facturing lumber, mostly for the United States markets, which is loaded on scows at the mills, and then towed by steamboats through the different lakes to Lindsay (County of Victoria), or drawn by teams to Lakefield or Peterborough, where it is shipped to Port Hope (in the County of Durham, which has a fine harbour on Lake Ontario), a distance of 30 or 40 miles by rail, and there again re-shipped on vessels for some of the various ports in the United States. There are two newspapers published in the county, both issued weekly from their respective offices in the county town.

Peterborough possesses a large number of churches of various denominations. Large sums are voted annually by the different municipalities to the interests of education, and the county pos- sesses some excellent Grammar and Common Schools. The County of Peterborough is also remarkable for the almost total absence of outrage and crime within its borders.

One great means which must serve most beneficially in the future development of the resources of the county, and advancing its material prospects, is its communication with the front counties via Port Hope and Peterborough Railway, which rises at the fine harbour of Port Hope, County of Durham, on Lake Ontario, and extends some eleven miles back of the county town to the village


of Lakefield, being a total distance of some forty miles, and as this road, under the management of Mr. A. T. Williams, of Port Hope, its energetic superintendent, will be extended on as the back country improves, this county has as good a railway prospect as any in Canada. This, combined with the contemplated road to Haliburton, furnishes good ground for the people of Peterborough to look proud and hopefully to the brilliant future of their fair county.

POST OFFICES IN THE COUNTY OF PETERBOROUGH. Name of Office. Township &; Riding. Postmaster.

AUandale Mills Otonabee, E. R Richard Short, sr. .

Apsley Anstruther, E. R E. S. Hall

Ashburnham Otonabee, E. R R. D. Rogers ,

Blairton Belmont, E. R Rodger Bates... .

Bridgenorth Smith, W. R M. S. Dean

Burleigh Burleigh, E. R Jas. Golbourne. . . .

Carnarvon Stanhope, E. R Alfred Moore

Chandos..., Chandos, E. R Daniel Couch ,

Ennismore..., Ennismore, W. R Thos. S. LeHane.

Galway Galway,E, R Thos. Probert

Haliburton Dysart, E. R C. R. Stewart

Hall's Bridge Harvey E. R John Hall

Hastings Asphodel, E. R Henry Fowlds. . . .

Haultain Burleigh, E. R Giles Stone

Havelock Burleigh, E. R Peter Pearce

Hiawatha Otonabee, E. R Hugh Kent

Ingoldsby Minden, E. R Richard Smith. . . .

Keene Otonabee, E. R George Evans

Minden Snowdon, E.R S. S. Peck

NorthDouro Douro, E.R Robert Casement,

Norwood. Asphodel, E. R J. A. Butterfield. .

Peterborough....; North Monaghan,W.R.S. J. Carver

Selwyn Smith, W. R Richard Northey .

South Douro Douro, E. R Thos. Ham*ahan. .

South Dummer Dummer, E. R William Spear

Springville North Monaghan,W.R.A. Goodfellow

Warsaw Dummer, E. R T. G. Choate

Westwood Asphodel, E. R S. Griffin

Young's Point Smith, W. R Patrick Kearney.



S. S. Peck, Warden. Edg. Pearse, Council Clerk. Walter Sheridan, Council Treasurer. Township of Anstruther. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos, Cardiff and Monmouth.)

Village of Ashburnham.

R. D. Rogers, Reeve. , Township of Asphodel. Timothy Coughlin, Reeve.

John P. Brown, Deputy Reeve. Townships of Belmont and Methuen.— W. W. Armstrong, Reeve. Township of Bruton. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn,

Harcourt and Bruton.) Townships of Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos, Cardiff and

Monmouth. Dr. Sidney Wm. Clegg, Reeve. Township of Cardiff. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos,

Cardiff and Monmouth.) Township of Cavendish. (See Gal way and Cavendish.) Township of Chandos. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos,

Cardiff and Monmouth.) Township of Clyde. (Unsettled and therefore no representatives.) Township of Douro. Wm. Moher, Reeve. Township of Dudley. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn,

Harcourt and Bruton.) Township of Dummer. David Rose, Reeve. Townships of Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn, Harcourt

AND Bruton. Alex. McDonald, Reeve. Township of Ennismore. J. McCarthy, Reeve. Township of Eyre. (Unsettled and therefore no representatives.) Townships of Gal way and Cavendish. Thomas Prober t, Reeve. Township of Glamorgan. (See Snowdon and Glamorgan.) Township of Guilford. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn,

Harcourt and Bruton.) Township of Harburn. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn,

Harcourt and Bruton.) Township of Harcourt. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn,

Harcourt and Bruton.) Township of Harvey. W. A. Scott, Reeve. Township of Havelock. (Unsettled and therefore no represen- tatives.)

6 J. c. Conner's

Township of Lawrence. (Unsettled and therefore no represen- tatives.)

Township of Livingstone. (Unsettled and therefore no repre- sentatives.)

Township of McClintock. (Unsettled and therefore no repre- sentatives.)

Township of Methuen. (See Belmont and Methuen.)

Township of Minden. S. S. Peck, Warden and Reeve.

Township of Monmouth. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos, Cardiff and Monmouth.)

Township of Nightingale. (Unsettled and therefore no repre- sentatives.)

Township of North Monaghan. J. W. Gilmour, Reeve.

Township of Otonabee. Wm. Lang, Reeve. James Miller, Deputy Reeve.

Town of Peterborough. As this town has separated itself from the County of Peter- borough, under the Municipal Act for that purpose, and pays so

much annually to the county for the administration of justice, it

is not entitled to representation in the County Council. So the

town elects no Reeve or Deputies.

Township of Sherborne. (Unsettled and therefore no repre- sentatives.

Township of Smith. John Walton, Reeve. Isaac Garbutt, Deputy Reeve.

Township of Snowdon and Glamorgan. Francis Peck, Reeve.

Township of Stanhope. Thomas Buck, Reeve.


Township of Anstruther. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos,

Cardiff and Monmouth.) Village of Ashburnham. R. D. Rogers, Reeve.

COUNCILMEN. Henry Bennett, ' Henry Calcutt, John Burnham, James Z. Rogers. Township of Asphodel. Timothy Coughlin, Reeve. John P. Brown, Deputy Reeve.



James Stepheason, Thomas Howston, John Walch. Township of Belmont and Methuen. W. W. Armstrong, Reeve.


Robert Sloane,

Porter Preston,

James Holbrooks,

William Burgess. Township of Bruton. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harbum,

Harcourt and Bruton. Townships Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos, Cardiff and

Monmouth. Dr. Sidney Wm. Clegg, Reeve.


Giles Stone,

Richard Spencer,

Samuel Edgar,

Benjamin Hales. Township of Cardiff. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos,

Cardiff and Monmouth. Directory 3 Township of Cavendish. (See Gal way and Cavendish.) Township of Chandos. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos,

Cardiff and Monmouth.) Township of Clyde. (Not settled.) Township of Douro. William Moher, Reeve.


Robert Casement,

John Barrie,

James Hogan,

John Walsh. Township of Dudley. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn,

Harcourt and Bruton.) Township of Dummer. David Rose, Reeve. i

Gouncilmen. ^

Henry Ferguson, George Payne, Hamilton Spence, James Wason.

8^ j. c. conner's

Townships of Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn, Har- COURT and Bruton. Alexander McDonald, Reeve.


Daniel McFarlane, William Smith, William Ritchey. John Harcourt.

Township of Ennismore. J. McCarthey, Reeve.


Daniel Whelan, Patrick Brick, Timothy Murphy, Cornelius B. Sullivan.

Township of Eyre. (Not settled.)

Townships of Gal way and Cavendish. Thomas Probert, Reeve.


John Lambert, James Ritchie, John F. Henderson, Maurice Hartnell.

Township of Glamorgan. (See Snowdon and Glamorgan.) ,

Township of Guilford. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Har- burn, Harcourt and Bruton.

Township of Harburn. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Harburn, Harcourt and Bruton.)

Township of Harcpurt. (See Dysart, Guilford, Dudley, Har- burn, Harcourt and Bruton.)

Township of Harvey. W. A. Scott, Reeve.


Archibald Johnston,

David Brody,

William Weir,

Isaac D. Hall. Township of Havelock. (Not settled.) Township of Lawrence. (Not settled.; Township of Livingstone. (Not settled.) Township of McClintock. (Not settled.) Township of Methuen. (See Belmont and Methuen.) Township of Minden. S. S. Peck, Warden and Reeve.



Abner Baker,

Frederick Shove,

William Archer,

Daniel McLarty. Township of Monmouth. (See Burleigh, Anstruther, Chandos,

Cardiff and Monmouth. Township of Nightingale. (Not settled.) Township of North Monaghan. J. W. Gilmour, Reeve.


Robert Laing, William Robson, George Birney, George Tully. Township of Otonabee. William Lang, Reeve. James Miller, Deputy Reeve.

Councilmen. John Miller, Thomas Blozard, Henry H. Burnham.

Town of Peterborough.

W. H. Scott, Mayor. (No Reeve or Deputy.)

James Stevenson, John Dohoi-ty, William Helm.

Wm. Cluxton, Samuel Dickson, Wm. Kennedy.

Wm. Toole, G. Edmison, R. Rutherford.

J. O'Beirne, Ed. Chamberlen, John English.

Councilmen. Centre Ward.

East Ward.

North Ward.

South Ward.

10 J. c. Conner's

Township of Sherborne. (Not settled.) Township of Smith. John Walton, Reeve. Isaac Garbutt, Deputy Reeve.


Michael Sanderson, Andrew Montgomery, Joseph Nelson. Township of Snowdon and Glamorgan. Francis Peck, Reeve.


John. Newell, Henry Philips, Alonzo Stata, David Barr. Township of Stanhope. Thomas Buck, Reeve.


Thomas Mason, Andrew Brown, William Welch, Nelson Taylor.


Robert Dennistown, Judge.

James Hall, Sheriff.

C. A. Weller, County Attorney.

C. A. Weller, Clerk of the Peace.

Edg. Pearse, Clerk, County Cduncil.

C. A. Weller, County Solicitor.

Thomas Fortye, Clerk, County Court.

Thos. Fortye, Deputy Clerk of the Crown.

Thos. Fortye, Surrogate Court Registrar.

S. S. Peck, Warden.

Walter Sheridan, County Treasurer.

Charles Rubidge, County Registrai-.

S^S^Comn?' } ^^P^^y Registrars.

John J. Hall, Clerk, Division Court, (Peterborough.)

Charles Stapleton, Bailiff, do (Peterborough.)

W. H. Weller, Deputy Registrar Cjurt Chancery.

W. H. Weller, Master and Examiner in do.



John J. Hall, } r^ , a tj.

Christopher Burton, | C°"'i*y Auditors.

D. W. Dumble, I ^ijc i a Jas.J.Hall. I Official Assignees.

High Constable.

James Mc Williams, Gaoler,

J. McNabb, M.D., Surgeon o1' the Gaol.

Alexander Bell, M.D.,

John R Benson,

Alex. Harvey, M.D.,

Robt. Kincaid, M.D.,

R Lloyd, M.D., 1- Coroners.

J. McNabb, M.D.,

John O'SuUivan, M.D.,

Chas. B. Stuart,

John A. Stuart, M. D.,

John R Benson, Inspector of "Weights and Measures.


(Giving Post Office Address.)

Armstrong, W. W., Blairton. Bawbell, Henry, Keene. Bell, John, Peterborough. Bennett, H., Ashburnham. Birdsall, R. E., Westwood. Buck, Thomas, Norwood. Cameron, James, Westwood. Carlo w, George, South Douro. Casement, Robert, North Douro. Caughlin, Timothy, Hastings. Chambers, Thos., Peterborough. Choate.. Thomas G., Warsaw. Clarke, George, Douro. Cluxton, Wm., Peterborough. Corkery, Martin, Ennismore. Coulter, Wm. Peterborough. Craw, Francis, Warsaw. Davis, Lewis, Galway. Dean, M. S., Bridgenorth.

Dunlop, A. C, Peterborough. Eastland, Wm., Peterborough. Edwards, L, Peterborough. Elliott, Wm., Peterborough. File, James, Westwood. Fowlds, Henry, Hastings. Gainer, Wm., Galway. Galvin, John, Selwin. Garbutt, Isaac, North Douro. Hall, John, Peterborough. Hall, Wm. Mc, Hall's Bridge. Henthorn, J. T., Peterborough. Hopkins, Daniel, Peterborough. Howson, Christopher, Keene. Ingram, Evans, Ashburnham. Kelly, S. S., Bridgenorth. Kennedy, John, Petierborough. Kidd, John, Warsaw. Lang, Wm., Allandale Mills.



Learmouth, Wm., Keene. Leaty, Patrick, South Douro. Leigh, Edward, North Douro. Lince, James, Peterborough. McKibbin, Sam'L, North Douro. Man, Emanuel, Bridgenorth. Miller, James, Keene. Moon, John P., Selwyn. Morrison, Robert, Norwood. Nicholls, N., Peterborough. NichoUs, Wm. C, North Douro. Parker, Lewis, Bobcaygeon. Pearce, Peter, Havelock. Peck, S. S., Minden. Preston, John H., Havelock. Preston, Porter, Holcomb. Probert, Thomas, Gahvay.

Read, George, Keene. Reid, Richard, Peterborough. Rose, David, Warsaw. Rose, John, Warsaw. Rubridge, Chas.. Peterborough. Ryan, Patrick, Peterborough. Sanderson, M., Peterborough. Scott, Walter, Norwood. Shein, John, North Douro. Stevenson, J., Peterborough. Stewart, Charles, Peterborough. Strickland, Robt. A., Lakefield. Sullivan, John, South Douro. Walton, John, Peterborough. White, Thomas, Peterborough. Wigm:)re, Wm., Norwood. Wood, Wm., Hall's Bridge.


A post village situated on the Indian River, in the township of Otonabee. The place boasts a fine appearing town hall (frame), and a school-house of the same material ; also the following manu- factories : a flouring mill, four run of stone, an oatmeal mill, two run of stone, a sawmill, a shingle factory, a stave factory, a planing mill, a patent hoop manufactory, a tannery, &c. All the manufac- tories are under the management of Thos. Short, Esq., of Keene. Daily mail. Distance from Peterborough 10 miles. Population between 150 and 200.

Calder, William, currier. Calder, James, laborer. Ohisholm, Alex., sadler. Connel, Alex., blacksmith. Connor, Patrick, laborer.

Shearer, J. & Son., carpenters. SHORT, RICHARD, P. M. and

mill owner. SHORT, THOMAS, Founder.


A village in the township of Anstruther, 39 miles from Peter- borough, population about 75.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro* and Bobcaygeon, for


Andrews, James, farmer. Benson, A., teacher. Defries, Wm., farmer. Dunfry, John, laborer. Eastland, Henry, merchant. Hales, Benjamin, farmer. HALL, E. S., postmaster, &;c.

Lonsley, Caleb, farmer. Rendle, Andrew, hotelkeeper. Steen, Joseph, farmer. Stuart, Thomas, hotelkeeper. Wilson, William, farmer. Woldon, T., farmer.


An incorporated village, situated in the township of Otonabee, on The river of the same name, which separates it from Peterborough,, the county town, was first settled by the Rev. Samuel Amour in 1826 or '27, and for some time thereafter it was the rival of Peterborough, but finally the latter place got the lead of it, and since then it has formed, correctly speaking, merely a suburb of the county seat. It was formerly known as the Scotch Village, which name was changed to East Peterborough, but in 1857 or '58, it was incorporated under its present name. The first store was opened by Mr. A. Wark in 1833 or '34, and the post-office was established on the first of January, 1859 Mr. R. E). Rogers, the present Reeve, being the first and present postmaster. On account of its close proximity to Peterborough, it contains no church edifice ; but there is a fine brick school-house, which was erected in 1864, at the cost of nearly SI, 700 ; also a town hall a frame building, erected in 1834 or '35, 'at the cost of some $800, and more recently a company drill-shed of the same material, built in 1867, costing about $850. The civil societies are represented by two Orange Lodges, Nos. 49 and 457, while the military spirit is shown by one volunteer company, No. 4 (57th battalion), under the command of Captain James Z. Rogers. The manufacturing interests are repre- sented by one combined foundry and machine shop, one flour and grist mill, one sawmill, one woollen mill, one flax mill, one sash and door factory, one axe factory, one turning factory, one tan- nery, one brewery, and the usual number of tradesmen. The mer- cantile representatives are one general store and several groceries ; two hotels, &c. Daily mail. Population about 1,100.

Adams, Samuel, laborer. Lake. Ainslie, Walter, shoemaker, Eli- Aeyling, George, turner. zabeth.

Fancy Vase Parlour Lamps, $20 per pair.



Anderson, John, carpenter, E. Stewart.

Anow, Francis, laborer.

Armstrong, Mrs. F. H., E. Stewart.

Armstrong, Thomas, grocer, &c.*, Elizabeth.

Arnott, David, tinsmith, S. Eliza- beth.

Baker, John, sen., laborer, N. James.

Baker, John, jun., blacksmith, N. James.

Bastard, Jas., miller, Monaghan.

Bayley, Mrs. E., N. Main.

Bennett, Henry, cooper, N. Main.

Bray, John, carder, Douro.

Brennan, Charles, butcher, E. Brown.

Brisbin, Joseph, plainer.

BROOK, GERMAN, woollen mill, Millrace, h Lake.

Brown, George, grocer, &;c., Elizabeth.

Brown, Robt., gent., 13 Con.

Brownlee, David, carpenter, W. Stewart.

Buck, Oliver, farmer, Hall Estate.

Burnham, George, M.D., physi- cian, E. Lake.

BURNHAM, JOHN, barrister, fee, N. Charles.

Burnham, Rev. Mark., E. Lake.

Cain, Geo, carpenter, E. Brown.

Gallagher, Mrs. Honora, 12 Con.

Calcutt, Henry, brewer. Lake.

Cameron, Wm., lumberer. Mar- ket Block.

Campbell, A. H., E. Stewart.

Church, Duncan, lumberer, E. Lake.

Clarke, John, tanner, 'Elizabeth.

Clancy, P. & E., blacksmiths, Elizabeth.

Clifford, Wm., filer, E. Lake.

Coombes, Mrs. E., hotelkeeper, Elizabeth.

Coe, Thomas, butcher, N. Eliza- beth.

Coey, Daniel, carder, Monaghan.

Conall, James, cooper, N. Douro.

Conall, Timothy, gardener, N. Clifton.

Cope, Alexander, turner, Eliza- beth.

Craig, John, laborer, 13 Con.

Craig, John, teamster N. Eliza- beth.

Craigie, & Stephenson, sawmill, &c., Elizabeth.

Craigie, Mrs. Janet, S. Elizabeth.

Craigie, John, (Craigie & Ste- phenson.)

Croft, George, laborer, W. Con.

Crowe, Charles, laborer, W. Con.

Dafoe, Gilbert, turner.

Davey, G. B., sawyer, S. Sophia.

Dawson, Wm., farmer, 12 Con.

Dawson, Alex., miller, Elizabeth.

Deacoi;!, Wm., lumber, N. Douro.

Denne, Henry, grain merchant, W. Market.

Devine, Mrs. Mary, E. Market.

Dobbin, Wm., carpt., 13 Con.

Doran, Daniel, weaver, DriscoU Terrace.

Downer, Lewis, sawyer, 12 Con.

Duggan, Daniel, laborer, S. Sophia.

Dunlop,A. C, 13 Con.

DUNSFORD, GEORGE, bar- rister, (fee, 12 Con.

Edmonds, Alex., miller, W. Stew- art.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Evans, Enos, carpenter, E. Lake. Firney, D. J., laborer, E. Stewart. Fisher, Frederick, labourer, 13

Con. Fisher, Hugh, labourer, Driscoll

Terrace. Fisher, J., cloth-dresser, E. Lake. Foster, Mrs. Maria, W. Market. Fowlis, Samuel, farmer, 13 Con. Galvin, James, laborer, 13 Con. Galvin, James, tanner, Douro. Gamble, Samuel, carpenter. Graney, John, laborer, N. Douro. Gilman, John, laborer, S. James. Glover, Lewis, merchant, N.

Elizabeth. Gould, Evander, laborer, W.

Stewart. Gow, John, laborer, S. Elizabeth. Graham, Joseph, shoemaker, E.

Market. Grey, Jesse, cooper, S. Elizabeth. Haggart, D., clerk, Stewart. Hobbins, Dennis, laborer, W.

Con. Holland, Cornelius laborer, N.

Douro. Hourigan, Edward, laborer, 13

Con. Hourigan, Michael, laborer, N.

Douro. Ligram, Absalom, stewart, W.

Lake. Johnson, James, sen., mason, W.

Market. Kelly, John, laborer, N. Main. Kemp, Jas., butcher E. Market. Kennedy, Thos., clerk, Stewart. King, Joseph, laborer, N. James. Lasher, William, carpenter. Law, Alex., sawyer, DriscoU Ter- race.

Law, Mrs. Jane, S. Elizabeth.

Lovenbruck, Nicholas, auger- maker, N. Elizabeth.

Long, Samuel, laborer, W. Stew- art.

Long, William, laborer, N. Main.

Ludgate, John, mill proprietor, S. Maria.

Lyle, Thomas, teamster. Lake.

McAuliffe, Cornelius, laborer, W. Stewart.

McAuliffe, Florence, laborer, N. Douro.

McAuliffe, John, laborer, W. Stewart.

McCabe, Terrence, carpenter, E. Brown.

McDonald, Daniel, sen., village Treasurer, Elizabeth.

McFarlane, John, gent., 12 Con.

McGregor, Alex., cooper, E. Stew- art.

McGregor, David, cooper, W. Brown.

McGregor, Gregor, laborer, N. Elizabeth.

McGregor, Mrs. Janet, W. Lake.

McGregor, Lewis, saloon-keeper, W. Lake.

McGregor, William, cooper, E. Lake.

McGregor, WilKam, weaver, E. Stewart.

McLeod, Hugh, sawyer. Lake.

Maneece, ^ John, wagonmaker, S. Maria.

Marrion, Wm., laborer, 12 con.

Marshall, Hamilton, laborer, W. Brown.

May, Michael, laborer, W. Con.

Melane, John, laborer, W. Stewart.

All kinds of Hanging Lamps.


J. c. Conner's

Mercer, Nelson, miller.

Mitchell, Wm. H., saddler, S. Elizabeth.

Morrison, Crawford, scourer, S. Sophia.

Morrisey, Richard, laborer, E. Stewart.

MOWRY, ALDUS, Foundry & Machine Works, Elizabeth, h Robinson.

Mowry, John, machinist, E. Lake.

Mowr}^, Marcello, machinist, S. Elizabeth.

Mowry, Richard, machinist. Brown.

Murphy, James, laborer, Eliza- beth.

North, Henry, carpenter.

O'Brian, Mrs. Jane, S. Sophia.

O'Marra, Patrick, wagonmaker, Aylmer.

Orde, G. F., gentleman, W.Stew- art.

Orde, Robert, farmer, 12 Con.

ORDE, W. L., manager, C. L. & E. Co., Stewart.

Patterson, Mrs. E. Brown.

Peacock, Joseph, moulder, Brown.

Philips, Joseph, mason, E. Market.

Rafferty, Edward, laborer, W. Con.

Reid, John, sr., surveyor, W. Brown.

Reynolds, Francis, laborer, Eliza- beth,

Reynolds, John, teamster, N. Elizabeth.

Rickey, George, blacksmith, &;c., Elizabeth.

Roberts, William, carpenter.

Robertson, John, carpenter, E. Stewart.

ROGERS, J. Z., dealer in dry goods, &c. (see card, p. 17), Elizabeth, h Stewart.

ROGERS,R. D., Reeve,and mHl- owner (see card, p. 17^), Lake.

Rombough, Wellington, carpen- ter, E. Market.

Salter, Wm. F., carpenter, S. Sophia.

Sanderson, Richard, spinner. Lake.

Scott, Robert, malter, Douro.

Sheehan, Michael, laborer, S. Douro.

Sheridan, Robert, sawyer, Stew- art.

Shields, George, contractor, Dris- coll Terrace.

Smith, John, blacksmith, W. Brown.

Smith, William, laborer, N. Eli- zabeth.

Stapleton, Chas., bailiff. Block D.

Stenton, George, machinist.

Steward, Hugh, laborer, S. James.

Stewart, Mrs. Eliza, N. Maria.

Stephenson, John (Craigie & Stephenson), Lake.

Stephenson, Jonathan (Craigie & Stephenson,) N, Elizabeth.

Storey, George, axe-maker, Dris- coll Terrace.

STRATTON, JAMES, village clerk, Elizabeth.

Strickland, H. T., lumberer, W. Lake.

Sullivan, John, weaver, N. Clif- ton.

Sullivan, Timothy, laborer, E. Stewart. .

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for




grain mercliant, &c., Elizabeth, h Stewart.

Swanston, William, baker, &;c., Elizabeth.

Tarrault, William, planer.

Taylor, Alfred, laborer, 13 Con.

Taylor, F. C, teacher, N. Eliza- beth.

Tenneyson, William, sawyer, Lake.

Tenneyson, Wilton, sawyer. Lake.

Thompson, William, gent., S. Elizabeth.

Tice, Richard, laborer, E. Stew- art.

Tigh, James, laborer, W. Stewart.

Toole, Wm., sash and door fac- tory. Race.

Tobin, John, sen., laborer, Lake.

Tobin, John, jun., brewer, Sophia.

Townsend, Angus, tinsmith, Elizabeth.

Valois, Jos., teamster, E. Brown.

Wall, Edward, tanner, S. Eliza- beth.

Waters, Nicholas, laborer, W. Stewart.

Welch, Edward, laborer, S.Sophia.

Wigesten, Jacob, mason, W. Stewart.

Wilkinson, Abraham, laborer, 18 Con.

Woods, John, teacher, S. Rob.

Wright, J ohn, engineer, N. Eliza- beth.

Wright, Robert, cooper, N. Main.

Wright, Samnel, carpenter, N. Rob.

Yorke, Lionel, mason. Market Block.


A S H B U R N H A M ,




E». D . ]R O Gr E IR S ,

fWW i MTiiiL MILL:


Fancy Globes of Every Pattern.




A village in the township of Belmont, 40 miles from Peterborough. Population about 550.

Armstrong, W. W., hotelkeeper,

&c. BATES,I10GER, postmaster, &c. Bell, Thomas, carpenter. Brown, J., M.D., physician, &c.. Duff, Wm., shoemaker. Fetherston, Thos., cabinetmaker. Given, A.,*grocer. Leach, Wm., butcher. Learmouth, T. R, merchant. McBride, Andrew, grocer.

Meikle, James, merchant. Powell, Edmund, butcher. Scott, D. J)., livery keeper. Shaw, William,, tailor. Sloan, Robert, merchant. Turner, John, merchant. Weller, Gilbert, hotelkeeper, Whitmarsh, Levi, livery keeper, Wilson, D., M.D., physician, &c., Wynn, Wm., carpenter.


A village pleasantly situated on Chemong (or as it is commonly called) Mud Lake, in the township of Smith. From this place the fine steamer Ogemah, Capt. James Wallis, starts on her regular trips for Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Lindsay, leaving Bridge- north upon the arrival of tl)e morning stage from Peterborough, each alternate morning during the season of navigation. Distance from Peterborough 6 J miles. Population about 175. Daily mail, &c.

Gumming, Jacob, laborer.

Dean, Marcus S., merchant.

Dobson, Robert, laborer.

Dunbar, Asa, hotelkeeper.

Garathy, Patrick, laborer.

Gray, George, cooper,

Kelly, Samuel S., lumber mer- chant.

Kelley, Western B., lumber mer- chant.

McCall, Charles, gent.

McCall, James, carpenter.

McDonald, Neil, blacksmith. McFadden, Hugh, boat-builder. Moorehead, James, cooper. Moffat, Wm., tailor. Pearson, Richard, carpenter. Pope, John, hotelkeeper. Quinn, John, laborer. Quinn, Martin, laborer. Robertson, John, weaver. Udey, Wm., laborer. Watson, John N., painter.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



A village in the township of Burleigh, 30 miles from Peterborough. Population about 20. *

Clegg, D., gentleman. Giles. Henry, miller.

COLBORNE, JAMES, mer- Giles, Thomas, miller, chant, and P. M.


A village in the township of Stanhope, 75 miles from Peterborough Population about 20.

BARNUM, ANDREW, postmaster, &c.


A village in the township of Chandos, 50 miles from Peterborough. Population 15.

MAXWELL, HENRY, post- master. Norman, J. P., farmer.

Peters, Andrew, farmer. Rodgers, James, farmer.


A village in the township of Ennismore, 10 miles from Peter- borough. Population about 60.

Clarke, Alex., farmer. Clarke, William, farmer. Coley, David, farmer. Coyle, Rev. Father, Roman

Catholic. Corkery, Martin, farmer. Crough, Michael, farmer. Donoghue, John, hotelkeeper.

Dow, Humphrey, hotelkeeper. Lawson, Henry, saw-miller. LEHANE, T. S., agent and P. M. O'Reilly, Michael, farmer. Rivingston, George, fiirmer. Reynolds, William, carpenter. Waters, George, brickmaker.


Roger's Best Table Cutlery.




A village in the township of Galway, 43 miles from Peterborough. Population about 80.

Gneffis, Andrew, hotelkeeper. McGee, Henry, carpenter. Maxwell, John, hotelkeeper. Maxwell, Robert, shinglemill.

PROBERT, THOS., postmaster and J. P.

Stewart, Robert, painter.


A village in the township of Dysart, 70 miles from Peterborough. Population about 200.

Austin, William, carpenter. Cashmer, William, brickmaker. Croston, James, shoemaker. Dover, Fred., agent. Dover, John, merchant. Garrett, Andrew, blacksmith. Holand, James, hotelkeeper.

Lucas, W. & Co., grist, saw and shingle mills.

STEWART, ROBERT G, post- master.

Wood, William, tinsmith.

Young, John, merchant.


A village in the township of Harvey, 21 miles from Peterborough. Population about 30.

Arthur, J. P., farmer. HALL, JOHN, postmaster.

Bennett, James, farmer. Macintosh, Charles, farmer.

Effort, George, larmer. Watson, Peter, farmer.


A post village situated on the River Trent, being partly in the Township of As})hodel, County of Peterborough, and partly in the Township of Percy, County of Northumberland. The post office

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for


being in Peterborough County. This place during the summer season is very lively, owing to the fact that about all the timber cut in the back part of the Counties of Peterborough and Victoria, destined for Quebec and Montreal markets, passes through the locks in the River Trent situated at this place, on its way to Lake Ontario, by the string of lakes and rivers intervening between where it is made and the mouth of this river at Trenton, County of Hastings, where it is made up into rafts and floated or towed down the Bay of Quintd into Lake Ontario, and so on through the River St. Lawrence to the markets above referred to.

The mercantile business of the place is represented by several general stores, groceries, hotels, &c. The Montreal Telegraph Company have lately opened an ofSce in the post office building to supply the wants of the community, especially those of tfte manufac- turers, a large number of which have located along the river on both sides, among which I may mention a flour and grist mill, a saw mill (manufacturing a large amount of lumber annually for American markets,) a woollen mill, a cotton factory, a foundry and a tannery. The water privilege possessed by this place gives it communication with all places around Rice Lake, by several small steamers kept constantly plying during the navigable season of the year.

The Masonic Lodge No. 150, the Orange Lodge No. 549, the I. 0. G. T. Lodge No. 359, and a youthful temperance organization known as the Band of Hope, hold regular meetings in the place. There is also a Volunteer Compan;f connected with the 57th Bat- talion, under the command of Acting Captain H. B. Morton, which meets for drill in a shed erected for that purpose. The schools are two primary ones with a fair number of pupils in attendance while the churches four in number are as follows:

Church of England, (frame) erected in I86:i at the cost of some S1200. Roman Catholic, (stone) erected in 1864-5, costing about 810,000. Canada Presbyterian, (brick) orginally erected in 1856-7, and since improved at the entire cost of about $3,000. Wesleyan Methodist, (brick) erected in 1863, costing about $2500. Distance from Peterborough 25 miles ; Colborne 24 miles; Norwood 7 miles. To all of which places it is connected by stage. Daily mail, &c. Population between 900 and 1,000.

Aber, J., watchman in factory. Albion Hotel, J. C. Han-ison. Alfred, William, plasterer. Anderson, David, broker, «Sz;c.

Armstrong, Willam, miller. Atchison, John, sawyer. Aveshaw, Xavier, sawyer. Bailey, J. J. wagonmaker.

Table and Pocket Cutlery, Very Cheap.


J. c. Conner's

Barringer, "Walter, medicine ped- dler.

Barringer, Wm. A., scourer.

Barker, L. D., cabinetmaker.

Beach, Mrs.

Berrigan, Patrick N., grocer, &c.

Blacklock, John, mill-owner.

Bleasdell, Charles, physician, &c.

Bleasdell, Herbert, barrister, &c.

Boyd, William, laborer.

Brennan, Dennis, Royal Hotel.

Brennan, P. H., North American Hotel.

Brennan, Patrick, laborer.

Brennan, Patrick, plasterer.

Brick, Mrs.

Brough, Alex., carpenter.

Brown, James C, teacher.

Brownlie & Lauder, foundry.

Bownlie, David (Brownlie & Lauder.)

Bush, Ira, laborer.

Bush, Jesse, laborer.

Bush, Samuel, laborer.

Bush, Solomon, laborer.

Cameron, Peter, laborer.

Clark, Charles, lumberer.

Clark, Henry, laborer.

Clark, J., laborer.

Clark, Thomas, shoemaker.

Clark, Peter, laborer.

Cook, A. H., blacksmith.

Cook, Daniel, overseer in mill.

Cooper, John P., merchant

Connel, Robt., laborer.

Conlon, Martin, shemaker.

Crawford, John S., shoemaker.

Cronk, Mrs.

Crosby, Wm., miller.

Cunningham, Mrs.

Daily, Timothy, tailor.

Delong, Vanburen, laborer.

Donovan, Michael, shoemaker.

Ducet, Betuse, laborer.

Dunning, J., shoemaker.

Dunning James, cooper.

Eagan, Owen, laborer.

Eley, W. H., cabinetmaker, and grocer.

Emellau, Oliver, laborer.

Ennis, Richard, saddler.

Fenton, Mrs.

Fife, James M., grocer.

Flemming, John, clerk.

Flinn, John, laborer.

Ford, Barney, tailor.

Forsha, Peter, lumberer.

FOWLDS, BROTHER, general merchants and millowners.

FOWLDS, HENRY, sen., post- master, &c.

FOWLDS, HENRY, sen., lum.- ber mei chant.

FOWLDS, JAS. S., mill-owner.

FOWLDS, WM., merchant.

Eraser, John, clerk.

French. Wm. W^., physician, &c.

Fuller, Jonathan, painter.

Gartshore, R. S., miller.

Gerow, David J., clerk.

Giles, John W., fuller.

Godfrey, Johli, laborer.

Godfrey, Rev. R., Wesley an.

Goughlan, Timothy, farmer.

Green, George, laborer.

Greetshaw, Mrs.

Grehen, John, brickmaker.

Grehen, Richard, brickmaker.

Griffis, James, cabinetmaker.

Griffiths, James, laborer.

Harrison, J. C, Albion Hotel.

Hawley, Albert, druggist.

Hawley, J., carpenter.

Hazzard, W. M., shipcarpenter.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Hill, Urton, liimberer.

Hill, William, carpenter.

Hilton, John E., farmer.

Howard, John A., waggonmaker, &c.

Huff, J., cooper.

Humphrey, Joseph, gentleman.

Hurley, Timothy, merchant.

Muston, Robert, shoemaker.

Insley, C. W., blacksmith.

Insley, John, blacksmith.

Jackson, George T., shoemaker.

Jackson, Philip, laborer.

Jackson, R., painter.

Johnson, Henry, gentleman.

Johnson, Richard, gentleman.

Johnson, Wm. farmer.

Keeler, J. W. Mississippi Hotel.

Keatinof, Richard, saddler,

Keating, Thos., saddler.

Kemp, H. A., tinsmith.

Kemp, Jacob, farmer,

Kemp, J. A., tinsmith,

Kemp, S. J., saddler.

Kennedy, Philip* merchant.

Kingsley, Paul, laborer.

Kirk, Rev. Father John, Catholic.

Lash way. Bos well, gentleman.

Lauder, Wm., (Brownlee & Lau- der.)

Learmonth, T. & D., merchants,

Learmonth, David, (T. & D. Learmonth.)

Learmonth, Thos., (T. & D. Lear- month.)

Londerville, Samuel, cooper.

Lumware, Mitchell, laborer.

Lynn, Andrew, teamster.

McBain, Peter, shoemaker.

McCarthy, Mrs.

McCarthy, T. J , clerk.

McGuire, John, blacksmith,

McKnight, George, clerk.

McMasters, Wm., carpenter.

Malcolm, Mrs.

Mercer, James, weaver.

Mississippi Hotel, J. W. Keeler.

Morrison, David, assistant post- master.

Morton, H. B., jeweller, &:c.

Murray, Mrs,

Nevins. James, laborer.

North American Hotel, P. . H. Brennan.

O'Dell, John, gentleman.

Orr, Andrew, lumberer.

Orr, William, lumberman.

Osborn, John C, former.

Osborn, Richard, laborer.

Palmer, M. H., lumberer.

Pake, Gilbert, carpenter.

Peters, John, merchant.

Phillips, Peter, photographer.

Quinlan, John, laborer.

Rahal, Thomas, saddler.

Rattan, Mrs.

Relies, James, blacksmith.

Revie, Henry, laborer.

Ried, Daniel, carpenter.

Rishaw, Joseph, carpenter.

Rose, Hugh, blacksmith.

Royal Hotel, Dennis Brennan.

Russua, Benjamin, laborer.

Sedgwick, Hiram, saddler.

Sedgwick, Joseph, butcher.

Sharp, Henry, laborer.

Sharpe. John, merchant.

Shaw, Blakley, sawyer.

Sheehan, John, laborer.

Slate, Mrs.

Slater, John T., merchant.

Smithett, Rev. W. T., Church of England.

Stanton, Wm., shoemaker.

Chopping Axes— Best Makers.



Steel, James, grocer. Steel Robt, blacksmith. Stenson, Daniel, scourer. Striker, Wm. A., laborer. Stuart, Benjamin, sawyer. Stuart, E-ichard, laborer. Sullivan, Miss Eljen, milliner,

&c. Taylor, Andrew, moulder. Thompson, George, weaver. Thompson, John, lumberer, Thompson, Mrs. Tierney, Daniel, laborer, Tierney, John, laborer. Tierney, Michael, laborer. Tierney, Patrick, laborer. Tobin, Wm., laborer. Toms, Isaac, tanner. Tracey, John, cooper.

Tracey, Patrick, cooper. Upton, Wm., farmer. Victory, John, laborer. Waller, Thomas, mason. Wannamaker, Kueben, lumberer, Wannamaker, Stewart, captain. Wells, H. M., overseer in mill. White, Mrs.

Whitehead, W. J., millowner. Williamson, Thos., sen., weaver. Williamson, Thos., jun., weaver. Wilson, Alexander, tailor. Wilson, John, filer. Wilson, John, B.,M.D., physician,

&c. Wright, James, laborer. Xavere, Jean, laborer. Young, Henry, carpenter, Zarrand. James, laborer.


A village in the township of Burleigh, 25 miles from Peterborough. Population about 40.

Cameron, Levi, carpenter. Rhodes, John, farmer.

Morgan, John, hotelkeeper. STONE, MILES, postmaster, &c.

Phesant, Chas, A., merchant. Wilson, Peter, farmer.


A village in the township of Belmont, 28 miles from Peterborough. Population about 60.

Johnson, Henry, merchant. Pearce, J. L., blacksmith.

Kane, Chas. laborer. PEARCE, PETER, millowner,

Martin, Peter, farmer. &; P. M. Norton, Henry, farmer.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for




A village in the township of Otonabee, on the Indian reserve, 11 miles from Peterborough. Population about 125

Anderson, John, farmer. Braithwaite, V/m. gentleman. Cowie, Daniel, farmer. Crawford, Lewis, B., farmer. Hatrick, Richard, gentleman. McCue, Abram, farmer. Nargon, Richard, farmer. PAUDUSH, G. M., Chief Reynolds, John, C, teacher.

Rice, John, farmer. Soper, Robert, farmer. Soper,Rev., Samuel M., minister. Taylor, Cliarles, laborer. ThompsQ]), Walter, farmer. Throop, John, farmer. Whiteside, Peter, trader. AVhiteside, John, trader.


A village in the township of Linden, 62 miics from Peterborough. Population about 20.

Johnson, Robert, farmer. Marshall, Benjamin, farmer.

SMITH, RICHARD, postmaster,

&c. Welsh, Samuel, farmer.


A post village, situated on the Indian River, near Rice Lake, in the township of Otonabee. By means of the above wa,ters this place has connection with Hastings and all other places on Rice Lake by steamer during the summer season, and by stage with Peterborough and Norwood throughout the entire year. It was first settled by Mr. Thomas CaiT, sen, in 1820. The first store was opened by Donald Campbell, of Cobouig, in 1828, and the post office was established in 1832, Mr. Thomas Carr, sen., being the first postmaster. At present two civiL societies hold meetings in the place the loyal Orange lodge No. 484, and the Sons of Temperance division No. 128. The manufacturing interests are

Axe Helves— a Large Stock.



JOHN McLACHLAN, Proprietor.


THE BAR AND TABLE SUPPLIED WITH THE BEST THE MARKET AFFORDS. Attentive Attendants combined with the Comforts of a Home.



n^~^« IIB . in HI //A^M )IK':«Ji IIH MB //M.:ii^ III IIH IIB IIO [I^^^V




C3-IL..u^SS, 3Sr-A.ILS:, FISH, <$cO.

Gentlemen's Clothing cut and made to order in the latest styles. Customers will find the stock complete and all sold at moderate prices.



(New Brick Store, Next Door to Gale's Hotel,)


Groceries, Crockery, Boots and Shoes,

IPatent nVEedicines, &c.

Country Produce Taken in Exchange.




Al§o, Is§uer of Marriag^e Licen§c8.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



represented by a grist mill, a saw mill, a shingle mill, a tannery, and the usual number of mechanics, while the mercantile spirit is shown by several general stores, two hotels, &c. The public build- ings are a school house (frame), erected in 1857, at the cost of Sl,200 ; an agricultural hall (wood), erected in 1869, costing about S500 ; and the following churches : a Roman Catholic (rough-cast) erected in 1856-7, at the cost of nearly $1,000 ; a Canada Presby- terian (rough-caist), erected in 1845, at the cost of nearly $1,200, and a Wesleyan Methodist (frame), built in 1843-44, and since then improved, entire cost nearly $1,000. Distance from Peter- borough, 12 miles. Daily mail. Population between three and four hundred.

AMERICAN HOUSE, John McLachlan. (See card, p. 26)

Andrews, Rev. Francis, Presby- terian.

Anderson, Donald, laborer.

Armstrong, David, shoemaker.

Armstrong, John, shoemaker.

Barbridge, John, laborer.

BartlitF, John, blacksmith.

Bennett, John, shoemaker.

Brenton, Henry, farmer.

Brenton, Richard, laborer.

Brice, Archibald, carpenter.

Buchanan, James, weaver.

Bumham, H. H., mill-owner.

Campbell, McNeil & Co., mer- chants.

CAMPBELL, ALEX., sen., mer- chant tailor and general dealer. (See card, p. 26.)

CAMPBELL, ALEX., jun., man- ager.

Campbell, John, weaver.

Campbell, Thos. (Campbell, Mc- Neil & Co.)

CAMPBELL, WM., clerk.

CaiT, ^Irs. Isabella.

Can-, Thomas, farmer.

Chisholm, Alex,, saddler,

Chisholm, Donald, laborer.

Christie, Wm„ farmer.

Cornelie, Martin, laborer.

Dawess, James, laborer.

DEAN, M. M. P., M. D., physi- cian, &c.

Dickson, James, carpenter.

Dion, Leon, captain.

Eddington, Wm., engineer^

English, Robert, clerk.

Esson, Evans, carpenter.

EVANS, GEORGE, P. M. and dealer in dry goods, &c, (See card p. 26.^

Foley, Michael, laborer.

Forsythe, Andrew, carpenter.

Forsythe, William, carpenter.

Fulton, Archibald, laborer.

GALL, JOHN, Victoria House.

Gallin, James, farmer.

Gurley, James, laborer.

Helson, George, tanner.

Helson, Wm., tanner.

Humber, Charles A., millwright.

Humphrie, Mrs. Ann.

Judge, James, laborer.

Kines, Rev. James, Wesleyan.

Kirby, H. L., tailor.

Lacey, Thomas, gentleman.

Laing, Alex., blacksmith.

Good Saddles and Bridles.



Laing, Thos., blacksmith. Lang, George, carpenter. Londerville, John, cooper. Londerville, Peter, sr., cooper. Londerville, Peter, jr., cooper. Lumsden, Andrcv/, carpenter. McCann, James, shoemaker. McCrea, Amos, M. D., physician,

&;c. McFariane, AVm., farmer. McGregor, Mrs., Alex.

Mclntyre, Donald, carpenter.

McLACHLAN, JOHN, Ameri- can House.

McNeil, James, (Campbell, Mc- Neil & Co.)

Meadowcrofb, Wm. S., tailor.

Millie, Edward, laborer.

Moorehead, Daniel, laborer.

Moscrip, Mrs. John.

Neish, John, shoemaker.

Keenej, Ontario,

mn amt - - - raoFmEToa.




Rooms for Commercial Travellers

And the Travelling Public in General.


(Daily Each Way,)

JOHN McLACHLAN, - - Propretor.

Leaving Kcene, every lawful morning at half -past Nine o'clock A, M., return- ing, leaving Peterborough at half -past Two o'clock, P. M., carrying the Royal Mail. Passengers and Parcels carried at the lowest rates.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Nelson, George E., carpenter. Peirce, George, currier. Peirce, Richard, currier. Plunkett, Thos., laborer. HEAD, GEORGE, M.P.P., &c. Renooick, Walter, bailiff. Renwick, "Walter, teacher. Roach, James, laborer, ROYAL MAIL STAGE, John McLachlan. (See card, p. 28.^ Sharp, Andrew, farmer.

Short, Thomas, mill supt. Sinclair, James, saddler. Sinclair, John, clerk. Stacey, John R., miller. Stephens, L. A., clerk. Stephenson, James, carpenter. VICTORIA HOUSE, John Galh

(See card, p. 28.^ Wedlock, Mrs. Jane. West, Robert, millwright.



A village situated on the Otonabee River, partly in each of the townships of North Douro and Smith, 9 miles from Peterborough. This is a smart flourishing village, and being the terminus of the Peterborough branch of the P. H. L. & B. R. R., it will in time become a place of considerable importance. Population about 400.

Baptie, Peter. Barlee, Frederick. Beatty, Edward. BeU, A., M.D. Blakely, William. Blakely, William. Bolton, George. Bolton, Thomas. Burgess, C. J. Carter, William. Casement, Robert. Qementi, Rev. V. Coates, Mrs. Cotton, William. Coxe, John. Coxe, WiUiam. Coxe, William. Dunk, Solomon.

Edmison, John. Elder, William. Goheen, Henry. Gordon, Thomas. Graham, Robeit. Griffin, Jonathan. Hamilton, William. Henderson, Thomas. Jadis, E. W. Keat, E. O. Knox, Andrew. Knox, John. Leonard, John. Leonard, William. McCrea, John. McKibbon, Mrs. McLennon, William. Mann, A., M.D.

Riding and Driving Whips Cheap.



Michall, Thomas. Nicholls, George. Pratt, William. Richardson, John, Eussell, George. Sainsbury, Francis. Saulter, James. Sawers, John. Sherin, John. Sherin, Samuel. Shields, George.

Shortley & Harper Smith, David. Smith, Richard. Stone, L. F. Strickland & Brother. Strickland, J. P. Strickland, Walter. Urquhart, Kenneth. Wells, William. Wilson, Edward.


A village in the township of Snowden, 53 miles from Peter- borough. Population about 175.

Andrews, G. & H , merchants. Bell, Andrew, shoemaker, &c. Dumble, Wm., merchant. Eastman, Lewis, hotelkeeper. Langton, James, merchant. Leary, Thos., hotelkpeper. Mason, Francis, merchant. Maxwell. Thos., blacksmith. Norcut, Benjamin, wagonmaker.

Pearce, W. H., tanner, miller, fcc. PECK, S. S., to^vnship clerk,

P. M., &c. Soyer, Benjamin, hotelkeeper. Snodgrass, T., laborer. Walker, Thos., gentleman. Watson, Charles, farmer. Western, Henry, blacksmith.


A post village situated in the township of Asphodel, was first settled by Joseph A. Keeler, Esq., in 1827-8. The first store was opened by Mr. James Foley in 1839-40. The post office was established in 1844, Mr. James Foley being the first postmaster. At the pre- sent time, the village is one of the most prosperous in the county. The Orange body have a lodge (No. 34) holding regular meetings in a hall (frame), built by them several years since, while the Brit- ish Templars (No. 57) also meet in the same place ; and the Ma- sonic brotherhood are about establishing a lodge. The military

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



spirit of the place is represented by a volunteer company, No. 6, 57th battalion, captain T. M. Grover. The public buildings are the Town Hall and Grammar School building, both in one, erected in 1854-5, of brick, anc since then improved, at the entire cost of S3,500 ; a company drill shed (wood), built in 1867, at the cost of about $600, and the following churches : the Church of England (brick), erected in 1854, costing about $3,000 ; the Roman Catho- lic (stone), now in the course of erection, and will cost, when com- pleted, about $12,000 ; the Canada Presbyterian (rough-cast), erected in 1845-6, at the cost of nearly $2,500 ; the Wesleyan Methodist (rough-cast), erected in 1854-5, at about the cost of $2,500 ; and the Congregational (rough-cast), erected in 1842-3, costing some $500.

The manufactories are a grist miU, a woollen mill, a hub and spoke factory, two tanneries, a foundry, and a large number of mechanical representatives. The mercantile business is represent- ed by a number of general stores, hotels, &c. The Montreal Tele- graph Company have an office lately opened in the post office building, connected with Marmora, 22 miles ; Colborne, 30 miles ; Keene, 18 miles ; Hastings, 7 miles ; and Peterborough, 20 miles, by daily stages. Daily mail, &;c. Population between seven and eight hundred.

Ackerman, S., stage proprietor. Armstrong, George, shoemaker. Armstrong, Thomas, shoemaker. Bell, John A, bookkeeper. Bradv, John, sawyer. British Hotel, Robert Hill. . Brooks, Archibald, lumberer. BRUCK, JAMES A., dealer in

dry goods, &c. Buck, John, foreman. Buchanan, Mrs. Margaret. Butterfield, John A., postmaster. CaUahan, Mrs. Julia. Calder, Alex., tanner. Calder, James, clerk. Calder, John, tanner. Carson, John, photographer. Chamberlin, James, laborer. Chandler, John, laborer.

Clark, Joannah.

COPE, PETER P., agricultural foundry.

Crowther, Joseph, cooper.

Cunningham, Wm., laborer.

Dennely, T. J., P.L.S., civil en- gineer, &;c.

Dewart, Thos., carpenter.

Dingman, Wm., sawyer.

Doughty, Henry, tinsmith.

Doughty, James, laborer.

Doughty, John shoemaker

Driscoll, Mrs. John.

Drury, Mrs. Elizabeth.

Drury, Mrs. Maria.

Dwyer, Daniel, blacksmith.

Eaton, Wm., tailor.

Elliott, A. H, merchant.

Elliott, Hamilton, farmer.

Double and Single Plated Harness.



Elliott, Thomas, teamster.

Emery, Charles, fa^rmer.

Emery, Levi, laborer.

Emery, Walter, farmer.

Einley, John, hub tactory.

Foster, David, laborer.

Eraser, Thomas, tinsmith.

Fry, Farley, laborer.

Galbraith, John, carpenter.

Garnow, John, laborer.

Garnow, Mitchell, laborer.

Greenbank, J., farmer.


Grover, T. M., barrister, &c.

Harper, Alex., carpenter.

Harper, James, carpenter.

Harper, John, sr., carpenter.

Harper, John, jr., carpenter.

Hartley, Mrs. Elizabeth.

Hennessy, James, clerk.

Hennessy, Mrs.

Hendren, George, blacksmith, &c.

Hetherington, Robt., blacksmith.

Hill, Robert, British Hotel.

Howson, Thos., wagonmaker.


JOHNSON, GEORGE A., In- ternational Hotel.

JOHNSON, J. A., International Hotel.

JOHNSON, WM. R, student.

Kempt, Alex., wood-worker.

Kirk, George, carpenter.

Kirkpatrick, Henry, weaver.

Lockwood, David, laborer.

Lynn, David, farmer.

Lynn, Robert, firmer.

McBrien, Jeremiah, gentleman.

McGill, R. H. Mansion House.

McLachlan, James, cooper.

]\IcMillan, Andrew, clerk.

McMillan, James, laborer. .

McMillan, John, blacksmith.

McMullan, David, brickmaker.

Mansion House, R. H. McGill.

Marquis, Angus, mason.

Meikle, James S., clerk.

Meikleherrin, Archibald, currier.

Metcalf, James, blacksmith. ! Minaker, W. H., waggonmaker, &c.

Moore, Charles, M.D., physician, &c. .

Moore, F. J., cabinetmaker.

Moore, O. W., cabinetmaker.

Moffat, BristoAV, shoemaker.

Morrison, James, shoemaker.

Mories, Benjamin B., assistant postmaster.

Mullins, Mich., Norwood House.

Mullins, Wm., clerk.

Nicoll, Mathew, (R. & M. NicoU.)

NicoU, Mrs.

Nicoll, R. & M., wagonmakers.

Nicoll, Richard, (R. & M. Nicoll)

Nicoll, Wm., blacksmith.

Norwood House, Mich. Mullins.

Orr, Samuel, miller.

Patterson, Alexander, farmer.

Patterson, George, farmer.

Patterson, John S., pumpmaker.

Pattyson, Rev. W. M., Wesleyan.

PEARCE, J. B., bailiff and gene- ral merchant.

Pearson, Charles, stage prop.

Pearson, Mrs. Chas., milliner, &c.

Perchard, Francis, miller.

Peters, Chailes, tinsmith.

Phillips, Richard, potasher.

Preston, John, clerk.

Paddon, Jas., baker and butcher.

Reynolds, Hiram, farmer.

Reynolds, Peter W., merchant.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Young, Rev. W. C, Presbyterian.

Reynolds, R. W., clerk.

Richardson, John, gardener.

RICHARDSON ROBERT, sr., prop. Stage Line.

Richardson, R., jr., stage-driver.

Richardson, Wm., carpenter.

Roach, Michael, laborer.

Rose, Samuel, blacksmith.

ROXBURGH, WM. E., general merchant and issuer of mar- riage licenses.

ROYAL MAIL STAGE LINE TO KEENE, Robert. Richard- son, sr., prop. {See, cdvd, p. SS.)



Sampson, E., o^entleman. SANBORN, G. M., woollen mill. Scott, Miss Annie, milliner, &;c. Scott, Mi's. Hannah. Scott, Miss M, milliner, &;c.

Scott, Matthew, tanner. Scott, Robert, shoemaker. Scriver, Jas. H., teacher. Sea Wright, Thos., carpenter. Sedgwick, Wm., blacksmith.

Small, Mrs Elizabeth. v |^ .

Smith, G., tailor. r J^ysr^^.,Jj^

Smith, M^s. Margaret. Smith, Thomas, merchant Spence, Smauel, clejk. Stark, John D', M.D., physician. Stephenson, Charles, laborer. Stephenson, W. H., merchant. Stevenson, John A, M.D., phy- sician, fee. Udey, Wm., shoemaker. Vosburgh, Jolni, teamster. Waters, Thos., gentleman. Williams, John, li-Iacksmith. Wilson, Robert, sadler. Wood, J., blacksmith. Wood, Jacob, blacksmith. Wood, John, carpenter. Wyldman, Joseph, carpenter.


Leaving Norwood ev^ery Monday, Wednesday and Friday Mornings at 6 A. 2vi., connecting at Keene with the morning stage for Peterl:>oroiigh. Leaving Keeue same evenings on the arrival of the stage from Peterborough, d'arrying the Royal Mail. Passengers and Parcels carried at reasonable rates.



Lea%dug Norwood Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, at 7 A. M. Leaving Peterborough same days at 2.30 P. M., calling each way at Lidian River and South Dummer Post Offices. Through without change of stage and carrying the Royal Mail, Every attention given to parcels, luggage, &c.

Offices : Peterborough, Commercial House ; Norwood, Johnson's Hotel.

Fishing Tackle of all kinds.

Si J. c. Conner's


An incorporated town situated on the Otonabee river in the town- ship of North Monaghan, was surveyed in 1825, by Richard Bird- sail, Esq., Surveyor, under the direction of the Hon. Zaccheua Burnham. A reserve was made for a site for the future town in 1818, at the time of the survey of the township, but as stated above, -the town was not laid out by actual survey until earl}' in the year 1825.

In May, 1819, a party of gentlemen from the front came up the Otonabee in a skiff for the purpose of selecting a mill site and otherwise prospecting in the new townships. These were Charles Fothergill, Thomas Ward, John Farrelly, Adam Scott, Barnabas Bletcher and John Edmison. After accomplishing their object by discovering that by a trilling outlay a mill site could be had on what is now known as the corner of King and Water streets, the party returned dowm the river well satisfied* with their expedition. The little piece of engineering thus projected was successfully car- ried out by Mr. Adam Scott, who, in two years thereafter, (1821,) had a saw and grist mill in operation under one roof, and therefore he became the first actual settler of what was then known as Scotch Plains, but now is the flourishing town of Peterborough.

In 1827, in honour of the Hon. Peter Robinson, to whose suc- cessful labors in promoting immigration, the county felt itself so much indebted, the name was changed from Scotch Plains to its present designation. (I may mention here, that for much of this introduction the compiler of this Directory is indebted to a work known as "A Sketch of the early Settlement, kc, of the Town of Peterborough," by Thomas W.~Poole, M. J)., as this work contains a great many interesting reminiscences of the early settlement of the town and county, it should be in every family.

The first store was opened by a Mr. Stewart in 1825, but owing to the loose manner he had of conducting business, was shortly succeeded by George G. Bethune, Esq., of Cobourg, who opened one under the management of Mr. Green McDonnell.

The Post Office was established in about 1823-4, Mr. Tupper, a tanner, being the first Postmaster, but shortly afterwards was suc- ceded by G. G. Bethune, Esq.

From this small beginning, this town has continued to keep on growing and progressing until at the present it is considered either as regards the wealth and energy of its merchants and manufac-

Go to Walton's, Peterboro* and Bobcaygeoii, for


turers, industry of its inhabitants, prosperity of its citizens in general, or the cost and beauty of. its public buildings and many private palatial residences the most prosperous inland town of its size in the Dominion, and long may it continue so, is the hope of a well wisher of this beautiful place.

The town lies on mostly level ground, but in some parts there are a few rising places which form splendid sites for private or public buildings. By the means of the water power furnished l^y the Otonabee which divides it from the village of Ashburnham, it must become as the county clears up, a large manufacturing- emporium. At the present time the banks on both sides of the river are pretty will lined with mills, factories and machine shops,^ but still there is room for more, and no man with capital looking for a favourable location to start any kind of manufactory can find a better place than this town. Theie are also located on the creek running a little west of the centre of the town several large and prosperous combined founderies and machine shops, mills, tan- neries, &c. The streets are wide and spacious, and on several ot them are buildings that would be a credit to any city in Canada. By the energy of a few of the townspeople combined with Mr. Charles Perry, of Ottawa, the town is shortly to be lighted with gas, and all it now needs is water works, and with its fine advantages for such, they undoubtedly will be built before long.

There are two newsjmpers, the Revleu' and Examiner, pub- lished in the town, the former under Bobert Bomaine, Esq., pro- prietor, and the latter imder proprietor and editorship of James Str^tton, Esq. Both of these journals are far above the average merit of country newspapers, and both derive the large patronage bestowed upon them by a wealthy and appreciative community.

On the 1st of January, 1850, the town was incorporated, and during the following year the Town Hall, (brick), Music Hall and Market House was built at the cost of some $6000 dollars. The above building in a few years was found incom])lete in office accommodation for the Mayor, Town Clerk and other officers of the municipality, so the town erected an engine-house (brick) three stories high on Simcoe, near Water street, with the requisite offices in the second and third stories. At the cost of nearly S4000.

Being the county to^vn it contains the usual buildings, Court House, Gaol, &c., (stone). The buildings are built on fine rising' gTound near the river, and by their commanding })osition a fine view of the whole town may be had from them. They are built in

Single Breech Loading Pistols.


a park containing several acres of ground, which is laid out in walks and avenues as a place of resort for the citizens during the waiTQ summer evenings. They were commenced in 1838, but were not completed until 1841, at the cost of nearly S30,000, since then (1864-5) a new gaol (stone) has been built at the cost of nearly $16,000, so that the present county buildings, including the Registry office, and other improvements have cost the county nearly, if not quite $70,000.

Being the head quarters of the 57th Batallion, the drill shed (wood), was erected here in 1867, at the cost of 82,500.

The school houses are a united Grammar and Common (yellow brick), erected 1859 at the cost of about $16,000. Also a Separate School House (red brick), erected several years since, and the Roman Catholics have lately opened a nunnery for the "educa- tion of young ladies, besides these there are several primary and private ones, so the education of the youth of neithersex is neglected.

The Churches are the Church of England (St. John's, of stone), erected in 1834-5, and with improvements since made costing a little over $12,000. The Roman Catholic, (St. Peter's, of stone), erected in 1837-8 at nearly the same cost. The Church of Scotland, (St. Andrew's, of stone), erected in 1836. The Canada Presbyterian, (brick), erected in 1859 at the cost of $20,000. The Wesleyan Methodist, (rough-cast), erected in 1844, enlarged in 1854. The regular Baptist, (rough cast), erected in 1845 at the cost of $14,00, and the Bible Christian (brick), erected in 1853. I may here add that I usually give the cost of all the churches in the place, but as I could not procure all the figures for this place, I was obliged to omit doing so much against my inclination.

The town has two Volunteer Infantry Companies, (57th Batallion) which have shown in times gone past, that in the hour of national peril they may be relied upon to go forth and fight until death (if necessary) for Queen and Country. Too much encouragement cannot be given to those brave men, who at a moment's notice are willing to leave all a man holds most dear, home and friends, and go forth and peril even life itself that the honor and credit of their native or adopted country may not sufier an unnecessary stain or dishonor. In this connection I may mention tliat the town boasts an excellent Brass Band, also con- nected with the Battalion, under the able leadership of Professor Rockett. During the summer this band weekly favors the towns- people with a grand promenade concert in the Court House Park. This usually takes place un Thursday evenings. The Montreal,

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Toronto and Ontario Banks each have a branch located here, all said to be doing a large business. The Masonic, Orange and Tem- perance bodies each have lodges in the place. There is also a Fire Engine Company efficiently organized and in operation.

The mercantile business of the place is large and continually gi-owing as the surrounding country is developed. The accommo- dation for the travelling public is well looked after by several as fine hotels as there are to be found in Canada. Daily mails. Money Order and Savings Bank Departments. Express and Telegi-aphic offices, &c., connected with all places in Canada, and the United States by P. H. L & B. K R., to Port Hope, (distance 30 miles), thence by ~R. M. Steamers or G. T. R., from Montreal 300 miles; Toronto 73; Lindsay 30 by the steamer Ogema/i through Cheniong, Pigeon, and Sturgeon Leakey. This is one of the finest inland trips in America.

Population between 5000 & 6000,

Adams, Mrs. N. Simcoe.

Adams, Robert, laborer S. McDonald.

AGRICULTURAL FOUN- DRY, James Hamilton, prop. George.

Allen, Arthur, clerk, George.

Allen, George, gunsmith, S. Hunter.

Alexander, C. A., grocer, George.

Alexander, James, carpenter, S. London.

Alfred, John, carpenter, S. Town- send,

Ames, J. H., boot & shoe maker, George and Union, (See card p. 40.y

Anderson, Henry, clerk, Ash- burnham.

Anthony, J. C, shoemaker, George.

Appleton, Samuel, carpenter, Hunter.

Appleyard, Joshua, weaver, N. Dublin.

Archer, Francis E., gent., S.

Simcoe. Arhanbou, H., barber, Hunter. Armstrong, C, clerk, George. Armstrong, George, blacksmith,

George. Armstrong, John, saddler, Ash-

burnham. Armstrong, M. A., shoemaker.

Hunter. Armstrong, Mrs., S. King. Armstrong, William, farmer, N.

Charlotte. Armstrong, Wm., lumberman, N.

Sherbrook. Armstrong, Wm., laborer, N.

Antrim. Armstrong, Wm. J., shoemaker,

N. Murray. Arnbery, Julius, tinsmith,

George. Anbury, C, shoemaker, George. Amott, Wm., chief constable, N.

Simcoe. Arnott, Wm., confectioner, Water,

Double and Single Barrel Guns.



Babb, John, S. Muiray.

BAGULEY, J. J., accountant, Water.

Baker, George, blacksmith, N. Murray.

Bakewell, E., tailor, Stuart.

Bake well, Ed., printer, Stuart.

Balanger, P., confectioner, N. Charlotte.

Baldwin, Charles, engineer, N. London.

BALMER, STEPHEN, Editor Peterborough Review, Brock.

Baptie, Mrs., S. Murray.

Baptist, John, engineer.

Barbino, Mrs., S. Hunter.

Barchard, Jas. A., architect, builder, &c., cor Rubridge and Sherbrook. (See card, p. 4().J

Barlee, George, deputy registrar, Rubidge.

Bfirnhart, N., luniberinan, S. Simcoe.

Baron, Miss Julia, S. McDonald.

Barrie, Jolni, machinist, S. Sim- coe.

Barrie, W. J., photographer, Hunter.

Barretf, Alfred, grocer, George.

Bastard, Jas., miller, N. Hunter.

Bate, Willian), millwright, S. Edinburgh.

Bavis, John, teamster, N. London.

Beach, Wm., shoemaker, George.

Beal, Walter, feed store, Simcoe and Charlotte.

Beatty, Jas., shoemaker, Water.

Beatty, Mrs., N. Murray.

Beatty, Thos., grocer, George.

Becket, J., blacksmith, Aylmer.

Begule}^ J. J., clerk, S. Sher- brook.

Bell, George, clerk, S. Sherwood. Bell, John, weaver, N. Brock. 'Bell. Wm., drutxi^ist, &c., Georo^e. Belleghene, Mrs., N. Edin-

brugh. Bentou, G., laborer, N. Murray. Bertram, John, hard ware, George. Best, James, merchant, George

and Water. Best, Thos., N. Townsend. Bettison, Miss, N. Simcoe. Bevis, Thomas, S. Simcoe. Billington, H., teamster, N. Mc- -

Donald. ^

Bird, John, carpenter, S. London. Bird, Mrs., Edinburgh. Bissett, Miss, S. Brock. Black Horse Hotel, P. A. Hunter,

Aylmer. Bletcher, H., grain merchant, N.

Dalhousie. BLOMFIELD, C. J., manager,

C. L. k E. Co., George. Boice, Mather-, saddler, Reid. Bolger, Thos., (Fitzgerald k Bol-

ger) George. Borland, William, machinist, N.

London. Bcrrowman, Andrew, clerk,

Rubidge. BorroAvman. R., carpenter, N.

Murray. Boswell, Mrs., S. London. Boswell, W. W., S. Wolfe. Botton, M., hiborer, S. Charlotte. Bovies, Jas., laborer, N. King. Bovyos, Octavo, laborer, S.

Charlotte. Bowie, Joseph, lumberer, N.

Antrim. Boyce, Matthew, saddler, N.


Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Boyde, Jolm, carpenter, S. Brock.

Boyde, M., S. Edinbrugh.

Boyle, John, carpenter, S. Simcoe.

Bradbum, Thomas, merchant, George.

Bradford, Mrs., S. Brock.

Breen, Patrick, laborer, N. Mc- Donald.

Breeze, David, tinsmith, N. Simcoe.

Bridges, Thomas, shoemaker, Simcoe. . Brisbene, Wm'., shoemaker. S. McDonald.

Britton, .«John, cooper, N. Mc- Donald.

BROOK, DANIEL, Peter- borough Woollen Mills, Court House Hill.

Brow, Joseph, laborer, S. Char- lotte.

Brown, Henry, laborer, S. Mur- ray!

Brown, Jas., S. Brock.

Brown, John, tanner.

Brown, John, cabinetmaker, George and Harvey.

Brown, Mrs., S. Sherbrook.

Brown, Robt., barber, Simcoe.

Brown, Thomas, laborer, N. Mc- Donald.

Brown, Wm., farmer, N. Brock.

Brownlee, David, carpenter, Ash- burnham.

Brownlee, George, S. Hunter.

BUCKETT, FRED. W., (Rush & Buckett,) London.

Buller, Joseph, porter, S. Char- lotte.

Burgoin, Lewis, laborer, N. Mc- Donald.

Burk, Thos., printer, S. Dublin.

Bums, Hemy, laborer, S. Mc- Donald.

Burnham, Elias, barrister, &c,

BURNHAM, FRED. E., barris- ter, (fee, Simcoe and Charlotte, (See card, p. 4*0.)

Burnham, G., M.D., physician, &c.. Brock.

BURNHAM, JOHN, bamster, &c., George & Ashburnham.

Burritt, H. C, M.D. physician, &c., N. Murray.

Butler, Robei't, boardinghouse keeper, N. King.

Byrne, James, N. Hunter.

Cahill, Thomas, sec-man, N. Town send.

Cairns, G., Carpenter, S Dublin.

CAISSE'S HOTEL, Turver & Jewett, George.

Caisse's Head Quarters, Mis.s. Julia Caisse, Brock.

Caisse, Isidore, Caisse's Head Quai^ters, Brock.

Caisse, Leon, Caisse's Head Quarters, Brock.

Caldback, George G., clerk, Caisse's Hotel,

Caliban, John, tailor, Simcoe.

Cameron, Charles, (McKellar &; Cameron,) Stewart.

Cameron, John, grocer, (Sec, Hun- tei" and Stewart.

Campbell, James, grocer, &c., George and Brock.

Campbell, Jas., S. Edinburgh.

Campbell, John, clothier, N. Murray.

CANADIAN LAND and EMI- GRATION COMPANY, C. J. Blomfield, manager, George, (See outs ule front cover.)

Double Guns -Best English maker.






"^arrista; l^itormj, ^0lidt0i; icL^



Carriage and Wagon Maker,


A good supply of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, Sleiglis, and Cutters always on hand, made from the choicest material. Work made to order with neatness and dispatch

Repairing Done at the Shortest Notice. All Work Warranted.

J. H. A^M E S,




SAB. Ae 8^S©SAS®»


Designs, Drawings and Specifications for Churches, School Houses and Private Dwellings prepared and furnished on shortest notice. Also Patent Deeds prepared and patents secured on reasonable terms.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



CaiT, Mrs., S. McDonald.

CaiT, Thos., turner, S. Brock.

Cardnell, M., laborer, S. Towns- end.

Cardnell,T., laborer, S. Charlotte.

CardufF, Mrs., S. Sherbrook.

Carew, Mrs., S. Murray.

Carew, Jos., clerk, George.

Carlile, David, mason, S. Antrim.

Carnegie, John, M.P.P.,N. Brock.

Carter, Morris, saddler, Stewart.

Cassels, R, jun., (Dennistoun, Fairbaimfc Cassels,) Charlotte.

Caskey, Thos., (A. W. Lasher & Co.,) Aylmer.

Cashman, T., N. Sherbrook.

Caughlin, Patrick, blacksmith, Hunter.

Carver, Edmund, P. O. clerk, Water.

Carver, S, J., postmaster, Water.

Cai-veth, John, laborer, N. Hun- ter.

Cavinagh, Tim., Ontario House. Hunter.

Chalmers, Geo., printer, George,

Chambers, John, clerk Hunter.

Chambers, Samuel, clerk. Hun- ter.

Chambers, T. & Son, grocers, &c., cor Hunter and Water.

Chambers, Thos., sen., (T. Cham- bers & Son,) McDonald.

Chambers, Thomas, junr., clerk, Hunter.

Chambers, Wm. (T. Chambers & Son), Hunter.

Chamberlain, E., N. Simcoe.

Champion, T, clerk. Water.

Chapman, William, laborer, N. London.

Charlier. Mrs. N. McDonald.

Chatten, Jas. H., laborer, N". Edinburgh.

Chowen, Eichard, blacksmith, George.

Clarke, Edward, tanner, N. Dalhousie.

Clarke, E. W., cigarmaker, George.

Clarke, John, jeweller, Simcoe.

Cleary, John, Clerk, Brock.

Clegg, Ed. miller, N. Antrim.

Clementi, T. B., P. L. surveyor, George.

Clementi, Vincent, S. Dalhousie,

CLEMENTI, V. M., agent, P.H. L. & B.K.R., Charlotte.

Clemeslia, J. W., M.D., physician, &c., George.

Clifford, John, grocer, George.

Clutworthy, J.,laborer, S Dublin.

Cluxton, Henry, clerk, George.

Cluxton, Richard, clerk. Water.

Cluxton, Wm., merchant, George and Water.

Cook, Charles, shoemaker, S. McDonald.

Cook, John, sawyer, S. Dublin.

Cook, R. P., carpenter, S. Dal- housie.

Cookson, Ed., carriage-maker, N. McDonald.

Coone^^ B., lumberer, S. Simcoe.

Cooney, P., gardener, S. Mc- Donald.

Cooper, John, laborer, S. Mc- Donald.

Cobb, Joseph H., blacksmith, Hunter.

Collins, J. D., deputy registrar, Ashburnham.

Collins, Thos., grocer, George and Simcoe.

Rifle Metallic Cartridge.



Cole, Gregory, shoemaker, S. London.

Commercial, Hotel, H. Morgan, George.

Comstock, Aaron, (G. A. Cox & Comstock,) Water.

CONNAL, PETER, grocer, kc, George and McDonald.

Connelly, E. B., laborer, S. Char- lotte.

Connen, Miss, S. Murray.

Conner, Alexander, shoemaker, Rubidge.

Coimer, Patrick, laborer, S. Wolfe.

Conner, Thos., laborer, N. Dub- lin.

Corby, Francis, laborer, S. Dal- housie.

Corkery, J., laborer, S. Town- send.

Oostello, John, laborer, N. ToAvn- send.

Coulter, C, clerk, Charlotte.

Coulter, Wm., sr., druggist, &;c., George and Charlotte.

Coulter, Wm. j r. , clerk, Charlotte,

Course, W. F., grocer, Hunter.

Oowie, Wm. bookbinder, S. Dub- lin.

Cox, Aaron, caljinetmaker, Lon- don.

Oox &L Comstock, cal)inetmakers, Simcoe.

Cox. George, A., express agent, &c., Simcoe.

Oox, Harvey, painter, 8. Murray.

Cox, John, H., cutter, George.

Croft, William, Union Hotel, Hunter.

Croft, W. H., clerk, Union Hotel.

Groly, Thos. ¥1. D., carpcntei*, S. London.

Cronn, Geo. gentleman, George.

Cronn, John, gentleman, George.

Crossby, Jas. hiborer, N. Dublin.

Crough, Edward, blacksmith, Hunter.

Cruickshanks, E., accountant, N. King.

Culver, Jas., blacksmith, George.

Cummings, James, teamster, N. Charlotte.

Cummins, Wm., clerk, George.

dimming, Wm., S. Simcoe.

Cunnion, Peter, laborer, S.Wolfe.

Daly, Maurice, waggonmaker, Hunter.

Dalv, Michael, mason, N. King.

Daly, T., tailor, N. King.

Dancy, Edward, teamster, S. London.

Darcy, Garret, fanmill maker, S. Dublin.

Darling, John, farmer, N. Edin- burgh.

Davis, Jas. R,., millwright, S. Antrim.

Davis, Thos., gent., N. Simcoe.

Davison, John T., clerk, N. Brock.

Davidson, J. L, accountant, Harvey.

Davidson, Robt., clerk, Simcoe.

Davidson, Robert, farmer, N. King.

Davy, Wm., potter, S. McDonald.

Dawson, Alex., (Munro k Daw- son), Ashburnham.

Day, Henry, gardener, N. Edin- burgh.

De Montigny, Leon, artist, N. Hunter.

D'Olier, Joseph, laborer, S. Sim- coe.

D'Olier, Jos., laborer, N. Murray.

<Jo to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon. for



D'Olier, Eichard, clerk, Asb-

burnham. Defoe, Gilbert, turner, S. Murray. Deignan, Mrs., N. Charlotte. Dellaire, C, printer, Suiith. Delany, John, blacksmith. S.

Murray. Denne, Henry, gi'ain merchant,

George and Ashburnham. Dennis, Henry, pumpmaker,

George. Dennistoun, Fairbain & Cassells,

barristers, fee, Hunter. Dennistoun, James R, <^Dennis-

toun, Fairbairn & Cassells),

Brock. Deny, Thos., saddler, Reid. Dermidy, Thomas, shoemaker,

Hunter. Deshno, Jos, laborer, S. Hunter. Devine, J as., shoemaker. King. Dickson, S., lumber merchant, S.

Antrim. Dixon, Jas. H., N. Edinburgh. Dixon, J. B., principal, S. Antrim. Dixon, J., law-student, George. | Dismdale, A. W., boarding house

keeper, N. Hunter. Dobbin, Adam, carter, N. Simcoe. { Dobbin, Francis, pressman, Ash- |

burnham. !

DOHARTY, JOHN, carriage &

waggonmaker. Hunter. (See

card, p. 40.^ Doharty, Michael, blacksmith.

Hunter. Dolan, James, clerk, Simcoe. Doleman, Thos., pumpmaker, N.

London. Donnell, James, blacksmith, N.

Dublin. Donnelly, J., fanner, N. Antrim.

DONNELLY, THOS., saddles, harness and trunks, George & Reid.

Donel, Jas., printer, Bethune.

Donoven, Mrs., N. Sherbrook.

Doran & Gibbons, merchants, George.

Doran, Patrick, (Doran & Gib- bons), Simcoe.

Doris, Jas., carpenter, S. Simcoe.

Doris, Mrs., N. Dublin.

Douglass, John, blacksmith, Bethune.

Douglass, Robert, weaver, N. London.

Doyle, Wm., cabinetmaker, N. Antrim.

Drake, John, laborer, S. Dal- housie.

Drummond, George, accountant and teller. Water.

Duio-e, Mrs. B., grocer, George.

DUMBLE, D. W., barrister, &c., George.

Dunn, J. B., grocer. Hunter.

Dunn, Justice, waggonmaker, Simcoe.

Dunn, Michael, cooper, S. Smith.

Dunnet, B. W., clerk. Brock.

DUN NET, JAS. W., dry goods, clothing, millinery, &c., Mon- treal House, Geoi-ge St.

Duncan, Robert, laborer, S. Mc- Donald.

Duncan, Wm., blacksmith, N. McDonald.

Dunford, Charles, carpenter, N. Simcoe.

Dunsford, George, attorney, kc, George and Ashburnham.

Dunsford, Morris, law student, Brock.

Powder, Shot, Caps, &c-



Dunlap, John, saloon-keeper,

George. Duval, Peter, laborer, S. Antrim. Dytcher, William, laborer,. S.

Dublin. Eastland, P., S. Simcoe. Eastland, Thomas, gent., S. Hun-

EASTLAND, WM., dry goods and ready-made clothing. George. (See Card, f. 4GJ,

Edgar, Jas., boarding-house keep- er, N. Murray.

Edmison, Alex., laborer, S. Lon- don.

EDMISON, GEORGE, bamster, George and Rubidge.

Edwards, James, Town Clerk, Simcoe.

Elliott, Rcfbert, laborer, S. Sher- brooke.

Elliott, Smith, teamster, S. Sher- brooke.

Elliott, William, carpenter, S. Brock,

Elward, Francis, laborer, S. Townsend;

Emmerson, Wm., apprentice, Ashburnham.

English, John, blacksmith, N. Charlotte.

Erritt, R. W., insurance agent, N. London.

Erly, J. T., cleik, George.

Erskine, George, weaver, S. Mc- Donald.

ERSKINE, JOHN, dry goods.

&c., George. (Bee card, p. 46^.

EVANS, H. T., Peterborough Marble Works. (See card, p. 40.;

Evans, John, moulder, S. Dublin.

Fairbairn, T. M. (Dennistoun, Fairbaim &o Cassels), Char- lotte.

FAIRWEATHER, W. & Co,, dry goods, clothing, &;c., George.

FATJCHER, DOLPHUS, St. Lawrence Hotel, Brock.

Felee, N., laborer, N. King.

Ferguson, B., conductor, S. Dub- lin. /

FERGUSON, JOHN, drj- goods, &c., George.

Ferguson, Mrs., N. Brock.

Ferguson, Mi's. S. Simcoe.

Ferguson, Wm. clerk, McDonald.

Fife, Hugh, clerk, Murrav.

Fife,Wm. S. Murray.

Finnic, Peter, clerk, George.

Finlay, Joseph R., tinsmith, George,

Fisher^ Luke, flour & feed, George.

Fisher, Mrs., N. Hunter.

Fitzgerald & Bolger, P. L. sur- veyors, George.

Fitzgerald, G., carpenter, N. Lon- don.

Fitzgerald, James, (Fitzgerald & Bolger), George.

Fitzgerald, Patrick, shoemaker, N. Brock.

Fitzgerald, Robt., cabinetmaker. Water.

Fitzgerald, Thos., waggonmaker, &c., Brock.

Flavelle, John, S. McDonald.

Flavelle, Wm., clerk, McDonald.

Fletcher, J., shoemaker, Georo^e.

Flynn, James, (Redmond &; Flynn,) Hunter.

Forbes, George, photographer, Simcoe.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Ford, Jas., printer, London.

Ford, Joseph, weaver, N. London.

Forsythe, John, photographer, Simcoe.

Forsythe, R, gardener, N, Edin- burgh.

Forty, T., customs officer, S. Sherbrook.

Foster, E., mason, N. McDonald-.

Fowler, James, clerk, Simcoe.

Fow^ler, Wm., farmer. King.

Fox, Charles J., laborer, S. King.

Eraser, Alex., laborer, N. Mc- Donald,

Eraser, Donald, machinist, N. London.

Eraser, John, laborer, S. London.

Eraser, Mrs., N. Simcoe.

Eraser, Robert, laborer, N. Mc- Donald.

. Fry, John, painter. Queen.

G. W. C. T. of B. A. O. G. Tem- plars, Wm. Eastland, George.

Galley, Wm,, machinist, N. Brock.

Galvin, P., blacksmith. Hunter.

Gamble, John, carpenter, N. Antrim.

Gamble, Samuel, carpenter, S. Antrim.

Garvey & Kent, gi'ocers, «fec., George.

Garvey, John. (Garvey & Kent,) George.

Garvin, James, farmer, S. Mc- Donald.

Graspriel, M., shoemaker, N. Simcoe.

Gibbs, John, painter. Hunter.

Gibbons, John, (Doran & Gib- bons,) George.

Gillespie, Alexander, carpenter, S. Dalhousie.

Giles, Philip, gardener, Simcoe. Gilmour, J. W, gentleman. Glenn, Patrick, laborer, N. Brock. Globe, S., laborer, S. King, Glover, Lewis, gTocer, George

and Ashburnham. Glover, Wm., clerk, Ashburnham. Guesir, N., laborer, S. Charlotte. Guest, Mrs., N. Charlotte. Goodfellow, Bruce, clerk, George. Goodwin, R. A., confectioner,

George. Goldey, T. H., painter, S. Hunter. Goslin, Francis, laborer, N. King. Goyett, Lewis, laborer, S. Char- lotte. Goyett, Peter, boarding-house

keeper, S. Charlotte. Goyett, Peter, laborer, N. King. Graham, Mrs. & Co., dressmakers,

&c., Simcoe. Graham, Mrs. S. London. Graham, Mrs. N. Dalhousie. GREEN & ROCHE, Dry Goods

Millinery and Clothing, George.

(See card 2?. 46.^ Green & Lipsett, grocers, &c.,

George. Green, E., N. Charlotte.

Green, Erasmus, carpenter, N.

Dublin. GREEN, JOHN, (Scott & Green,)

Simcoe. GREEN, R. H., (Green & Roche,)

George. Green, Thomas, grocer, George. Green, William, butcher, S. Mc- Donald. Green, W. J., (Green & Lipset),

Water. Green, Wm. J., clerk, Stewart. Grey, F. H., printer, Water.

Pocket Flasks, &c.



Dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods,


Millinery and Mantle Rooms in connection with the estjiblishment under the man- agement of first class milliners. Clothing made to order.



Dry Goods, Berlin Wool, &c.,



LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. OYSTERS, LOBSTERS, SARDINES, with every description of GAME in Season.

The Bar is always supplied with the choicest brands of Liquors and Cigars.

BOARD, $1.00 P£R BAY.




B. H XJ D S O N ,






Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Grift'en, Joseph, shoemaker,

George. Griffith, James, carpenter, N.

London, Griffith, Samuel, carpenter, S.

Antrim. Grubb, R. W., teller Toronto

Bank, Stewart. Guerin, I., hairdresser, George. Haffiiy, John, tailor, S. Brock. Haffe}^ Patrick, tailor, Simcoe. HAGGART, JOHN, clerk.

Shaver's Hotel, Hunter. Hagerty, Patrick, S. London. Hague, Mrs. N. Simcoe. Hall, Adam, clerk. Water. Hall, Albert, confectioner, &c.

George. HalV K H. D., law student,

Hunter. Hall, F. W., (Kincaid & Co.,)

Hunter. Hall, James, sheriff. Hunter. Hall, James, A., deputy sheriff,

George. Hall, J. J., clerk D. Court. George. Hall, Maxwell, clerk, Simcoe. Hall, Mrs. M., grocer, Aylmer. Hall, Mrs. N. Simcoe. Hall, Richai^d, Clerk Simcoe. Hall, Robert, clerk, Simcoe. HALL, WM., (Nicholls & Hall),

Hunter. Hall, W. H., lumber merchant,

N. Hunter. Hammon, Patrick, N. Edinburgh. Hamilton, Francis, shoemaker,

Dublin. HAMILTON, JAS. agricultural

foundry. Water. HAMILTON, PETER, agricul- tural foundry, Water.

Hamilton, Robt., hardware, kc, George and Brock.

HAMILTON, WM., Peter- borough Foundry, S. Murray.

Hannegan, William, carpenter, S. London.

Handreand, Patrick, S. Hunter.

Harbison, Alex., clerk. S. London.

Hartly, Henry, teamster, N. Murray.

Hartly, John A., Insurance

Agent, George.

Hartly, Mrs., N. Antrim.

Harvey, Alex., M. D., physician, &c., S. London.

Hastings, Mrs., N. Hunter.

Hay, Mrs., S. Brock.

Hazlett, T. G, N. Antrim.

Hazlehurst, George, clerk, Ru- bidge.

Hazleliurst, Mrs., N. Simcoe.

Healy, Richard, laborer, N. Lon- don.

Heather, F. W., butcher, S. Char- lotte.

Heathfield, Thos., N. McDonald.

Heffner, Mrs., N. Dublin.

HELM'S FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP, William Helm, Simcoe. {See card, j). 46.)

HELM, RALPH, machinist, George.

HELM, WM., foundry and ma- chine shop, Simcoe and George.

Henderson, Chas., clerk, George.

Hendei-son, Robt., clerk, George.

Henry, James, cigar-maker, George.

Henry, James, S. Charlotte.

Hemy, John, mason, N. Mc- Donald.

Henry, Thomas, tailor, Simcoe.


Powder Flasks and Shot Baggs-







IDEE mill fflTEHSEEl





Vulcanite Emery Glimmers for Circular Saws, <k., &c.









Importers of every description of Drugs and Cliemicals together wdth Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Essences, Dye-Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Putty, (xlass, &c., &c., &c. A large stock of Coal Oil, Coal Oil Lamps, Wicks, Glasses, &c,, kept con- stantly on hand, for sale cheap.

The Celebrated Carratraca Water, Wholesale and Retail.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Hen thorn, David, livery, Hunter. Henthorn, J. T., J. P., &c., Hunter. Hentliorn, Wm., saloon, Hunter. Heuback, Fred., cabinetmaker,^

George and Water. Hewett, John, N. Murray. Hill, Edmond, C, carriage-maker,

N. Brock. Hillier, John, carpenter, K Edin-

boro. Hoban, Mrs., S. Simcoe. Hoban, Wm., printer. Church. HODGEN, W. H., Victoria

carriage factory, cor Brock

and George. Hodgins, Wm., carriagemaker,

N. Brock. Hodgson, JavS shoemaker, N.

Hunter, Hodgson. Mrs., Ann, grocer,

George. Hogan, Henry, sausagemaker,

N. Simcoe. Holland, W. H., accountant, O.

Bank, Water. Holland, W. J., clerk, Simcoe. * Hold way, Ed., clerk, S. Hunter. Holmstead, W. H, accountant.

T. Bank, cor Simcoe and

Water. Hope, Jas., carpenter, N, Dublin. Howden, James, butcher. Howson, John, carpenter, S.

Smith. Hoy land, John, agent, N.

Simcoe. HUDSON, B., cabinetmaker,

&c., Brock. (See card, p 4ii5.) Huffman, Timothy L., mason, N.

King. Hughes, J. L.. carpenter, N.


Hunter, E., laborer, N. King.

Hunter, P. A., Black Horse Hotel, Aylmer.

Hurley, Mrs., S. King.

Huston, J. G., livery, Water.

Hutchinson, Geo., clerk, George.

Hutchison, Thos., N. London.

Huyck, K. M., waggonmaker. Brock.

Innes, Robt., clerk, Simcoe.

INDIA & CHINA TEA COM- PANY, Wm. Eastland, agent, George.

Irwin, John, shoemaker, George.

Irwin, Mrs., S. Brock.

Iwrin, Robt., engineer, N. Dal- housie.

Iwrin, Washington, tinsmith, George.

Isbister, Jacob, blacksmith. Brock.

Isbister, Wm., blacksmith. Brock.

Jackson, Andrew, N. Sherbrook.

Jackson, Wm., founder, N. An- trim.

James, J. & Son, cabinetmakers, George.

James, John, (J. James & Son), Brock.

James, Wm., (J. James & Son), Brock.

Jameson, F. J., printer. Water.

Jameson, Samuel, shoemaker, N. Brock.

Jardine, Jas., ledger-keeper, To- ronto Bank, Stewart.

Jay, Samuel, grocer, George.

Jeffries, J., grocer, N. Charlotte.

Jenkins, John, clerk, George.

Job, Wm., peddler, N. Cliarlotte.

Johnson, James, laborer, S. Dal- housie.

Silver, Brass and Copper Trolling Hooks.



Johnson, John, mason, S. Dublin.

Johnson, Mrs., Murray.

Johnson, Samuel, shoemaker, N. Charlotte.

Johnson, Samuel, carpenter, S. Simcoe.

Johnston, Alfred J., clerk, Water.

Johnston, Geo., (W. & G. John- ston), Water.

Johnston, G. H.. clerk, George.

Johnston, E., & Son, merchants, George.

Johnston, Robert, (R. Johnston & Son), Brock.

Johnston, Sidney, clerk, Water,

Johnston, W. & G., tailors. Water.

Johnston, Wm., (R. Johnston & Son,) Brock.

Johnston, Wm., (W. & G. John- ston,) Water.

Jones, G., clerk. Water.

Jordan, Jas., laborer, S. Hunter.

Jordan, M. P., lumberer, N. Lon- don.

Jordan, M., lumberman, S. Sim- coe.

Kane, Andrew, trader, N. Lon- don.

Kane, Michael, laborer, S. Smith.

Kane, Wm., clerk, London.

Keeman, John, carpenter, N. Antrim.

Keane, Mrs. M., milliner, Water.

Kells, Wm. H., currier, N. Brock.

Kelly, John, blacksmith, N. Sherbrook.

Kelly, John, laborer, N. Sher- brook.

Kelly, John H., barber, Ashbum- ham. '

Kelly, Mrs., N. McDonald.

Kelly, R, laborer, N. Simcoe.

Kelso, R., laborer, N. Edinboro'.

Kempt, A. W., druggist, &c., George and Brock.

Kennell, John, laborer, S. Town- send.

Kennedy, John, N. Hunter.

Kennedy, J., blacksmith, Hun- ter and George.

Kennedy, J. C, painter. Water.

Kennedy, Thomas, shoemaker, N. Brock.

Kennedy, W. N., law-student, N. Hunter.

Kennedy, Wm. N., painter, &c.. Water.

Kernen, Thos., shoemaker, N. Simcoe.

Kerns, Wm., plasterer, S. Murray .

Kent, Thos., (Garvey & Kent),

Key, George, Wm., laborerer, N. Hunter.

Kinnard, John, cabinetmaker, S. Dublin.

KIDD, A. B., bookseller and * stationer, George and Sheri- dan's Terrace. (See card, p. 4iS)

Kindre, O., blacksmith, E. Water.

KINCAID & CO., Ontario Drug Store, cor George and Simcoe. (See card, p. 48.^

KINCAID, ROBERT, M.D., (Kincaird & Co.), George.

King, John, moulder, S. Mc- Donald.

King, Mrs., S. McDonald.

King, Wm., soda water, &;c., N. Simcoe.

Kingan, John, clerk, Brock.

KINGAN, ROBEBT, hardware, &;c.. Hunter and Brock. (See card, p. .)

Go to Walton's, Feterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Kingdom, George, cooper, N. Simcoe.

Knapp, F. H., clerk, Hunter.

Knight, Mrs., N. London

Laing, John, clerk, Hunter,

Lamoureux, S., laborer, N. King.

Lannin, Joseph, clerk, Water.

LANNIN,THOS., stove and tin- smith, sign, giant T, George and Water. (See card,^p. 52.^

Lane, J no., laborer, S.Townsend.

Lane, Timothy, laborer, S. Mur- ray.

Langford, Geo., weaver, George.

Laparte, Mons., clerk, Hunter.

Larkin, Win., carpenter N. Mur- ray

Larmour, Robert, shoemaker. Brock and E. Water.

Larmour, W. J., shoemaker, Brock and E. Water.

Laronde, M., teamster, S. King.

Lasher, A. W. & Co., merchants, Hunter.

Lather, A. W., (A. W. Lasher & Co.,) Aylmer.

Lasher, Wm., carpenter, S. Edin- boro.

Laury, Ben., grocer. Hunter.

Lawder, E. & Co., merchants, George.

Lawder, Ed., (E. Lawder k Co.,) George.

Lawson, Henr\^, lumberer, S. Antrim.

Lee, A., horsedealer, S. Charlotte.

Lee, John, carpenter, S. Smith.

Lee, John, laborer, S. Smith.

Lee, Mrs. J., milliner.

Lee, Wm., carpenter, S. Smith.

Lebelle, M., laborer, ^. Simcoe.

Lebiiin, Henry, clerk, Brock.

Lech, Wm., furrier, N. London.

Leitch, John, carpenter, N. Mur- ray.

Lemay, David, contectioner, &c., George.

Lemay, Ernest, clerk, Brock.

Lemay, Francis, tailor, Hunter & Brock.

Leonard, A. A., printer, Charlotte.

Leonard, G. S., S. Simcoe.

Leonard, Thomas, shoemaker, S. Charlotte,

Leplant, B. laborer, N. Dal- housie.

Leplant, N. laborer, N. Sher- brook.

Leplant, N. butcher.

Leplant, T. laborer, S. Sherbrook.

Leslie, G. H., carpenter, S. Lon- don.

Levic, D. laborer, S. Charlotte.

Liddell, Charles, carpenter, N. Brock.

Lilley, Wm. painter, McDonald.

Lince, James, S. London, '

Lipsett, Lewis, (Green & Lipsett), Water.

Little, Charles, lumberer, * N. Brook.

LOCKHART & MILLAR, carri- age and waggon maker. (See card, J). 52), George.

LOCKHART, JOHN (Lockhart & Millar), Harvey.

Logan, William, waggonmaker, S. London.

Long, William, clerk, S. Simcoe.

Lorren, Benjamin, laborer, S. Hunter.

Louden, H. patternmaker S. McDonald.

Low. Wm. H., shoemaker, Water.

Double and Single Plated Harness



Practical Tin and Copper Smith,











Always on liand, made from the best material, \york made to order with neatness and dispatch. ALL WORK WARRANTED. JOBBING and HORSE-SHOEING .

Land and General Agency,


Fanners and otheris having land to dispose of will do well to send full particulars.

]%o Cliarg^e unless a Sale EfTeetecl.

JParties desirous of purchasing will find it to their advantage to call on the undersigned, as he has for disposal a number of Improved Farms and a Large Amount of \Vild Land.





PETERBOROUGH, ONT. , ^ G. MITCHEL.E, - - Proprietor.

Superior Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, and Confectionery, Fish and Came in \ season. J



Lowcry, David, (A. W. Lasher,

& Co.,) Aylmer. Lowry, Mrs., S. Simcoe, Lundy, John, J., mcrchant,George

& Queen. Limdy, Joseph, laborer, N.

Charlotte. Lundy, Mrs. Lundy, Robt. tainier, k,c., Brock

& Queen. Lundy, Wni. merchant, George

&D Queen. Lundy, Wm. tanner, Queen, Luny, John, millwright, N. Dal-

housie. Lynch, Bryan, laborer, N, London. Lynch, Jas. laborer, S. Smith. McBumey, George, carpenter, N.

Dublin. McBurney, Thomas, gentleman,

S. Hunter. McCabe, P. baker, N. Simcoe. McCamus, Wm. M.D., physician,

&;c., Water. McCann, Michael, blacksmith,

Hunter. McCarthy, Francis, blacksmith,

George. ilcCauley, Jacob, grocer. Hunter. McCauly, Jacob, laborer, N.

Hunter. McClelland, Jane, N. Edinburgh. McClelland, John, jeweller,

George, & Brock. ]\IcCombe, Wm. J., carpenter, S.

Simcoe. ^IcConchie, John, clerk. N. Mc- Donald. McCorroll, Wm. saddler, Hunter. McCormac, J. laborer, S. Smith. McCormac. P. laborer, S. Edin- burgh.


McCULLAGH, WM., (White & McCullagh), Water.

McCullough, J. laborer, S. Mc- Donald.

McCULLOUGH, J. K, M.B^, physician, «Ssc., Hunter & George. (See card, p. o4>.)

McDermott, Miss., S. Simcoe.

McDonnell, Rev. J. S., Simcoe.

McDonald, Agnes, N. Murray.

McDonald, Angus, grocer, George,

McDonald, Charles, waggon-- maker. Hunter.

McDonald, D. clerk, George.

McDonald, John, George.

McDonald, J. D., Royal Canadian Hotel, Simcoe.

McDonald, Mrs., S., Hunter.

McDonald, Miss M., S. Hunter.

McDonald, Patrick, tailor, Hun- ter.

McDonald, wm., Royal Canadian Hotel, Simcoe.

McDonald, Wm., blacksmith, Hunter,

McDougall, James, blacksmith, Brock.

McDougall, Wm., clerk, George.

McDowell, Mrs., S. London.

McEvelah, James, laborer, N. Edinburgh.

McEvelah, Patrick, N. Dublin.

McFaddeT), Jas., laborer, S. Smith.

McFadden, J., market clerk, ]N. Charlotte.

McFadden, Martin, laborer, N. Dublin.

McFarlane, D., accountant, S. Simcoe.

McFaul, J. H., teacher, N. Hun- ter.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Best Russian Iron Pipe.




GEADUATE of TRINITY COLLEGE, Dublin, Ireland, AND LICENTIATE of the Dominion of Canada.


Wishes to inform the public at hirge, that having had upwards of Thirty Years experience in the practice of Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery, both in the cities and Hospitals of Europe and America, besides an experience of upwards of Five Years in the Camp, Post, and Marine Hospitals of the U. S. Army and Navy.

Dr. McCULLOUGH would intimate to the Sick and Afflicted tliat with the above experience, together with a tliorough Dublin University Educa- tion, he is enabled to treat and cure all melancholy, diseases, whether ACUTE, or CHRONIC, with which the human family are afflicted, (many of which w^ere once thought incurable,) in the most scientific manner, and without that pain and torture once endured.

^S^ Dr. McCULLOCH would also notify the public, that he is prepared to treat and c^ire the First and Second Stages of Consumptiox, and all diseases of the Chest and -Lungs, by PANCREATINE, and the Inhalation of ATOMIZED LIQUIDS, in their different forms. Also, Bronchitis and Coughs, no 'inatter how long standing by the above successful treatment.

Dr. McCULLOUGH would confidently assure all persons troubled witli .^©^ PRIVATE or PUBLIC DISEASES of any kind or description what- ever, that his ability to treat and cure all such can be equalled by none.

Dr. McCULIiOUGH will be found in his Office, or at his Residence, at all hours of the Day and Night, except when out Oii professional business.

K B. ff^ All Communications strictly Covfidential.

Office Hunter street, opposite J. R. Ormond & Co's., Watchmakers and Jewellers.

Residence— Corner of George and Dublin Streets.

Visits in the Corporation $1 only— Visits in the County Moderate. j»- ADVICE TO ALL FREE -®ft



McGarity, Arthur, moulder, N.

Dublin. McGill, H., teamster, S. Murray. McGimiis, John, laborer, S. Hun- ter. McGrath, C, shoemaker, S.

Hunter. McGregor, Duncan, mason, N.

Dublin. McGregor, John, machinist, S.

London. McGregor, Lewis, saloon, George. McGregor, Malcolm, stage pro- prietor, Ashburnham. McGregoi*, Malcolm, blacJ^smith,

Brock. Mclntyre, Peter, tailor, Simcoe. McKee, Robert, clerk, Dublin. McKee, S., clerk, Commercial

Hotel. McKee, Wm., carpenter, Dublin. McKellar & Cameron, hardware,

groceries. &c., cor George and

Hunter. McKellar, Donald, (McKellar &

Cameron,) Ashburnham. McKelvy, James, auctioneer, N.

King. McKnight, Adam, tailor, George. McKowan, Wm., printer, Simcoe. McMahon. M., laborer, N. Hunter. McMann, Hugh, shoemaker,

George. McManis, Hugh, laborer, S.

Simcoe. McMillen, Wm., barber. Hunter. McNab, R. A., produce merchant,

&c., George. McNeely, John, shoemaker,

Antrim. McNeal, Alex., auctioneer, N.


McNemara, Mrs., S. Townsend.

McNicholls, Patrick, blacksmith. Hunter.

McNicholls, Patrick, wagon- maker, Hunter.

Mc Williams, Jas., gaoler, Court House.

McWilliams, John B., clerk, Monaghan.

McWilliams, J. H., waggon- maker, S. London.

McWilliams, Robt., S. Brock.

Madegan, M., laborer, S.London.

Mahony, Mrs., S., Charlotte.

Mahony, Thos., N. Simcoe.

Maillet, H., barber. Hunter.

Malcolm, Wm., machinist, N. Murray.

Marceau, H., barber, George.

Marks, Irvine, blacksmith. Brock.

Marshall, John, saddler, N. Dub- lin.

Marshall, Jno., trimmer, Bethune.

Marshall, J. H., trimmer, Bethune.

Martin, M., miller, S. Simcoe.

Martin, Wm., (Robertson & Mar- tin,) George.

Martyn, John, laborer, N. Brock.

Martyn, Mrs., S. Hunter.

Mason, David, clerk, George.

Mason, Francis, cooper, S. Brock.

Mason, Miss, N. Simcoe.

Mason, W. J., clerk, George.

Masters, George, shoemaker, George.

Masters, Mrs., S. Murray.

Mather, Christoplier, blacksmith. Brock.

May, John, blacksmith, S. Mur- ray.

May, Mrs., N. Hunter.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Eave Troughing and Tin Roofing.





WHL. McBOKALD, - - - Proprietor.

First-class Stabling in connection, and every Accommodation for the Travelling Public

Ms '^mmms fymfm^,

CAPITAL, S1,000,000, Paid in full.

$100,000 IN Gold Deposited with ' the Casadias GovEEyMEXT.

FRED. W. HALL, Agent, Peterborough. GEO. B. FEURY,

a«l §xm& Ml §feaiit §hI,w,

(Next Door, to PvOyal Canadian Hotel.) SIMCOE STREET, PETERBOKOUGH.

Wedding and Fancy Cakes of all descriptions on hand and made to order on the shortest notice. Summer Drinks and Fruits of all kinds in season. Pic-nics, Diimers and Suppers supplied with every luxury to suit the gi-eatest epicure.



Constantly on hand Sewing Machines from $12 to $200, from all the best makers in Canada and the United States. Oils, Needles, Springs, Shuttles, &c., always in stock.


Every attention paid to Travellers. Charges jHoderate.



Meatland, M., carpenter, S. Mc- Donald.

Medcalfe, W., saddler, Hunter.

Medor, B., laborer, S. Charlotte.

Melligan, James, gardener,. N. Dublin.

Melone, Hugh, teamster, S. Lon- don.

Menzies, James, cutter, Aylmer.

Menzies, Thomas, bookseller, George and Brock.

Menzies, W., printer, Aylmer.

Mercer, Frank, (W. Mercer &; Bros.,) Stewart.

Mercer, John, (W. Mercer & Bros.,) Stewart.

Mercer, William, (W. Mercer & Bros.,) Stewart.

Mercer, W. & Brothers, tailors. George.

Metherall, J. P., waggonmaker, George.

Metherall, Wm., carriagemaker,

N. Murray.


Meyett, Louis, barber, Hunter.

Michaud, John, clerk. Hunter.

Middleton, Walter, clerk, Char- lotte.

Mills, George, trimmer, E-ubidge.

Mills, George, blacksmith, E. Water.

Mills, Mrs. E., grocer. Water.

Mills, Mrs. N. Hunter.

MILLAR, JAS, (Lockhart &; Millar), Harvey.

Miller, Joseph, farmer, S. Dal- housie.

Miller, J. W., painter, McDonald.

Miller, Robert, waggon maker. Brock.

Miller, William, blacksmith, S. Sherbrook.

Miller, Wm. telegraph messenger,

London. Mineker, Wm., carriage maker, S.

London. Mitchell, Fred, clerk, George. MITCHELL, GEORGE, Sr.,

Grocer, &c., George. (See

card, J). o2.) MitchsU, George, junr., clerk,

George. Mitchell, John, carpenter S.

Brock. Mitchell, William, H., saddler.

Hunter «fc Ashburnham. Mooney, Fred., lumber merchant,

N. Hunter. Mooie, Andrew, laborer, S. Edin- burgh. MOORE. W. H., barrister, &c.,

George and Water. Moffat, John, blacksmith,

Aylmer. Moloney, John, grocer, George

and Simcoe. Moloney, Michael, merchant,

George and Simcoe. Moloney, Thos., clerk, Simcoe. Moloney, Wm., clerk, Simcoe. Montgomery, J., carpenter, N.

Charlotte. MONTREAL BANK, R. Rich- ardson, agent, cor Water and


goods, clothing & millinery,

J. W. Dunnet, George. Morris, Dr. E., medicines, fee,

Geor^'e. Morris, Robt., trader, S. Dublin. Monison, C, clothier, N. Hunter. Mon'oan, Peter, laborer, S. Him-


Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Well and Cistern Pump?.




et^rbotowgli (^xumimx.








i^^^Y ^ir,Y



Best StylGi and as Low as City Prices.



Morroan, Seville, laborer, S. Hunter.

Morrow, Alex., N. Murray.

Morrow, R. A., law student, Mc- Donald.

Morgan, A. P., grocer. Hunter and Rubidge.

Morgan, Henry, Commercial Hotel, George.

Morgan, John, clerk, Commercial Hotel, George.

Morgen, Mrs., N. Charlotte.

Morensee, B. J., laborer, N. Simcoe.

Mowry, M. clerk, Ashburnham.

Mulligan, Joseph, teamster, S. Sherbrook.

MUNCASTER, CHAS., watch- maker, &c., Simcoe. (See card,

p. 52.;

Mungovan, Mrs., dressmaker, &e., Water.

Mungovan, P., news agent, S. Simcoe.

Munro & Dawson, millers, mill reserve.

Munro, George, (Munro &; Daw- son,) London.

Napoleon, Louis, farmer.

NATIONAL LIFE INSUR- ANCE CO., Fred. W. Hall, agent, cor. George and Simcoe. (See card, p. oQ.)

Naven, J., laborer, S. Dublin.

Nesbitt, E. J., saddler, S. Brock.

Nesbitt, J .,turnkey. Court House.

NESBITT, WALTER, clerk, Brock.

New Dominion House, John Reid, Simcoe.

NICHOLLS & HALL, general merchants, Simcoe.

Nicholls, Miss, N. McDonald.

NICHOLLS, ROBERT, (Nic- holls & Hall, Rubidge.

Noble, Francis, shoemaker. Hun- ter.

Noble, James,saloon,&;c., George.

Norton, A., M.D., tinsmith, N. Antrim.

Norton, Stephen, P. tinsmith, George.

O'Beirne, I., P. 0. clerk. Water.

O'Beirne, Ivan, attorney, &c., Aylmer.

O'Brien, John, waggonmaker, Brock.

O'Brien,. John, waggonmaker, Hunter.

O'Brien, Michael, waggonmaker, DowTiing.

O'Brien, Patrick, waggonmaker. Hunter.

O'Brien, Patrick, laborer, N. Dalhousie.

O'Connor, Ed., laborer, N. King.

O'Connor, Mrs., S. King.

O'Dette, M., laborer, N. Sher- Brooke.

O'Donnell, E., laborer, S. Dal- housie,

O'Donnell, tT.,L.D.S., dentist, cor George and Hunter.

O'Donnell, M., teamster, N. Sim- coe.

O'Leary, James, waggonmaker, Hunter.

O'Mara, P., cigarmaker, George.

O'Neal, Miss, N. Brock.

O'Neil, Robt., barber. Hunter.

O'Reily, James, teamster, S. Sherbrook.

O'Shea, John, shoemaker, S. Hunter.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcayg^eon, for Beer and Fancy Pumps.






ROBEET ROMAmE, - - Proprietor,





Consisting of Saunder's, Gowan's and Pirie's machine and hand-made Papers, Super-Royal, Royal, Medium, Demy, Post, Foolscap, Letter and Note Papers, Plain and Ruled in great variety ; Black Bordered Note and Envelopes to match ; and a complete assortment of everything in the above line. Campbell's series of School Books authorized by the Board of Education.


Blank Forms of Mortgages, Deeds, &c.

A most complete Stock of every description at present in use, suited to tlie requirements of the Lawyer, Magistrate, Township and Division Court Clerks, Coroners, Constables, &c., &c. Also

Complete Sets of Authorized Customs Blank Entries for Dutiable

and Free Goods,



Publisher aud Proprietor of tJie Peterboro* Beview'




physician, &c., Hunter. Ogilvy, William, manager, R. C.

Bank, Hunter. ONTARIO BANK, G. E. Shaw,

manager. Water. Ontario House, T. Cavinagh,

Hunter, Ontario Mills, Munro & Dav*^son,

Dickson's Race. ORDE, WALTER L., assistant * manager C. L. & E. Co., res.

Ashburnham. Ormond & Walsh, druggists,

George. Ormond, C., (Ormond & Walsh.) ORMOND, J. R., watches, clocks,

&c.. Hunter. Owens, Henry, cabinetmaker, S. Pallet t, Robert, shoemalier,

George. Pamell, John, miller, S. London. Parnell, Richard, miller, S, Mc- Donald. Parsons, George, laborer, N. An- trim. Patton, Mrs., S. Charlotte. Patterson, George, Simpson's

Saloon, George. Patterson, Jas., blacksmith. Patterson, R., shoemaker, Simcoe. Patterson, Thos., patternmaker,

S. London. Patterson, W. ct Son, tanners,

&c., Aylmer. Patterson, Walter, sen., (W.

Patterson & Son,) Aylmer. Patterson, Salter, jun., (W.

Patterson & Son,) Stewart. Payne, L., N. McDonald. PEARSE, EDG, county clerk,

George. (See card p. 52.)

Pengelly, Jas., saddler, Hunter.

Pentland, D., dentist, George & Brcck.

Pepin, Lewis, carter, S. Brock.

Perry, Chas., M.P., S. London.

PERRY, GEORGE B., baker k confectioner, Simcoe. (See card, p. 56.)

Perry, Mrs., N. Charlotte.

Peters, Charles, lavf-student, Rubidge.

Petre, Boselle, laborer, S. Lon- don.

PETERBORO' EXAMINER, every Thursday J. Stratton, editor and proprietor. Terms $1.50, Water. (See card, p. 5^.)

PETERBORO' FOUNDRY, W. Hamilton, S. Murray. (See card, p. 48,^

PETERBORO'i^^FZ£'F, every Friday Robt. Remain, pub. Terms $1.50, George. (See card, p. 60.)

PETERBORO' SEWING MA- CHINE CO., George. (See card, p. 56.)

PETERBORO' WOOLLEN MILLS, D. Brooke, Dickson's Itace

PHELAN'S H:0TEL, Edward Phelan, Simcoe. (See card, p. o6.)

PHELAN, ED., Phelan's Hotel, Simcoe.

Philips, Wm., laborer, N. Char- lotte.

Poole, Edwin, cabinetmaker, George.

P. H. L. t B. R. R., A. Y. Wil- lians, supt. (See card, p). 64.^

Powers, Mrs., S. Antrim.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Lead Piping, cheap,









(Connecting with Stage from Peterborough), for Bobcaygeon, Fenelon Falls and Lindsay, every ^Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings cat 10 o'clock sharp.


For Bridgenorth and Peterborough every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday niorn- ings, at half -past 9 o'clock, calling at Fenelon Falls only on Saturdays.

Stages leave Peterborough at half-past 8 a. m., in time to catch the boat for Lindsay.

(Late simpsox house:,)

EDWARD SHAVER, Proprietor.


And careful Hostlers in attendance.



Pratt, Thos., carpenter, N. Sher-

brook. Prattis, Jno„ shoemaker. Water. Primmo, John, barber, Hunter. Primmo, Mrs., S. Hunter. Purser, John, blacksmith, N.

Brock., Quinn, Hugh, laborer, S. Towns- end. Rackett, A. H., musician, S. An- trim. Kaggatt, Martin, clerk. Com-

mercial Hotel. Redmond «fc Flynn, blacksmiths,

&c.. Hunter. Redmond, Michael, (Redmond k>

Flynn,) Hunter. Redpath, Samuel, tailor, N.

Dublin. ReLd,Jno., New Dominion House,

Simcoe. Reid, Robert, teller, R. C. Bank,

Ashburnham. Reilly, Hugh, tailor, Simcoe. Reimond, J., laborer, S. Charlotte. Reirdon, Mrs., S. Simcoe. Reuyea,Rinie, laborer, S. Dublin. Reynolds, Ben., hotelkeeper.

Hunter. Reynolds, G., mason, S. Charlotte. RICHARDSON, ROBT., agent

Montreal Bank, Simcoe. Ricky , Frank, shoemaker, George. Ridley, C, printer, Water. Ritchie, John, mason, Edinburgh. Robertson, John, carpenter, N.

Dublin. Robson, Samuel, saddler, George. Robson, Walter, carpenter, N.

Dublin. Robertson & Martin, carpenters,

&c., Dublin,

Robertson, Ed., grocer, S. Char- lotte.

Robertson Dublin.

Robertson cultural

Hugh, machinist.

James, agent agri- implements. Water

and McDonald. Robertson, John, moulder, N.

MuiTay. Robertson, Robert, carpenter, S.

King. Robertson, Wm., (Robertson k,

Martin,) Dublin. Robertson, Wm., pressman, Ash- burnham. Robinson, Arthur, clerk, George. Robinson, Charles, painter, S.

Murray. Robinson, T. W., clerk, George. ROBINSON, I. &C0., dry goods,

groceries, &c., George, (^et

card, "p. .) ROBINSON, ISAAC, (I. Robin- son & Co.,) George. ROCHE, JOHN, (Green &

Roche,) Simcoe. Rogers, George M., law student,

Park. Rogers, W. C, manager Galway

Lead Co«, Murray. Rogers, John, farmer. S. London. ROGER, WM., clerk. Water. ROMAINE, RORT., publisher

Peterborough Revieiu, Simcoe. Rorabeck, R., painter, Brock. Ross's Hotel, George, Ross,

George. Ross, John, laborer, N. Murray. Ross, Thos., blacksmith, E. Water. Rose, Jas., blacksmith, S. Brock. Rose, John, machinist, S. Simcoe. Rose, Mrs. H., milliner, George.

Go to Walton's, Feterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Cooking, Parlor and Box Stoves.



Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaverton



mm m wm tmiis ti iei sica m liiii


Trains run in Connexion with the Steamers on Lake Ontario and the

back Lakes,


©^^[Mi© T^^u^K r^mmn iast hWD wiit.


Do. do. do. do. LINDSAY 43 do.

Do. do. do. do. BEAVERTON 66 do.

Do. do. do. do. PETERBORO' 30 do.

Do. do. do. do. LAKEFIELD 41 do.


President Henry Covert.

Vice-President W. Cluxton.

Treasurer and Secretary Joseph Gray.

Auditor John Smart.

Superintendent and Purchasing Agent . . A. T. Williams.

Assistant do. and Master of Transportation G. L. Fisk.

Assistant Engineer John W. Tatk.

C^eneral Freight and Ticket Agent E. Gray.

Master Mechanic H. G. Taylor.

Road Master Roet. Alexander.

Annunl Ehction, third l^nesda*/ in Janmnj.



E,osbuiy,D.,laborer, N.Charlotte. I Sanderson, Michael, farmer, N.

Ros'burgh, James, clerk, George, j King.

Kountree, Thomas, shoemaker, | Sanderson, Miss, milliner, &c.,

Water. Rowe, Robt., builder, N. Hunter. Roval, Mrs., N. King. ROYAL CANADIAN HOTEL,

V^. McDonald, Simcoe. (See card, p. 5Q.)

Royal Canadian Bank. William Ogilvy, manager, George.

Rubidge, Cliarlcs, registrar, Rubidge.

Rubidge, Fred., clerk, Charlotte.

Rubidge, Henry, clerk, Charlotte.

Rudkins, Patiick, shoemaker, S. King.

Rule, George, pedlar, S. Town- send.

Rurdon, John, laborer, N. Mc- Donald.

Russell, John, laborer, N. Hunter.

Rush, Henry, clerk, George,

RUSH & BUCKETT, veterinary surgeons, George. (See card,

p. m.) RtJSH, JOHN R., (Rush t Buckett,) London.


Sanderson, Wm., clerk. Murray. Sarney, C, printer, Water. Schneider, George, grocer, S.

London. SCOTT & GREEN, barristers,

&;c., Simcoe. (See card, p. 6S.) Scott, Andrew, blacksmith, N.

Antrim. Scott, Mi's., N. Sherbrook. Scott, W. A., lumberman, K

Sherbrook, SCOTT, WM., H. mayor, (Scott&

Green.) Shanaghan, Mrs., S. Murray. Shanaghan, Paul, laborer, S.

Townsend. SHAVER'S HOTEL, E. Shaver,

Hunter, (See card, p. 62.) SHAVER, ED., Shaver's Hotel.

Hunter. SHAW, GEORGE E., manager

Ontario Bank, Water. Shaw, Joseph, clerk, George. Shaw, Josenh, tailor, S. Brock.

Rush, Thomas, veterinary sur- i Shaw, N., lumber merchant, S..

geon, S. Murray. Rutherford, A., carpenter. N.

McDonald. Ryan, Patrick, tanner, fee,


Faucher, Brock. (See card,

p. 4G.; St. Louis Philip, laborer, S. King. Sage, Benj., laborer, S. London. Sandy, Mrs., S. Charlotte. Sandy, Sam., saddler, Charlotte. Sanderson, Ed., clerk, Simcoe.


Shaw, Thos., clerk. Hunter.

Sheenan, Mrs., N. Murray.

Sheerer, Peter, laborer, N. Mur- ray.

Shea, John, clerk, Simcoe.

Sheridan, J., music dealer, George.

SHERIDAN, WALTER, County Treasurer, Brock.

Sherwood, Henry, mason, S. Smith.

SHERWOOD, WM. E., flour & feed store. Hunter.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Agricultural Furnaces, &c.



Corner of Hunter and Water Streets, HAMILTON UIN, Proprietor.



f Ef Elliill. S«l€£©^


Horse and Cattle Medicines kept constantly on hand. Horses taken under medical treatment on reasonable terms.








Short, Ft. A., clerk, George.

Simm, John, carpenter, 8. Mc- Donald.

Simons, Peter, cutter, Simcoe.

Sixsmith, T., teamster, S. Smith.

Sloman, Alfred, tinsmith, George.

Sloman, Frank, blacksmith, Aylmer.

SMITH, ALEX., manager, To- ronto Bank, Simcoe.

Smith, D. C, clerk, George.

Smith, H. H., law-student, Hun- ter.

Smith, Mrs., S. Sherbrook.

Smith, Hon. vSidney, Q.C., bar- rister, &c., cor Water & Hun- ter.

Smith, W. J., teacher, S. Mc- Donald.

Snelgrove, Jas., waggonmaker, George.

Snider, Geo., grocer, &c., George.

Snider, Wm.,"S. McDonald.

Sovyes, Henry, boarding-house keeper, Ts. Charlotte.

Sowdye, Joseph, mason, S. Smith.

Sparling, Edward, miller, Ash- burnham.

Spence, John, manufacturer, S. Antrim.

Spencely, J., mason, N. McDonald.

Sproule, G. B., photogTapher, Hunter.

Spry, Jas., blacksmith, N. Char- lotte.

S|)ry, Lewis, tinsmith, S. Simcoe.

Stafford, Jolm, sawyer, S, Char- lotte.

Stalker, Joseph, shoemaker, N. London.

Sianley, Pt. cutter, George.

Staple ton, C, bailiff, S. Murray.

Stark, Adam, N. Dublin. STEAMER OGEMAH, Capt., J.

Wallis. (See card, 2). Q2.) Stenson, R, & Son, shoemakers,

George. Stenson, Robt., (R. Stenson &;

Son), Charlotte. Stenson, Jas., T. (R. Stenson »&>

Son), Rubidge. Stenton, J. T., blacksmith, George. Stephens, James, printer, &c.,

George. Stephens, J. H., fancy goods,

George. Stethem, G. &j Co., hardware, &c.,

George. Stethem, George, (G. Stethem &

Co.,) Rubidge. Stevenson, James, tinsmith,

George & Simcoe. Stevenson, Mrs., S. McDonald. Stevenson, Robert, book-keeper,

S. Dublin. STEWART HOUSE, H. Uins,

corner Hunter & Water. (See

card, J)- 6G.y) Stewart, Alex., weaver, N. Lon- don. Stewart, Charles, clerk, Brock. Stewart, G. A., civil engineer, S.

Charlotte, Stewart, Mrs., S. McDonald. Stinson, James, carpenter, N.

Murray. STRATTON, JAMES, editor &

proprietor Peterboro Examiner,

Ashburnham. Strickland & Rogers, lumber

merchants, George. Strickland, H. (Strickland &

Rogers), Ashburnham. Stutt, Andrew, IS". Charlotte.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Dumb Stoves and Stove Pipes.



.(l. r. c. s. edbnburgh,)





Pure Drugs aiid Chemicals.

Patent and Proprietary Medicines.

Fancy and Toilet Articles, &c.

Field, Flower and Garden Seeds,


And Orders ansioered with Care and Dispatch. Farmers and Physicians from (he

Country will find our Stock of Medicines complete, warranted genuine

and of the best quality.

SCOTT & anEEisr,





" W* 0. THOMSON a CO.,





Tobacconist and Cigar Manufacturer,

George Street, Peterboro', Ont.


Stut<-, John, saddler, K Simcoe.

Stutt, E,. J., brakesman, N. Char- lotte.

Sullivan, E., clerk, Brock.

Sullivan, John, hotelkeeper, Hunter.

Sutherland, D., grain merchant, S. Simcoe.

Sutherland, Hugh, teamster, N. McDonald.

Sutherland, Jas., clerk, S. Char- lotte.

Sutherland, William, clerk, Ash- burnham.

Swinton, James, teamster, N. Simcoe.

Tagney, J., laborer, S. McDonald.

Tagney, Morris, laborer, S. Edin- burgh.

Tagney, Timothy, laborer, N. Edinburgh.

Tamblyn, John, teller, Ontario Bank, Stevrart.

Tanner, George, cabinetmaker, Hunter.

Tanner, Mrs., S. Simcoe.

Tate, Mrs., S. Charlotte.

Tate, T. C., clerk, Commercial Hotel, George.

TAYLOR, GEO., pumpmaker and turner, Simcoe. (See card, p. 60.)

Taylor, Jno., shoemaker, George.

Taylor, Miss, S. Hunter.

Taylor, Robt., tailor, Simcoe and

Taylor, Thos., laborer, S.London.

Taylor, William, clerk, Auburn Mills.

Taylor, Wm., clerk. Brock.

TAYLOR, W. H., M.D., druggist & chemist, George and Brock. (See card, ix 68.^

69 N. Mur-

Terrult, Wm., laborer, ray.

THOMSON, W. G. & CO., dry goods, millinery, &c., George. (See card. p. QS.)

Thompson, W. G., (W. G. Thompson, & Co., George.

Thompson, Edward, teamster, S. Smith.

Thompson, E. lumber merchant, N. McD^iald.

Thompson, James, clerk, George.

Thompson, J. sawyer, S. Char- lotte.

Thompson, R. photographer, George.

Thompson, R. W., clerk, George.

Thompson, William, weaver N. Murray.

Thornton, William, carter, S. Mc- Donald.

Tierney, Edward, clerk, Simcoe.

Tierney, Jane, S. London.

Tierne}-, William, livery, Simcoe.

Toole, Wm., builder, S. Murray.

Tobin, Edward, hotelkeeper, George.

TORONTO, BANK, 'Alexander Smith, manager, cor., Simcoe & Water.

Tremaine, J. spinner, S. Mc- Donald.

Trembly, O. laborer, N. Char- lotte.

Trenwith, R. shoemaker, S. Char- lotte.

Trotter, Mrs., S. McDonald.

Tucker, Thos., moulder, S. Lon- don.

Tully, James, clerk, George.

Tully, J. tailor, George.

Turcott, F. laborer, N. Simcoe.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Lamps, Chandeliers, Chimneys, &c.



Turcott, Reiiiy, clerk, Brock.

TURVER, CAPTAIN JOHN, Caisse's Hotel, George.

UINS, HAMILTON, Stewart House, cor.. Water & George.

Union Hotel, Win., Croft, Hunter.

Venett, B. laborer, S.Sherbrook.

Venett, Ed., laborer, S. Sherbrook.

Venett, Francis, J., cooper, S. McDonald.

Venett, Gabriel, cooper, S. Mc- Donald.

VICTORIA CARRIAGE FAC- TORY, W. H. Hodgen, cor.. Brock, &o George.

Waddell, Wm., saddler George. Wait, D. v., millwight, N.

London. Wainright, Mrs. Mary, niillinei',

George, AVainriglit, Robert, butcher,

George. Waller, Abram, Avaggonmaker,

George. Walsh, James, trader. N. Antrim. Walsh, JohU; laborer, S. Wolfe. Walsh, Mrs., S. Hunter. Walsh, Walter, printer, Antrim. Walsh, William, (Ormand &

Walsh), George.









Eave Troiigliing, House Fittings, Well and Cistern Pumps, Lead Piping, &c. ; also

of Saddles, Harness, Trunks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Satchels, Bells, Whips, Lashes,

Brushes, Combs, Horse Clothing &c. Dealer in


Wholesale and Retail, Lumbermens' Furnishings, Table and Pocket Cutlery. Henry's, Ballard's and Allen's Breech-loading Bifle,, Six and Seven Shooting Revolvers, celebrated English makes Double and Single ban-elled Guns, Metallic Cartridges, Powder, Shot, Caps, &c.

For particulars, see bottom lines through Directory.







Walton, Edward, clerk, Brock. WALTON, ROBERT, dealer in

stoves, tinware, &c., George, H.

Brock. (See card, p. 70, and

bottom lines. Wannamaker, S. S., clerk, Uin's

Hotel. Wand, William, carpenter. N.

Murray. Warde, F. J., (Wray & Warde,

George. Wareham, H. baker. Hunter. Wareham, M. baker. Hunter. Watt, Wm., saddler, George. Webber, George, butcher, S.

Brock. Webber, Giles, gentleman, N.

Simcoe. Weir, Robert, tailor, McDonald. Wells, John, shoemaker, N.

^Dublin. Wells, Wm., tinsmith, George. WELLER, C. A., barrister, &c.,

cor. Simcoe & Water. Wellband, John, W., shoemaker,

N. Brock. Wench, James, N. Charlotte. Werden, Austin, clerk, George. West, George, clerk, George. WescottRobt., potter, S. Murray. Wheeler, C. S., shoemaker,

George. Wheeler, David, laborer, N. An- trim. Wheeler, Uriah, laborer, N. Dub- lin. WHITE & McCULLAGH,

manufacturers of boots & shoes,

George. (See card, j). 70. j White, Jas. carpenter, N. Murray. White, John, agricultural works,

S, Murray.

White, Joseph, telegraph opera- tor. Hunter.

White, Robert, livery, George.

WHITE, SAMUEL, (White k McCullagh), Water.

White, Thomas, gentleman, N. Simcoe.

White, William, shoemaker, N. Charlotte.

Wliite, William, cabinetmaker, S. Charlotte.

White, William, clerk, George.

Whitfield, E. R., farmer, S. Murray.

Whittle, Andrew, merchant, N. McDonald.

Willett, Bruno, laborer, S. Char- lotte.

Williams, Angus, S. Hunter.

Williams, George, clerk. Commer- cial Hotel.

Williams, Henry, laborer, S. Charlotte.

Williamson, David, saddler, Hunter.

Williamson, John, tailor, S. Simcoe.

Williamson, Wm., H., grocer, S, Antrim.

Wilson, Alex., S. Brock.

Wilson, Edward, clerk, Brock.

Wilson, James, butcher, S. Char- lotte.

Wilson, John, hotelkeeper. Hunter.

Wilson, Joseph, tinsmith, S. Edinburgh.

Wilson, J. butcher.

Wilson, Mrs. Jas., grocer. Water.

Wilson, Mrs., S. Dublin.

Wilson, Mrs., N. Simcoe.

Wilson, Mrs., N. McDonald.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for Goal Oil, Wholesale and Retail.



Wilsori, Misses S & R., millinere, Water.

Wilson, Miss., S. Hunter,

Winch, H. C, butcher.

WINBHIP, T. J., cigar manu- facturer, &c., George. (See card, J). 08.^

Woods, Mrs., S. Sherbrook.

Woods, Stephen, N. Hunter.

Wray & Warde, auctioneers, &c., Hunter.

Wray, A. (Wray & Warde), George.

Wright, Alfred; clerk, Sherbrook.

Wright, G., laborer, S. Simcoe.

Wright, James, laborer, S. Smith.

Wright, S. carpenter, N. Sher- brook.

Wrighton,W.H., grocer, George.

Yarrah, D. laborer, N. Sherbrook.

Yates, Wm,, teamster, S. Char- lotte.

Yelland, Mrs. S. Sherbrook.

Yelland, William, blacksmith, George.

Yerrah, C. laborer, N. King.

Yerraw, E. laborer, S. Charlotte.

Zolin, Joseph, laborer, S. Simcoe.


A village in the township of Smith, 12 miles from Peterborough. . Population about GO.

Baker, Samuel, farmer. 'Bell, James, merchant. Bell, William, farmer. Bluet, Josiah, farmer. Davis, John, cooper. Oibbons, James, blacksmith. Isbister, John, blacksmith. Jones, Rev. C. E., W. Methodist. McDougall, Thomas, teacher. McGrath, Patrick, carpenter. Mcllmoyle, Nathan, farmer. Mcllmoyle, William, carpenter. McKee, Andrew, farmer. McKee, William, farmer. McKee, William, J., farmer. Manning, Samuel, farmer. Middleton, John, J., teacher.

Moore, John, gentleman, &:c.

Moore, Wjlliam, laborer.

jNorthy, James, farmer.

Northy, John, farmer.

NORTHEY, RICHARD, mer- chant, hotelkeeper & post- master.

Northy, William, farmer.

Roberts. Rev. E., Baptist.

Sanderson, Edward, farmer.

Sanderson, Francis, farmer.

Sanderson, William, farmer.

Thomas, Rev. Father, Roman Catholic.

Waterouse, J. W., farmer.

Wagoner, Henry, farmer.


A village iji the township of Douro, 10 miles from Peterborough. Populatkai about 30.

Go to Walton's ,PeterboroTigh and Babcaygeon, for



Comstock, H. R., farmer, HANNAHAN, THOMAS, post- master, &ZC. Jones, Peter, farmer.

Keene, John, laborer. Macdonnell, James, farmer. Peters, James, G., farmer.


A village in the township of Dummer, 16 miles from Peterborough Population about 20.

Hancock, Charles, W. farmer. SPEERS, WM., M., postmaster, Jackson, James, farmer. &;c.

Quigley, Patrick, farmer.


A village in the township of North Monaghan, seven miles from Peterborough. Population about 225.

Leitch, John, weaver. McCall, Robert, hotelkeeper. McCamus, Wm., M.D., physi- cian, &c. McBain, William, farmer. McDonald, John, blacksmith. Mclndoe, Robert, farmer. Mahony, William, blacksmith. ►Scott, Sorel, hotelkeeper. Walsh, John, farmer, &c. Wilson, -David, farmer. Young, George, farmer. Youns^, James, fixnner.

Bennett, John, dentist. Bedgrove, William, blacksmith. Blain, Rev. Wm., Presbyterian. Calrke, William, farmer. Cornell, J. C, teacher. Dundas, James, farmer. Dundas, John, farmer. Fowler, William, farmer. Gent, Edward, tailor. Gibson, Robert, carpenter, GOODFELLOW, ARCH., mcr.

chant &; postmaster. Jameson, John, weaver.


A village in the township of Dummer, 18 miles from Peterborough Population about 180.

Chandeliers for Churches, cheap.



Bell, Henry, laborer.

Bingham, James, M.D., physician,


Campbell, Thomas, waggon- maker.

Chapin, John, cabinetmaker,

Choat, Thomas, merchant.

Choat, Thos., G., miller.

Dwyer, Mrs Ann.

Fife, John, carpenter.

Garlic, George, clerk.

Hamblen, Samuel, blacksmith.

Kennedy, Patrick, blacksmitli.

Kidd, Daniel, blacksmith.

Knapp, Arnold, waggonmaker. McGuire, Aaron, teacher. Mcllvena, Edward, blacksmith. Mackie, James, merchant. Moore, William, laborer. Piper, J. W., waggonmaker. Read, James, tailor: Read, Washington, merchant. Riggs Thomas. Sanderson, Rev. John. Snellgrove, William, hotel- keeper. Wason, John, merchant.


A village^in the township of Asphodel, 15 miles from Peterborough- Population about 80.

Andrews, Rev. J. Presbyterian. Breckenridge, John, farmer, &;c. Brown, Thomas, waggonmaker. Cameron, Thomas, miller. Christie, Thomas, tailor. GRIEFIN, SAMUEL, mer- chant and postmaster. Humphreys, Job, farmer. McCamus, James, teacher.

Macdonald, Thomas, farmer, 0' Grady, Jeremiah, shoemaker. Powell, John, farmer. Reid, Thomas, shoemaker. Sargent, Edward, blacksmith. Sharp, William, blacksmith. Short, Rev. J., W. Methodist. Weald, Michael, hotelkeeper.


A village in the township of Smith, 14 miles from Peterborough. Population about 50.

Davis, John, cooper. Davis, William, farmer. Graham, John, sawyer. Kearney, James, sr., farmer.

Aryatt, Joseph, sr., farmer. Aryatt, Joseph, jr., farmer. Barry, Thomas, teacher. Davis, Edward, farmer.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Kearney, James, jr., merchant. KEARNEY, PATRICK, post- master, &c.. Miller, Andrew, butcher. Millage Charles, farmer. Pasley, A. farmer.

White, Samuel, carpenter. White, Thomas, farmer. Young, Mathew, hotelkeeper. Young, Samuel, farmer. Young, Thomas, farmer. Young, William, farmer.



The township of Anstruther is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Monmouth, on the south by the township of Burleigh, on the east by the township of Chandos, and on the west by the township of Cavendish. Population about 100.

Breen, Patrick, 1, 33 f

Clegg, Sidney, W., M.D., reeve,

2, 37£ Couch, Daniel, blacksmith, 5, 39 £ Crow, Wm., 4, 35 f. Fortin, Joseph, blacksmith, 2,

34 f. Hall, Edward, S., postmaster, 1

n J 34 f Harris, John, 1, 29 f Harris, Thomas, 1, 28 f Lousley, Caleb, 3, 37 f Lousley, Joseph, 3, 38

McCauley, Robert, 1, 39 f. McDonald, John, 2, 35 f Mcllemoyles, James, 1, 30 f Mitchell, Mrs. 2, 36 f Steen, Joseph, 3, 39 f Stuart, Thos., hotelkeeper, l,Slf Walton JRowland, 2, 32 f Walton, William, 3, 32 £ Wilson, George, 1, 35 £ Wilson, Mary, 1 e ^ 34 £ Wilson, Thomas, 1,^37 £ Wilson, William, 2, 38 £ Young, John, 4, 39 £


The township of Asphodel is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Dummer, on the south by Rice Lake and the River Trent,

Children's Carriages and Perambulators.



on the east by the River Trent and the townships of Belmont, county of Peterborough, and Seymour, county of Northumberland, and on the west by the townships of Douro and Otonabee. Popu- lation about 3,000.


Ackerman, Samuel

9 pt 17 f. Adams, Samuel, 11 s J 19 £ Allen, Andrew, laborer, 4 pt 20. Allen. Michael, 1 i 20. Anderson, David, broker, 8 pt 4. Anderson, Joseph, 7 J 20 f. Armstrong, James, 18 s e ^ 8 t. Armstrong, Thomas, shoemaker,

8 pt_17 t. Barr, James, 6 pt 18 f. Barringer, Patrick, baker, 8 pt 4 1. Barringer, Walter, M.D., 8 pt 4. Barker, L. D.. laborer, 8 pt 4 f. Bavis, Adam. 5 e J- 8 f. Bickel, Hugh, 9, 14 f. Bickel, James, sr., 9, 12 f. Bickel, John, 1, 19 t. Birdsall, Francis, 1 J 1 f. Birdsall, Frances, sawmiller, 1 J

It. BirdsaU, Richard, 2 J 3 f . Boland, John, sr., 1 n J 17 f. Boland, John, jr., 2 e J 19 f. Boland, Peter, 2 w I- 16. f. Boner, James, carpenter, 1 J 18 t. Borland, John, 2 i 2 f . Borland, Robert, 2 pt 1 f. Boyd, William, laborer, 8 pt 4 f. Breakenridge, Jehial, miller, 10

w i 18 f. Breakenridge, John, 3, 9 f. Breakenridge, William, weaver,

2 pt 11 t. Brick, Johh, laborer, 8 pt 4 f. Brinnen, Dennis, hotelkeeper, 9

pt4 t. Brinnen, Patrick, sr., 8 pt 4.

Brinnen, Patrick, jr., hotelkeeper* 8 pt 4 t.

Brooks, Archibald, lumber mer- chant, 8 pt 17 t.

Brody, Jolm, laborer, 8 pt 17 t.

Brough, Alexander, 7 pt 4 f.

Brown, James, sr., 5 J 20 f.

Brown, James, jr., 3 n w J 18 t.

Brown, James, 0., teacher, 7 pt 4f.

Brown, John, P., 10 e J 13 f.

Brown, Thos., carpenter, 2 pt 11 f.

Brown, Wm., carpenter, 2pt 10 t.

Buck, Charles, 9 w h 10 f.

Buck, Daniel, 10 e | IC f.

Buck, J. A., merchant, 9 pt 18 f.

Buck, John, laborer, 9 pt 18 t.

Buck, Oliver, 8 e -i- 12 f.

Buck, Thomas, 8 e J 13 f.

Buck, Thomas, 10 n w J 16 f

Buchan, John, merchant, 8 pt 17 1.

Buchanan, Mrs., 9 pt 17.

Burton, John, 10 s w ^ 11 f.

Burton, Matthew, 10swJ16f.

Bush, Solomon, 8 pt 4 t.

Butterfield, J. A., postmaster, 8 pt 17 f,

Calder, John, 8 pt 16 f.

Calahan, Mrs, 8 pt 17 f

Cameron, Donald, 1 1 13 f.

Camerou, Duncan, 1 w J 11 f.

Cameron, John, 1 | 13 f.

Cameron, Thos., miller, 2 pt 11.

Cannon, William, 3 e .V 20.

Carter, William, 10 pt 6 f.

Carburry, John, 10 pt 8 f.

Card well, Benjamin, 2 e J 12 f.

Cassey, John, 4 pt 19 t.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Caughlin, Jerry, G e i^ 5 f . !

Caughlin, Richard, 4 e ^ 16 f. Caughlin, Timothy, 8 pt 4 f.f Christer, Hugh, 1 n J 14 f. Christer, James, tailor, 2ptl0 t. Christer, William, 2 w J 15 f. Clark, Andrew, laborer, 8 pt 4 f. Clark, Mrs., 9 pt 17. Clancey, Jerry, 6 |;t 11 t. Clysdale, Samuel, sr., 9 pt 19 t. Clysdale, Samuel, jr., 8 n e J 19f. Clysdale, William, 6 J 20 f. Cood, Wm., mason, 7; 5 f. Cook, Daniel, manager factory,

8 pt 4 t.

Cooper, John. P., merchant, 8 pt

4f. CoUings, Hugh, 4 J^ 4 t. Comstock, John, sr., 3 pt 11 f. Comsrock, Robert, 5 e J 3 t. Connors, Thomas, 8 w h 12 f. Conolon, Martin, shoemaker, 8

pt 4 t. Coup, Peter, manager foundry,

9 pt 17 t.

Courall, Philip, J., lumberer. 7

pt 4 f Crawford, John, 11 e J 17 f Crankishon, Wm,, clerk, 8 pt 4 t. Crosby, William, miller, 8 pt 4 t. Crowthers, Joseph, cooper. 9 pt

17 f. Crowley, James, 7 pt lOf Crowley, John, 7 w JIO. pVowiey, Patrick, 7 e h 9. Cunningham, Wm., laborer, 8 pt

17 t. Curtain, Mrs., 6 e J 10 f. Daily, Eagan, 2 e J 16 t. Daily, Timothy, tailor, 8 pt 4 t Davis, P. C, tailor, G e ^ U I Day, William, 7 pt 16 f.

Dean, Mrs., 11 pt 18. Denely, Thos., J., 8 pt 17 t. Dewart, T. W., carpenter, 8 pt

18 £ Doonan, James, 9 s e l 8 f Doughty, Henry, tinsmith, 8 pt

17 t. Doughty, James, laborer, 9 pt

17 t. Doughty, John, shoemaker. Doughterty, John, 8 pt 7 f. Dougherty, L., 6 w | 9 t. Dougherty, Patrick, 4 e h 14 f Driscoll, John, mason, 8 pt 1 7 f. DriscoU, John, S., 2 e J 10 t. Drury, Mrs., 8 pt. 17. Drummond, John, laborer, 3 pt

12 t. Dunning, James, cooper, 7 pt 4 t. Dwir, Daniel, blacksmith, 2 pt 20. Dwir, John, 2 e J, 20 f Eagen, Patrick, 10 w i 14 f Eaton, Wm. tailor, 8 pt 17 £ Elliott, A. H., merchant, 8 pt

171 Elliott, George, 10 w ^ 12 f Elliott, Hamilton, 9 pt 15 f. Elliott, Robert, 10 e J 12 f. Elliott, Thomas, teamster, 9 pt

17 t. Elliott, William, 9 s w J 15 f Elliott, W. H., 11 n J 11 f. Elmhurst, John, 3 pt 5 £ Elmhurst, Joseph, 4 w J 5 £ Emery, Levi, 8 pt 16 t. Emery, Walter, laborer, 9ptl6 t. Emetan, Alfred, labjorer, 8 pt 5 t. English, Edward, 4 w|' ]5 f. English, George, 4 e 3^^5 £ English, Michael, S e% 14 £ English, William, 4 -J 6 £ Fallen, Thomas, 6 w i 14 £

CMldren's Hand Sleighs.



Farrer, Charles, 2 e J 13 f.

Fife, Benjamin, 5, 9 f.

Fife, J., 1 w i 12 f

Fife, J. M., merchant, 8 pt 4 t.

Fife, John, M., 5 w i 6 f

Fife, John, W., 10, 10 f

Fife, Robert, 1 e ^ 12 f.

Fife, Thomas, 5 pt 7 t.

Finley, John, manufacturer, 9 pt

17 f. Fitzgerald, Jame.s, 4 w J 8 f Fitzgerald, John, 3 e I l'> t. Fitzpatrick, Charles, 2w J 20 t. Fitzpatrick, John, sr., 5 \v J- 15 f Fitzpatrick, John, jr., 5 w J 14 f. Fitzpatrick, John, 12 pt 19 f Flynn, John laborer, 8 pt 4 t. Foley, Patrick, 7, 17 f. Ford, Bernard, laborer, 8 pt. 4 f. Ford, Thomas. 7 e | 14 f Foster, David, shoemaker, 9 pt

17 f. Foschir, Peter, laborer, 8 pt 4 t. Fowlds, Henry, millowner, 7 pt

4f Fowlds, J. S„ & Bros, lumber

merchants, 7 & 8 pts 4 & 4 f . Fox, Charles, 1 w i 6 f. Frazer, John, clerk, S pt 4 t. Frankishon, Francis, 10 h 11 t. Fry, Forby, J., laborer, 8 pt 17 t. Fuller, Jonathan, painter, 8 pt

4f. Gamo, John, laborer, 9 pt 19 t. Garvey, Wm., 2 pt 15 f. Gartsher, Pvobt., miller, 8 pt 4 t. Gibbin, John, 2 \y h 1 f. Gilchrist, Thos , 0 e"' ^ 7 t. Glen, William, 12 pt^20 t. Grady, Jeremiali, shoemaker, 2

ptlO f Grady, John, 7 w ^ 9 f . .

Grady, Thomas, 6 e |- 9 f. Grady, Timothy, 9 e i 11 f. Graham, Alexander, 8 n } 8 f. Graham, John, brickmaker, 8 pt

5 f . Graham, Richard, brickmakei',

8 pt 4 t. Greenbank, Jas., 8 w J 15 f. Grieyes, Oswald, 7 e J 8 t. Griffis, Jas., A., cabinetmaker, 8 j pt 5 f.

Griffis, Stephen, bailiff, 7 pt 4 f j Griffin, Samuel merchant, 2 pt i 10 f.

Groyer, P. M., M.P., 9ptG f, Groyey, Thos., 8 ^ 17 f Gully, Edward, laborer. 3 pt

1 t. Hair, John, jr., 3 ^ 15 f. Hair, Thos., 3 pt IQ f. Hair, WiUiam, 1 e ^ IG f Hamilton, James, carpenter, 8 pt

Hamilton, Wm., 5 pt 20 f, Hancock, William, 1 w i 8 f. Harrison, John, G, hotelkeeper,

8 pt 4 t. Harrison, Robert, 1 pt 15 f. Harrison, William, 4 w ]^ 11 f Hart. John, 1 w J 4 t. Hartley, Mrs. hotelkeeper. 9 pt

17. Harper, Alexander, carpenter, 9

pt 17 f. Harper, James, carpenter, 9 pt

17 f

Harper, John, carpenter, 9 j)t

18 f

Hawley, Albert, druo^gist, 8 pt

4 t. Hazard, William, carpenter, 8 pt


Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bofccaygeon, for



Healy, Daniel, lumberman, 5 h

15 f. Healy, Martin, 3 ^ 11 f. Healy, Richard, 3 pt 11 f. Healy, Thos, 7 w h U f. Healy, Thomas, W., laborer, 2 pt

11 t. HeifFeman, James, 4 pt 16 f. HeifFeman, La\vrence, 5 s ^ 13 f. HeifFeman, Patrick, sr., 4 w ^

14 f, HeifFeman, Patrick, jr , 4 pt 16 f. HeifFeman, Thomas, 4 pt 16 F. Hennisey, Mrs., 9 pt 17. Henderson, George, blacksmith,

9 pt 17 F Herkimer, Henry, jeweller, 8 pt , 5t. Hetherington, R. blacksmith, 9

pt 18 £ Hewston, Robeit, shoemaker, 8

pt Hill, A. 8 pt 4 a. Hill, R., hotelkeeper, 9 pt 17 t. Hill, William, carpenter, 7 pt 4 t. Hilton, John. 7 pt 4 F Hogan, Mrs., 3 ^ 16. Howard, C, laborer, 8 pt 16 a. Howard, John, waggonmaker, 7

pt 4t. Howston, Thomas, 8 11 F Howston, Thos., waggonmaker,

9 pt 18 F Humphries, Henry, 4 e ^ 2 & 3 F Humphries, Israel, 8 e J ^, F 'Humphries, Jaol, 2, 8 F Humphries, Robert, 3, S F Humphries, Tlios., 8 pt 4 F Hurly, Denis, 7, 15 F Hurly, Timothy, merchant, 8 pt

4F Hutchinson, J., laborer, 8 pt 4 t.

Insley, John, blacksmith, 8 pt 4 F Jackson, George, shoemaker, 8

pt 4 F Jackson, Philip, 8 pt 4 t. Jackson, Robt., 8 pt 4. t. Johnston, Henry, broker, 8pt 4 F Johnston^ J. A., hotelkeeper, 8 pt

17 F Johnston, Richard, 7 pt 3 F Johnston, William, laborer, 7 pt

4t. Keating, Richard, saddler, 8 pt

4 t. Kelly, Daniel, 6 w J 18 F Kempt, Alex., carpenter, 9 pt

17 F Kempt, J. A., tinsmith, 8 pt 4^t. Kempt, Jacob, laborer, 8 pt 4 t. Kempt, Joseph, tinsmith, 7 pt

4 t. K^mpt, W. E., tinsmith, 7 pt4F Kennedy, Philip, merchant, 8 pt

4t. Kirk, George, teamster, 9 pt 18 t. Kirkpatrick, Henry, clerk, 8 pt

17 F Knox, John, 4 pt 18 F Knox, Mathew, 4 pt 18 F KufF, Daniel, 3 w i 4 F KufF, Daniel, 3se"i 13 t. KufF, John, 4 w Jt 12 F Kuff, Michael, 3 ne J 13 t. Lannoth, T. & W., merchants, 8

pts 4 t. Lasahaw, Basil, 8 pt 5 F Law, Stephen, butcher, 7 pt 4 t. Leeper, Robert, 11 J 12 F Leach, Charles, 1 w^ J 7 t. Leale}', James, 4 J 17 F Leaming, Matliew, 5 J 13 F Loble, Thomas, 5 pt 6 F Loble, Warner, laborer, 6 pt 6 t.

Brass andPorcelain Kettles.



Loble, Warner, 5 w J 3 t. Londerville, Samuel, cooper, 7 pt

4 t Lovelet, B., 2 ^ 3 t. Lundegar, Lawrence, 5 J 14 f. Lundeigan, Michael, 4 pt 15 f Lynn, Andrew, laborer, 7 pt 4 t. Lynn, David, sawyer, D pt 20 t. Lynn, Hugh, 5 J 16 f. Lynn, Joseph, 9 pt 15 f. Lynn, Robert, sawyer, 9 pt 20 t. Lynn, William, 5 1 17 f. Lynch, John, 6 i 4 f . Lynch, Michael, 2 w J 13 t. Lynch, Morton, 3pt20f. Lynch, Mrs., 3 pt 20. Lynch, Thos., 1 1 J 4 t ^ilcBrine, Jeremiah, laborer, 9 pt

17 1 M:cCall, Hugh, 4 i 11 f- McCarthy, James, 6 ^ 19 £ McCarthy, James, laborer, 8 pt

5f. McCarthy, James, 8 pt 4 t, McCarthy, Michael, 1 J 5 t. McCarthy, William, 7, 18 f. McConnai, John carpenter, 2 pt

10 f. McDonald, Thomas, 2 f 9 f. McGee, Andrew, 11 J 11 f. McGillen, John, G i 6 t. McGroch, Mrs. 2 pt 9. McKay, George, 12 pt 14 t. McKay, James, 12 pt 13 t. McKay, Wm., 11 | 14 f. McKenzie, Alex., 2, 10 t. McKenzie, Charles, 2 pt 9 t. McLachlin, James, cooper, 8 pt

17 t. McLiaciilin, Robert, hotelkeeper,

8 T)T. 17 t.

McMasters, Thomas, 1 ^ 19 f.

McMaster, Thomas, 5 J 19 f. McMuUen, David, laborer, 9 pt

17 t. McMullcn, Frances, 11 J 10 f. McMullen, James, 11 J 15 t. McMullen, James, 11 i 20 t. McMullen, Michael, hotelkeeper,

8 pt 17 f.

McMullen, Robert, 6 J 20f. McMullen, Thomas, 5 n e J 19 f. McNulty, Neil, 5 i 16 f. McPherson, John, 8 J 20 t. Mahoney, Denis, 1 J 17 t. Mahoney, Jeremiah, 2 J 18 f. Mahoney, Patrick, 7 J 11 f. Mahoney, Thomas, 9 j t 10 f. Marquis, Angus, mason, 8 pt 17 t. Metcalf, Philip, laborer, 9 pt 17 t. Metcalf, Robert, 9 J 10 f. Millegan, Robert, 1 J 20 t. Miles, Jeremiah, 8 ^7 f. Moore, Charles, M.D., 8 pt 17 t. Moore, James, 7, 7 f. Moore, 0. N., cabinetmaker, 8 pt

17f. Moffat, Briston, slioemaker, 8 pt

17 f. Monder, John, 2 | 14 f. Morrow, Joseph, 8 J 20 t. Morrison, David, clerk, 8 pt 5 f. Morrison, Mathew, slioemaker, 9

l)t 18 t. Morton, Henry, B., 8 pt 5 t. Murray, Mrs. 8 ])t 4 f. Murphy, John, 5 J 8 f . Murphy, Timothy'^ 7, 19 f. Nelson, D., carpenter, 8 pt 4 t. Nevins, James, laborer, 8 pt 5 t. Nichoil, M. & R., wa'jc^-onmakers,

9 pt 17 t.

Nichoil, Matthew, bhve]:siiiith, 9 pt 17 t.

Go to Wdltoii's, Foterboro' and Bobcaygeoa, for



Nicholl, William, blacksmith, 8

pt 17 f. O'Dell, John, hotelkeeper, 8 pt - 4 t.

O'Neil, Patrick, 2 i 4 t. Oakman, Mrs., 6 J 5 f . Orr, Andrew, lumber merchant,

7 pts 4 & 5 f.

Orr, William, lumber merchant.

8 pt 4 f.

Ovins, James, teacher, 4 pt 11 f. Parker, Thomas, 11 n | 19 f. Patterson, Alex., 8 e J 15 f. Patterson, Edward, 10 f 17 f. Patterson, Edward, 11 pt 13 f. Patterson, George, 9 pt 18 t. Patterson, James, 10 f 17 f. Patterson, John, S., miller, 9 pt

17 t.

Pearce, J. B., merchant, 9 pt 17 f. Pearcer, Charles, stage driver, 8

pt 17 t. Peck, Gilles, carpenter, 8 pt 5 t. Pengelly, Henry, 11 s w |- 16 t. Peoples, Samuel, laborer, 8 pt

16 t.

Perchand, Francis, miller, 9 pt

18 t.

Pettigrew; John, 9 w J- 11 f. Peters, Charles, tinsmith, 8 pt

17 t.

Peters, John, merchant, 8 pt 4 t. Philips, Richard, postmaster, 9

pt 17 t. Podges, David, 5 J 17 f. Podges, William, 5, 18 f. Powell, Mrs. C, 2, 11 f. Powell, John, 3 J 12 f. Preston, John, 10 pt 7 f. Quinlin, David, 3 | 16 f. Quinlin, John, 1 s e -J 19 f. Quinlin, John, laborer, 8 pt 5 f.

Quinlin, Patrick, 2 s w J 19 f. Quinlin, William, 2 n w -| 19 £ Rahel, Thos., laborer, 8 pt 4 t. Reid, Thos., shoemaker, 2 ptll f. Rellis, James, blacksmith, 8 pt

4 t. Reynolds, Hiram, 8 f 16 f. Reynolds, Peter, merchant, 8 pt

17 f. Richardson, John, gardener, 8

pt 17 f. Richardson, Robert, 10 i 20 £ Richardson, Wm., carpenter, 8

pt 17 £ Richardson, William, 9 w j 8 £ Robertson, Thomas, 12 n J 18 £ Robinson, Ralph, 4, 9 £ Rodden, James, baker, 8 pt 17 £ Rose, Hugh, blacksmith, 7 pt 4 £ Rouch, Michael, laborer, 9 pt 17 1. Rouch, Thomas, 11 J 10 £ Roxburgh, W. E., merchant, 8

pt 17 £ Rushor, Benjamin, carpenter, 8

pt 5 £ Rushor, Joseph, carpenter, 8 pt

4 £ Ryan, Denis, 2 s ^ 3 t. Ryan, John, 4 n J 13 £ Ryan, Michael, 2 pt 10 £ Ryan, Michael, 4 i 13 £ Ryan, William. 7*^1-11 £ Sampson, Ezekiel, 8 pt 17 £ Samuel, Walter, 2, 7 t. Sargent, Edward, blacksmith, 2

pt 11 £ Scanlon, John, 10 i 13 £ Scott, Abraham, 11 i 13 £ Scott, Hugh, 11 J 14 £ Scott, James, 2 e J 18 £ Scott, John, 4 J 19£ Scott, John, J., 11 pt 13 £

Sugar Kettles of all kinds.



Scott, John, W., 12 | 14 f. Scott, Nathan, tanner, 9 pt 17f. Scott, Mrs., 8 pt 17. Scott, Robert, 2 J 11 f. Scott, Robt., shoemaker, 9 pt I7f. Scott, Samuel, 11 -|- 9. Scott, Thomas, 2 w J 17 f. Scott, Walter, 6, 15 f. Scott, Walter, 8, 9 £ Scott, William, 12 pt 16 f. Scimmerham, B., laborer, 1 pt 1 1, Scriver, Daniel, 9 pt 5 t. Scriver, J. H., teacher, 8 pt 17 t. Seawright, Rev. Thos., 8 pt 17 f. Sedgwick, Hiram, 8 pt 4 t. Sedgwick, Joseph, butcher, 8 pt

5 t. Sedgwick, William, blacksmith,

9 pt 17 f.

Shaw, Blakely, laborer, 8 pt 4. f. Sharp, John, merchant, 8 pt 4. Sharp, William, blacksmith, 2 pt

11 f. Sheehan, James, laborer, 2 pt

10 t.

Shea, Jeremiah, 7 |- 12 f. Shea, Michael, 8 J 13 f. Shea, Thomas, 7 i 12 f. Shearer, Andrew, 7 w J 4 f. Shearer, Archibald, 7, 6 f. Shearer, John, 7 -| 8 f. Sheahan, John, laborer, 8 pt 5 f. Slater, John, merchant, 8 pt 4 t. Small, Mrs., 9 pt 17 t. Smith, Christopher, tailoi, 9 pt

17 f. Smith, Mrs., 2 pt 10. Smith, Thomas, merchant, 9 pt

17 t. Smithity, Rev. M., 8 pt 5. Soundless, Hugh, 9 4 13 f. Spears, Mrs., 3 pt 20^;

Spence, Samuel, 4 n | 20 f.

Spencer, Wm., 11 J 12 t.

Starr, James, 10 J 15 f.

Steel, James, carpenter, 8 pt 4 f.

Steel, John, 3 -| 5 f.

Steel, Robert, blacksmith, 8 pt

4f. Stewart, Alex., 12 pt 12 f. Stewart, Benjamin, laborer, 7 pt

4 f. Stewai-t, James, laborer, 8 pt 4 f. Stewart, James, 9 pt 4 t. Stewart, John, 10 -i 15 f. Stewart, Robt., 10 1 9 t. Stephenson, Chas., 11 w J 18 f. Stephenson, W. H., merchant, 8

pt 17 f. Stevenson, Arthur, 10 J 9 f . Stevenson, James, 3 17"f. Stevenson, Wm., 5 s e J 19 f. Stevenson, Wm., 12 | 13 f. Stinson, Daniel, 7 pt 4 t. Striker, Wm., laborer, 8 pt 5 t. Sullivan, Daniel, shoemaker, 8

pt 4 t. Tate, Enoch, 10 pt 8 f. Taylor, James, 8 pt 5 t. Taylor, John, 5 pt 20 f. Thirtleworth, Henry, 10 -J 11 f. Thompson, Alfred, saddler, 2 pt

lit. Thompson, Mrs., 12 | 11 £ Thompson, Robt., 5 w J 4 t. Thompson, Wm.- 3 J 13 f. Tierney, Patrick, 8 pt 4 t. Tindeiiope, Robt., 5 w I- 10 £ Toohill, John, 3 pt 15 t."^ Tobin, Patrick, 5 J 7 £ Tobin, Wm., laborer, 8 pt 4 t. Thom, J. H., teacher, 7 pt 17 t. Toms, Isaac, tanner, 8 pt 4 £ Tucker, Wm., 4 w i 4 t.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Undy, Wm., shoemaker, 8 pt

17 t. Vansickle, David, 8 pt 17 f. Vosburgii, John, teamster, 9 pt

17 t. Walsh, David, 4, 7 t Walsh, John, 6, 11 f. WaLse, Michael, hotelkeeper, 2

pt 10 f. Walsh, Richard, 1 i- 14 f. Warner, Wm., 4 J G f . Waters, Frank, Insurance agent,

8 pt 17 t. Waters, Thos., Insurance agent,

8 pt 17 f. Wescott, Edgert, laborer, 8 pt

17 t. White, Mrs., 7 pt 4 f. White, Wm., sawyer, 1 pt 1 t.

Williams, J., blacksmith, 9 ptl7f. Wilson. Alex., tailor, 8 pt 4. Wilson, J. B., 8 pt 4 £ Wilson, John, 5 n e J 4. Wilson, John, 5 -J 5. Wilson, John M., 8 pt 4 f. Wilson, Robert, 8 pt 17 f. Wildman, John, sen., 11 ^ 15 f. Wildman, John, jun., 11 -J 15 f. Wildman, Joseph, carpenter, 9

pt 18 f. Wildmlin, Susan, 11 n w J 16. Wildman, Thos., 11 J 17 f. Woods, Jacob, blacksmith, 8 pt


Woods, John, miller, 9 pt 18 f. Wright, James, 8 pt 4 t.

Yates, Alex., 0 i 8 t. Yates, Archibald, 6 J 7 t.


The township of Belmont is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Methuen, on the south by the township of Seymour, county of Northumberland, on the east by the township of Marmora, county of Hastings, and on the west by the tov/nships of Asphodel and Dummer. Population about 1,400.

Alaine, Isadore, Blairton, t. Andrews, John, Blairton, t. Anderson, John, sr., 6 s w pt 4 f. Anderson, John, jr., 1, 7 t. Anderson, Robert, 8, 23 f Anderson, Wm., G pt 4 £ Archer, James, Blairton, t. Archer, John, Blairton, t. Armstrong, W. W., 2 e pt 6 f. Aseltime, Michael, 4 w ^- 1 t, Aunger, John, Blairton, t. Ballan, Thos., 9 w J 14 t. Bannan, Caleb, 7 e i 14 t.

Bannan, John, sr., 9 w | 2 f Bannan, John, jr., 9, 16 £ Bates, Roger, 1 pt 7 t. Beaton, John, Blairton, t. Bedford, David, 9 s J 13 t. Bell, Henry, Blairton, t. Belford, James, 9 w -^ 13 t. Birdsall, George, 2, 8"^£ Bison, Philip J., Blairton, t. Bloomer, Mrs. Rebecca, 9, 20 f Boan, Daniel, 2 w J 17 t. Bonar, John, jr., 4 e | 5 t. Bonter, Wm., Blairton, t.

Stove and other Brnshes, cheap.



Boyd, Ezeikel, 1 e J 5 f . Boyd, George, 1 s e J 6 t. Brett, John, Blairton, t. Breakenridge, Jehial, 5 w J 18 f. Brown, Absolam, 3 pt 17 t. Brown, John, 8 pt 16 £ Brown, Mrs. Mary, 1 s w J 20 t. Buchanan, Andrew, 11, 10 f. Buchanan, Peter, 11 e J 6 f . Buchanan, Robert, 11 w J 9 f. Burgess, David, 12 pt 5 f. Burgess, James, 11 e J 4 f. Burgess, Robert, 11, 6 £ Burgess, Wm., 11 w J 4 £ Burns ton, John, Blakton, t. Cameron, Benjamin, 9 pt 1 £ Gannada, Thomas, 1 w pt 7 t. Garre, James, 11 w J 12 t. Garscadden, Luke, 5 pt 5 t. Gavlery, Abner, Blairton, t. Ghard, Wm., 4 e J 1 t. Ghase, Charles, 5 pt 13 t. - Gl£trke, W, C, 10 w h 1 t. Cooper, John E., t. Golville, Andrew, Blairton, t. Gopperwaite, Henry, 10 w 1 18 1. GorneU, Henry, 3 s J 13 £ Gorneil, John, sen., 9 s e -J 22 t. Gorneil, John, jun., 3 w | 13 £ Gorneil, Wm., 7 s w J 24 t. Covert, John, G, 3 £ Cummins, Benjamin & James, 9

ehQt Dack, Robert, 10 w * 9 t. Dafoe, A. W., 4 e J 9 £ Dafoe, Conrad, 4 w J 11 t. Dafoe, James G, Blairton, t. Davis,. Steplien, 1 t. Davidson, Thos., 8 e J,- 1 £ Douppe, Joseph, 4 e ^ 7 £ Duft;Wm., Blairton, t. Dunsten, George, Blaii-ton, t.


Eggleton, Wm., 4 e J 8 £ EUis, Brooke, 2 J 18 t. Ellis,W. W., 3ptll£ Elliott, Samuel, 11 w J 3 £ Erskine, W., Blairton, t. Ewing Mrs. Maria, Blairton, 1 Fanning, Sylvester, 4 pt 6 t. Ferguson, Hiram E., 4 pt 6 £ Ferguson, John, 1, 7 t. Fletcher, Robt., Blairton, t. Frantz, James, Blairton, t. Frantz, Wm., Blairton, t. Freeman, John R., 6 w Fry, Gidney, 4 pt 14 t. Fushea, Samuel, Blairton, t. Garrison, Joshua, Blairton, t. Garrison, Philip I., 6 e J 5 £ Garrison, Mrs. Rachel, 2 pt 6 £ Gay, John, 12 pt 12 t. GeroAv, James, 8 pt 19 t. Gilbert, John H., 10 pt 17 t. Glynn, Frederick C, 10 pt 4 t. Guscott, Harr}^, Blairton, t. Hall, James, Blairton, t. Halstead, Rev. Wm., Blairton, t. Hardy, James, Blairton, t. Hardy, Martin, Blairton, t. Hardy, Samuel, Blairton,' t. Hardy, Sidney, Blairton, t. Harvey, Robert. Blairton, t. Haughton, Wm., 1 e J 1 t. Hawkesworth, Thos., Blairton t. Holbrooke, James E.. 8, 4 £ Holcombe, Baiter, 3 pt 11 £ Holcombe, George sr., 3 w ^ 10 £ Holcombe, Henry, 8 e ^ 20 t. Holcombe, William, 3 e h 10 £ Hubel, Henry, 9 e J 30 i Hubel, Levi, Blairton, t. Hubel, Samuel, 9 e ■} 29 t. Hulett, Samuel, 5, 10 £ Humphreys, James, Blairton, t-

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Huston, Mitchell, 9 e h 18 £ Huston, Scott, 9 w h *S t. Huston, Wm., 10 pt'^4 f. Huyske, Christopher, 2 pt 8 t. Johns, Edward, 10, 2 f. Johns, Turver, Blairton, t. Johnston, Mrs. Martha, ,9 w i

5f. Johnston, Robert, 9 w J 4 f. Johnston, Thomas, 11 e J 3 f. Jones, Daniel, 6, 82 t. Jones, E. J., 5 pt 10 f. KeUy, David, 4 w J 5 t. Kelly, Samuel. 3 w J 6 t. Kelly, Thomas, Blairton, t. Kempt, Maitland, 6 J 6 t. Kennedy, Samuel, 8, 22 t. Kennedy, William, 7 w J 22 t. Knight, Cornelius, 9 e |- 28 t. Lake, Wellington, 1 pt 7 t. Lasher, Andrew, 4 t. Laveck, James, 5 w half 2 f. Leitch, William, 2, 5 t. Lewis, George, sen.^ 6, 9 t. Lewis, Thomas, 6 pt 9 t. Lloyd, Charles. 12 pt 16 t. Luke, James, Blairton, t. McBurney, Dan., 10 w half 6 f. McCarter, Wm., Blairton, t. McCaskey, Wm., 11 w half 2 £ McConnell, James, 12 pt 8 £ McConnell, John & Joseph, 1,

23 t. IMcEall, John, 1 pt 5 t. McFali, Robert, 1 w half 5 t. McGill, Edward, 11 e half 17 £ McGill, James, 10 w half 17 £ McHarg. John, Blairton, t McKenzie, John, Blairton, t. McLaughlin, Andrew, 1 pt 7 t. McLaughlin, Robert H., 11 w


McMillan, Wm., 10 pt 5 £ McMuUen, Ebenezer, Blairton, 1 McNeorg, Alonzo, 8 w half 2 t. McNeary, Sealey, 5 w half 4t. McNicol, Eagine, 9 w half 15 f. McNicol, John, 9 n e J- 15 £ McQuaigg, Thompson, 1 pt 9 t. Madill, Thomas, Blairton, t. Main, William, 10 t. Marriot, John, Blairton, t. Martin, John, 11 e J 16 t. Mathison, Andrew, 9, 7 1. Meeks, Moses, 2 s J 18 t. Meikle, James, Blairton, t. Melville, William, 7 w ^ 14 t. Milligan, William, 3 e | 14 t. Morrow, John, 11 e J 7 t. Murray, Richard, 10 w J 19 t. Murray, Rodger, 10 e J 19 t. Murphy, John, Blairton, t. Nixon, Ezeikel, 6 e i 4 £ O'Neill, Michael, 5 e h 4< t Osborne, James, Blairton, t. Parcels, John, 9 e | 21 t. Parcels, Michael, 1 w ^ 6 t. Parcels, William, 10 pt 13 t, Pearce, Peter, 9 w J 6 £ Powell, Edmund, Blairton, t. Povv^ell, Isaac, 11 e |- 18 £ Preston, John, H, 2, 20 £ Preston, Porter, ^, 21 £ Proples, James, sr., 4 w J 4 £ Proples, James B., 4, 3 £ Proples, Robert, jr., 4 e J 4 £ Rea, James, 10 e J 8 t. Rea, William, 10 w J 5 t. Rice, Richard, Blairton, t. Richardson, Edwin, 10, 3 f Robinson, Archibald, Blairton, t. Rogers, Amos, jr., 9 e i 19 t. Rogers, John, 12 pt 20*^ t. Russell, James, 1, 25 £

Leather, Stove, and all kinds of Varnishes7


J. c. Conner's

Russell, Robert, 3 e I 7 f. Ruttan, Jessie, 9 n |" 21 t. Sawer, Levi, t.

Sclmider, Nicholas, S pt 17 f. Scott, D. D., Blairtoii, t. Scott, Marcus, 6 J 6 t. Seabrooke, Henry, sr., 5. 7 t. Seabrooke, Henry, jr., 12 pt 2 t. Seabrooke, Wm., 11 w J 1 t. Seaney, John, 8 w I 15 f. Seaney, Mrs. Margaret, 10 n w

il6t. Sedge wick, James, 10 e | 1 £ Shaw, William, Blairton, t. Simpson, James, 7 e |^ 10 f. Simpson, Robt., Blairton, t. Sixsmith, John, 7 s w J 21 t. Sixsmith, John J., 8 e |^ 21 t. Sixsmith, Matthew ,7 n w J 21 1. Sixsmith, Simon, 6 w J 5 t. Sixsmith, Thos., 5 w J 6 t. Sixsmith, W. W., 2 w J 10 f. Sloane, Robt.. 11, 8 f. Smith, David, 6, 19 f. Snow, Wm., Blairton, t. South work, Alvin, 10 e J 7 t. South work, Martin, 9 ne ^- 11 1. Stewart, James, Blairton, t. Stewart, Robt., 11 e J 5 f,

Stevens, W. D., Blairton, t. Stevenson, James, Blairton, t Stone, Theodore, Blairton, t. Switzer, Mathew. 10 J 4 t. Switzer, Michael, 5, 5 t. Thrall, H. P., 5 pt 12 f. Todd, Walter, Blairton, t. Tomms, Henry, 10 e | G t. Twobett, James, 12 pt 10 t. Yaughan, Emanuel, Blairton, t. Yivian, Edwin, Blairton, t. Wadsworth, John, Blaiiton, t. Wegge, J. B., 5 e i 8 t. Wegge, Mrs. Matilda, 5 fs w i 8 t. Weller, Benjamin, 8 e J 8 f . Weller, Gibert, 2 pt 7 t. Weller, J. B., 8 e .^ 7 f . White, WiUiam, 7 s |- 23 f. Whitmarsh, James, Blairton, t. Whitmarsh, Levi, Blairton, t. Williams, Asa, 5, 11 1. Williamson, J. L., 6 e J 10 f. Wilde, Mrs. Ellen, 2 w ^ 11 f. Wright, Peter, 7 i 15 t Wynn, William, Blairton, t. Yeomans, Eleazer, 3 pt 18 f. Yeomans, G. A., 2 i 18 t. Young, W. E., 2 1 16 f.


The township of Bruton is bounded on the north by the township of Clyde, on the south by the township of Harcourt, on the east by the township of McClure, County of Hastings, and on the west by the township of Harbum This township belongs to the C. L. & E. Co. Population 10.

Eddie, William, 2, 5 f.

I Roberts, James, 2, 6 f.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon,



The township of Burleigh is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Anstruther, on the south, Salmon Trout Lake and the town- ship of Dummer, on the east by White Lake and the townsliips of Chandos and Methuen, and on the west by Buckhorn Lake and the township of Harvey. Population about 200.

Anderson, Robert, 12 half 18 f. Boyd, WilHam, 11 half 14 f. Brooks, Atwood, U half 23 f. Bronson, William, 4 pt 7 f. Brown, Alexander, 12 half 18 f. Burt, Charles, 12 half 20 f Burt, Ephriam, 13 pt 20 £ Clarke, John, 3 half 6 f Clifford, Robert, 14 half 24 £ Coon, John, 13 pt 21 £ Dunsford, Richard, 14 pt 22 £ Farthing, James, 14 -J 25 £ Giles, Henry, 12 pt 15 £ Giles, Thomas, 11 pt 1 5 £ Golborne, James, postmaster 12

pt 16 £ Hales, William, 10 pt 10 £ Harvey, Josepli, 1 e half 7 £ Hubble, John, 4 e half 6 f . Lean, Daniel, 15 half 22 £ Lean, Isaac, 15 pt 25 £ Lean, John, 15 half 21 £

Lean, Richard, sr., 15 pt 25 f. McConnell, John, 13 half 22 £ McFadden," Silas, 11 half 11 £ Mcllemoyles, James, 14 pt 25 £ Mcllemoyles, John, 2 half 19 f. Meyers, Wm., 6 half 5 £ Moloney, Thos., 0 n half 10 £ Nesbitt, John, 12 half U £ Nesbitt, Thomas, jr., 9 half 10 £ Phelan, Peter, hotelkeeper, 11

pt 13 £ Reid, Lafayette, 6 w half 7 £ Sanderson, Edward, G, 9 £ Spencer, Richard, 6 s half 12 £ Staples, John, 14 half 21 £ Stone, Giles, postmaster, 5 J 7 f . Stone, James, 8 e half 5 £ Stone, James, C, 4 e half 8 £ Stone, John, 2 n half 9 £ Stone, William. 5 e half 7 £ Walton, Matthew, 16 half 25 £


The township of Cardiff is bounded on the north by the township of Harcourt, on the south by the township of Chandos, on the east by the townships of Herschel and Farabay, County of Hastings, and on the west by the township of Monmouth. Population about 50.

Anderson, John. 6, 15 £ Armstrong, Wheeler, 5, 14 £ Couroy, Edward, 5. 12 £

Dunlop, Joseph, 7, 16 £ Patterson, George, 4, 13 £ Tallon, Law., surveyor, 5, 13 £

Where you will get all goods cheap.




The township of Cavendish is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Glamorgan, on the south by the township of Harvey, on the east by the township of Anstruther, and on the west by the township of Galway. Not settled, although incorporated with the township of Galway.


The township of Chandos is bounded on the north by the township of Cardiff, on the south by the township of Methuen, on the east by the townships of Farabay and Wallaston, County of Hastings, and on the west by the townships of Anstruther and Burleigh. Population about 200.

Bird, Benjamin, 9, 2 f. Bird, John, H., 9, 1 £ Buchanan, George, 3, 4 f. Carroll, John, crown land agent,

12, 7 f Cleary , James, 1 2, 1 4 f. Collins, John, 10, 8 £ Colweil, Hugh, 13, 16 £ Connolly, John, 10, 9 £ Defries, William, 4, 1 £ Dunn, Barnby, 6, 1 £ Edgar, Samuel, 7, 1 £ Finnerty, John, 10, 4. £ Finnerty, Patrick, 11, 4 £ Fisher, William, 14, 15 £ Fletcher, Joseph, sr., 15, 16 £ Fletcher, Joseph, jr.,. 15, 17 £ Hales, Benjamin, 4, 8 £ Hines, Maurice, 13,6 £ Hines, Michael, 15, 19 £ Hob bins, Patrick, 11, 7 £ Horan, John, 15, 20 £ Horan, Patrick, 13, 8 £ Horan, Robert, 5, 11 £

Horan, William, 12, 16 £ Johnston, Robert, 12, 13 £ Kemp, George, 9, 3 £ Kemp, Thomas, 9, 4 £ Kilborn, Billings, 10, 3 £ Linch, Bernard, 12, 9 £ Lousley, Caleb, 5, 1 £ McPherson, John, 13, 8 £ Maher, Cornelius, 8, 4 £ Maxwell, Henry, postmaster, 8,

1 £ Middleton, Francis, 8, 3 £ O'Brien, Daniel, 14, 7 £ O'Brien, Maurice, sr., 12, 4 £ O'Brien, Maurice, jr., 13, 7 £ O'Brien, Michael, 12, 5 £ Scott, James, 14, 12 £ Scott, Patrick, 14, 13 £ Scott, William, 14, 14 £ Wilson, Thos., 4, b £ Woods, Benjamin, 10, 11 £ Woods, Joseph, 11, 8 £ Young, James, 11, 3 £ Young, John, 10, 2 £

Go to Walton's, Pejterboro' and Bobcaygeon,




The township of Clyde is bounded on the north by the township of Nigtingale, on the south by the township of Bruton, on the east by the township of Sabine, county of Hastings, and on the west by the township of Eyre. This township belongs to the C. L. & E, Co. Not settled.


The township of Douro is bounded on the north by Salmon-Trout Lake and the Otonabee River, on the south by the township of Otonabee, on the east by the townships of Asphodel and Dummer, and on the west by the Otonabee River. Population about 2,500.

Bourke, John, 2 J 5 f . Bowker, C. E., 7 pt 17 f Bowker, Francis, 7 pt 17 f Boyd, John, 4 e } 13 f Bradfield, Richard, 8 pt 8 f. Bradfield, Wm., 8 pt 3 f Brevin, Francis, 12 pt 5 f. Brevin, Joseph, 12 pt 5 f. Broad, Jas., 1 e | 22 £ Brodie, Robert, 12 pt 2 t. Brown, Mrs., 12 pt 1 t. Browne, Robt., 9 w J 6 f Buckley, James, 6 e J 17 f Burke, Michael, 4 pt 1 t. Burke, Michael, ]2pt4f Burke, Thosmas, 12 pt 4 f. Burgess, C. J., Lakefield, t. Caddy, George, 5 w | 21 f. Cain, Frederick, 7 e J 15 f. Campbell & Co., 11 pt G. CampboU, Archibald, 10 w half

1 t. Campbell, Hantz, 9 av half 4 f. CampbeU, J. H., 10 pt 6 t. Campbell, John E., 9 w half 5 f. Campbell, Samuel, 8 w half 1 t.

Abbott, Wm., 5 n w J 20 f. Ahum, Maurice, 12 pt 1 f. Aity, Joseph, 12 pt 4 £ AUen, Anthony, 8 n e J 4 f Allen, Edward, 3 | 18 t. Allen, Edward, 5 pt 6 t. AUen, John, 6 w ^ J £ Allen, Mrs., 7 e -J 3. Allen. Wm., 7 w J 3 £ Anderson, Daniel, 7 e J 2 £ Armstrong, J. F., 11 e J 2 t. Baptie, James, 8 pt 9 t. Baptie, Peter, Lakefield, £ Barry, John, 6 w J 5 £ Barlee, Frederick, Lakefield, £ Beatty, Edward, Lakefield, £ Beavis, Archibald, 8 e | 2 £ BeU, A., M.D., Lakefield, t. Bell, Henry, 1 w J 7 t. Bissomtte, Antoine, 12 pt 5 Blakely, Wm., Lakefield, £ Blakely, Wm., Lakefield, t. Blackwell, Jas., I2pt3£ Bolton, George, Lakefield, £ Bolton, Jas., 10 e J 8 £ Bolton, Thomas, Lakefield, £


Where you can get the best Cooking Stoves.



Carter, William, Lakefield, t. Carveth, Henry, 3 f 2 f. Casey, James, 4 n e J 7 f. Casey, James, 6 e half 13 f. Casey, John, 5 n e ^^ 1 f . Casey, William, 5 s e J 1 f . Casley, Edward, 12 pt 3 t. Casement, Robert, Lakefield, f. Casement, Thomas, 7 e J 19 f. Clarke, George, 1 n J 14 f. Clarke, James, 2 e half 11 t. Clarke, John, 12 pt 2 f. Clarke, Michael, 2 e half 13 t. Clancy, Maurice, 4 e half 5 f dementi, John, 2 w half 12 t. Clementi, Rev. V., Lakefield, f. Clinksdale, M., 7 pt 18 £ Coates, Mrs., Lakefield, f. Cochrane, Alexander, 7 pt 19 f. Cochrane, Irvine. 4 w half 8 £ Collins, WilUam, 1 w half 1 £ Colvin, Henry, 2 J 10 t. Connors, William, 5 e half 15 t. Condon, James, 6 e half 10 t. Condon, John, 2 w half 8 £ Condon, John, 5 w half 8 £ Condon, Michael, 2 e half 10 £ Condon, Richard, 2 pt 10 t. Condon, Thomas, 6 n w ^ 12 £ Condon, Wm., 4 e half 16 £ Conway, Mrs., 11 pt 5 £ Costello, Patrick, 5 pt 6 £ Cotton, Wm., Lakefield, £ Coughlan, Jeremiah. 8 w half

Coughlan, John, 5 w half 13 t. Coughlan, John, H e half 6 t. Coughlan, Michael & Martin, sr.,

4 w half 12 t & £ Coughlan, Martin, jr., 2 w half

IGt. Coughlan, Patrick, 9 J 9 t.

Coxe, John, Lakefield, f. Coxe, Silas, 3 | 20 £ Coxe, Wm., Lakefield, £ Coxe, Wm., Lakefield, £ Cranley, John, o } 12 £ Crawford, Charles, 9 pt 9 t. Crough, Jeremiah, 3 -J 13 £ Crowley, Cornelius, 10 pt 7 £ Crowley, John, 3 | 10 £ Curtis, David, 11 f 3 t. Curtis, Lazarus, 12 pt 1 £ Curtis, Mark, 12 pt 1 £ Dauburz, Henry, 5 e J 21 £ Davy, John, 7, 12 £ Davidson, George, 12 pt 1 t. Davidson, Samuel, G w | IS £ Delany, Denis. 5 w J 10 £ Dench, Robt., 7 e J 14 £ Dickson, David, 8 w J 6 £ Donovan, John, i.2 pt 3 £ Down, Henry, 5 s e J 20 £ ^ Dowman, Gabriel, 3 | 20 £ DriscoU, Daniel, 8 pt 3 £ Dudman, C. S., 11 pt 1 £ Dunk, Solomon, Lakefield, £ Dwyer, Denis, 7 w | 10 £ Dwyer, John, 4 w J 10 £ Dwyer, John, 6 e ^"^12 £ Dwyer, Richard, 2 | 16 £ Edmison, John, Dakefield, t. Elder, Wm., Lakefield, £ Falls, James, 10 e J 4 £ Farley, Charles, 5 e J 13 £ Farley, Patrick, jun., 6 s o ^ 9 t. Ferrick, John, 12 pt 3 t. Firman, George, 1 2 pt 5 £ Fitzpatrick, Joseph, 5 w J 19 £ Fitzpatrick, Michael, 5 w | 7 £ Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 6 e half 1 1. Fitzpatrick, Peter, 5 pt 6 £ Fleming, Wm., 12 pt 1 £ Flood. Michael. 1 s half 14 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobeaygeon,




Flynn, Thos, 3 pt 9 f. Foley, Edward, 6 e half 19 t. Foley, Mathew, 5 w half 20 f Forsyth, David, 1 e half 5 £ Fowier, Alfred, 7 pt 17 f Freddenburgh, John, 12 pt 5 f Galvin, Garrett, 7 w half 14 f Garbutt, Isaac, 2 e half 21 £ Gill, Will, 6 pt 21 f Godfrey, John, 12 pt 2 f. Goheen, Henry, Lakefield, f Gordon, Thos, Lakefield, f Gorman, David, 4 s e Grady, David, 3 | 4 f Grant, Charles, 1 e half 21 t. Graham, Roht, Lakefield, t. Graham, Thomas, 2 e half 22 £ Greigg, James, S, 7, 9 £ Greigg, John, 2 w half 9 £ Griffin, Jonathan, Lakefield, £ Grisdale, Wilfred, 1 w half 13 £ Guiren, Martin, 4 pt 1 £ Hall, John, 11 pt 3 t. Hamlin, John, 5 pt 24 f Hamilton, David, 6 e half 4 £ Hamilton, William, Lakefield, £ Hanrahan, Edward, 7 e half 5 £ Hanrahan, Thomas, 5 pt 5 £ Harding, Stephen, 1 e half 25 £ Harper, George, 5 e half 9 £ Harvey, William, 8 w half 10 £ Heffeman, Patrick, 7 w half 1 £ Hetfernan, Patrick, 7 w half 2 £ Helps, Bryan, 1 e half 4 £ Hendron, Thomas, Lakefield, £ Higgiiis, John, 4 w half 7 £ Hilton, WiUiam, 11 e half 4 t. Hiscutt, S. 2 w half 22 t. Hogan, James, 3 f 15 £ Hogan, Thomas, 3 w half 15 £ Hogan, William, 3 w half 5 t. Holland, Daniel, 8 pt 7 t.

Holland, John, 8 w half 4 £ Holland, Michael, 9 e half 4 t. Horrigan, Michael, 8 pt 12 £ Horaii, Patrick, 6 whalf 15 t. Hurdon, Wm., 12 e half 2 t Ingram, James, 4 e half 23 £ Jadis, E. W., Lakefield, t. Johnson, Henry, 12 pt 2 £ 'Johnson, Stephen B., 12 pt 2 t. Jury, James, 6 e half 20 t. Jury, John, 1 n half 20 t. Keat, E. 0, Lakefield, £ Kennedy, Daniel, 4 f 15 £ Kennedy, John, 4 -J- 15 t. Kennedy, Michael, 2 s w -J 13 £ Keneily, Mrs, 8 e half 1 £ Kerr, James, 1 n e J 17 £ Kerr, Patrick, 1 n e J 19 £ Kettle, George, 1 s e J 17 t. Kilcauly, Dominick. Kilcauly, Peter, 1 J 15 £ King, Adam, 9, 2 £ Knox, Adam, Lakefield, £ Knox, John, Lakefield, £ Lancaster, George, 7 e half 4 t. Le Claire, Louis, 2 J 5 £ Leahy, Denis, 2 e J 8 £ Leahy, James, 2 w J 7 £ Leahy, John, 6 n w -J 7 £ Leahy, John, 7 e J 6 £ Leahy, Martin, 7 -J 5 £ Leahy, Michael, 3 | 8 t. Leahy, Michael, 6 pt 8 £ Leahy, Michael, 7 J 5 £ Leahy, Michael, 8 pt 9 £ Leahy, Mrs, 6 pt 1 t. Leahy, Patnck, 7 s w J G £ Leahy, Patrick, 7 e J 7 £ Leahy, Wm., 0 s w J 7 f. Leahy, Wm., 6 e h IK Leahy, Wm., 7 w''^ 7 £ Lefree, Francis, 12 pt 5 £

Where you can get the best Harness, &c.



Leigh, Edward, 7 i 18 f. Leonard, John, Lakefield, f. Leonard, Wm., Lakefield, f. Leslie, George, 1 w ^ 17 f. Logan, Patrick, 6 e half 3 f. Lynch, Michael, 4 n half 18 £ McAuliffe, John, 12 pt 1 f McCarthy, Denis, 4 e half 8 t. McCarthy, Eugene, 7 n e f 8 f McCartliey, Patrick, 7 s e J 8 £ McCarthey, Wm., 6 w half 8 £ McCoy, John, 1 e half 23 £ McCrea, John, Lakefield, £ McElligott, James, jun., 6 pt 8 £ McHugh, Thos., 1 s e i 12 £ McHugh, Wilfred, 1 w half 12 £ McTntyre, James, 10 e half 2 £ McTntyre, James, 10 w half 5 t. Mclvers, Patrick, 4 ehalf 12 £ Mclvers, Thos., 2 pt 10 £ McKibbon, Mrs., Lakefield, £ McLennon, Wm., Lakefield, £ McMahon, Denis, 9 pt 8 t. McMahon, Maurice, 3 e half 5 £ McManus, Anthony, 2 s e J 14 £ McManus, John, 2 w half 15 £ McManus, Martin, 5 -J 12 £ McMurray, Garrett, 2 n e J 14 £ McMurray, Thos., 2 n w I 14 £ Mahony, Jeremiah, 5 n e ^ 8 £ Malionv, Michael, jun., 6 w half

6 £ ' Mahony, Simon, 1 s half 10 t. Mann, A., M.D., Lakefield, t. May, Mrs. Thos., 8 pt 5 £ Meade, Maurice, 4 pt 1 £ Mellor, H. F., 5 s w J 22 £ Michall, Thomas, Lakefield, t. Millar, Stephen, 2 e half 12 t. Moher, James, 6 e half 5 £ Moher, Maurice, 4 pt 13 £ Moher, Patrick, 4 pt 13 £

Moher, Wm., 4 w half 14 £ Moher, Wm., 7 e half 10 £ Moloney, John, 8 e half 8 £ Moloney, Michael, 1 n e J 12 t. Moloney, Rodger, 9, 8 £ Montgomery, John, 12 pt 5 £ Morrow, Wm., 1 e half 8 £ Morgan, Thos., 3 | 12 £ Moroney, Michael 12 pt 2 t. Mullins, John, 4 n e J 14 t. Nelson, Robert, 7 11 £ Newall, Frank, 1 -J 6 £ Newall, Samuel, 1 pt 7 £ Newton, George, 12 pt 2 t. NichoUs, George, Lakefield, £ Nicholls, J. B., 4 w half 21 £ Nicholls, William, jr., 10 e half

5 t. Nicholls, W. C, 7 w half 16 £ Nicholls, W. W., 7 pt 19 £ Norris, Wm., 7 n e ^ 17 t. Norcock, Margaret, 6 w half 20 £ Nowlan, Laughlan, 6 w half 11 £ Nowlan, Martin, 8 e half 5 £ Nowlan, Thomas, 6 s w J 12 £ O'Brien, Denis, 4 w half 6 £ O'Brien, Denis, 5 n w J 3. O'Brien, John, 3 | 6 £ O'Brien, John, 4 w, half 2 t. O'Brien, John, 5 e half 3 £ O'Brien, Maurice, 3 -J 6 £ O'Brien, Maurice, 5 n e -J 4 f , O'Brien, Michael. 4 w half G t. O'Brien, Michael, 5 s w J 3 £ O'Brien, Wm., 5 s e J 4 £ O'Brien, Thos., 4 w half 15 £ O'Connell, Denis, 7 n w J 6 t. O'Donnell, Edmund, 4 pt 10 £ O'Donnell, Patrick, G w half 9 t. Payne, John, 1 e half 24 £ Payne, Sidney, 1 ehalf 13 £ Pay ton, Charles, 1 e half 11 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Payton, James, 2 n half 20 f. Peters, J. W., 7 pt 19 f. Phillips, Robert, 1 s e i 6 f. Pollock, John, 12 pt 4 t. Porter, David, 9 e half 6 t. Porter, Thomas, 9 e half 5 f. Pratt, William, Lakefield, t. Quinn, David, 3 pt 9 f Quinn, George, 12 pt 1 t. Quinlan, David, 4 n e 4- 1 1. Quinlan, John, 1 w half 11 f. Regan, Mrs., 8 pt 3 f Reid, Henry, 8, 7 £ Reid, James, 12 pt 4 f Reid, Mrs, 11 pt 4 t. Richardson, John, Lakefield, f Richardson, John, 5 w half 4 £ Rishor, William, 11 pt 4 t. Robertson & Co., cloth factory,

12 pt 2 £ Rowe, George, 7 w half 15 t. Russell, George, Lakefield, £ Russell, John, 12 pt 1 £ Rutherford, James, 1 n half 6 £ Ryan, Patrick, 2 pt 6 t. Sainesbury, Francis, Lakefield, t. Saulter, James, Lakefield, £ Sawers, John, Lakefield, t. ScuUy, Matthew, 1, 16 £ Shannon, William, 8 pt 3 £ Sheehan, Cornelius, 4 J 11 t. Sheehan, Daniel, 3 | 14 t. Sheehan, Daniel, 5 pt 1 t. Sheehan, Daniel, 5 e half 2 £ Sheehan, Henry, 4 w half 4 £ Sheehan, John, 3 | 3 £ Sheehan, Michael, 4 e half 4 t. Sheehan, Patrick, 2 pt 4 f. Sheehan, Patrick, 4 e half 2 £ Sheehan, Thomas, 4 J 11 t. Sheehan, William, 3 | 14 £ Shea, Daniel, 5 pt 14 f.

Shea, John, 10 w half 4 £ Sherin, John, Lakefield, £ Sherin, Samuel, Lakefield, £ Shields, George, Lakefield, £ Shortly & Harper, Lakefield, £ Singleton, George, 1 w half 24 £ Smith, David, Lakefield, t. Smith, John, 2, 1 £ Smith, Richard, Lakefield, t. Snelgrove, James, 1 w half 22 £ Spencely, Wm., 12 pt 1 £ Steele, Nicholas, 6 n half 18 £ Stewart, Henry, 12 pt 3 £ Stone, L. F., Lakefield, f Strickland & Brothers, saw- millers, Lakefield. Strickland, George, 6 w half 17 £ Strickland, J. P., shingle factory,

Lakefield, t. Strickland, Richard, 8 | 13 £ Strickland, Robert, 7 pt 18 £ Strickland, Rowland, 7 pt 18 £ Strickland, Walter, Lakefield, £ SuUivan, Ambrose, 3 f 11 t. Sullivan, Daniel, 5 pt 6 £ Sullivan, Denis, G e half 2 £ Sullivan, Denis, 6 w half 13 t. Sullivan, John, 2 w half 3 £ Sullivan, John, 4 e half 9 £ Sullivan, Mrs., 4 pt 9. Sullivan, Patrick, 2, 2 f, Sullivan, Thomas, 1 pt 7 t. Suttler, Greenwood, 12 pt 3 t. Sweeney, Maurice, 3 f 17 £ Thompson, W. J., 12 pt 3 £ Tigart, F. K, flour-mill, 3 pt 2t. Tighe, Charles, 5 w half 9 £ Ti^he, Jas., 2 n w J 13 £ Tobin, Michael, 4se ^ 11 £ Torpey, John, 4 pt 10 £ Torpey, Michael, 4 J 11 £ Torpey, Thomas, 4 pt 10 £

Fire Fenders and Dog Irons.



Torpey, William, 1 n half 10 f. Towns, John, 5 e half lit. Trotter, Jas., 5 pt 1 1. Trotter, Joseph, 6 w half 2 f. Tucker, E., 1 w half 4 f Tucker, George, 1, 3 f Tucker, William, 1 e half 1 f Urquhart, Kenneth, Lakefield, £ Vizard, John, 1 n w |- 21 f Wallace, Isaac, 5 |^ 17 f Walsh, John, 2 e half 3 f Walsh, John, 2 pt 6 f. Walsh, John, 4 J 5 t Walsh, John, 10 w half 2 f.

Walsh, Martin, 12 pt 1 f Watley, Charles, 2 s half 20 £ Watley, Thomas, 1 e half 20 £ Watson, Isaac, 5, 18 t. Wells, William, Lakefield, t. Weston, Thos., 5 s half 12 £ Westleake, George, 5 s w J 22 t. Whibbs, John, 5 e half 7 £ Whibbs, Mrs, 6 w half 10 £ Whibbs, Thomas, 3 f 16 £ Wilson, Edward, Lakefield, £ Wilkins, Charles, 12 pt 1 t. Young, George, 9, 3 £ Young, John, 5 w half 2 f.


The township of Dudley is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Harburn, on the south by the township of Monmouth, on the east by the township of Harcourt, and on the west by the town- ship of Dysart. This township belongs to the Canadian Land and Emigration Company. Not settled.


The township of Dummer is bounded on the north by Salmon- Trout Lake and the township of Burleigh, on the south by the township of Asphodel, on the east by the townships of Belmont and Methuen, and on the west by Salmon-Trout Lake and the township of Douro. Population about 2,100.

Batten, William, 1 n half 18 £ Bates, Edward, 1 pt 24 t. Bell, Christopher, 3 s half 20 £ Bell, Flagler, laborer, 2 pt 15 t. Bell, Henry, laborer, Warsaw, t. Bell, Jacob, laborer, 2 pt 15 t. Bingham, Jas., M.D., Warsaw, t. Bisset, John, 3 e half 13 £

Andre, William, 2 e half 7 £ Anderson, Duncan, 5 n half 5 £ Anderson, John, 1 n e J 15 t. Armstrong, Charles, 1 s half 30 1. Barr, George, 4 s half 7 £ Barr, Michael, 2 s half 4 t. Barrie, David, 11, 6 £ Batten, Richard, 3, 21 £

Go to Walton'i, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Boland, Michael, 3 e half 3 f. Brooks, William, 12 e half 2 £ Broddy, John, laborer, 10 n e I

8t. Brown, Robert, 5 w half 30 f Buck, Jas., merchant, 9, 8 f Bullock, John W., 1, 17 £ Bums, Mrs. Mary, 4 n half 7 £ Calder, Alex., 4 pt 14 £ Calder, Charles, 4 pt 14 £ Calder, Francis, 4 w half 15 £ Calder, James, 3, 14 t. Campbell, Thomas wagonmaker,

Warsaw, £ Carlow, John, 1 w half 5 £ Carveth, John, 3 w half 26 £ Chapin, John, cabinetmaker,

Warsaw, t. Cheat, Thomas, merchant, War- saw, £ Choat, Thomas G., miller, War- saw, t. Christy, Charles, 2, 4 £ Clague, James, 5 e half 30 £ Clapper, Wm., laborer, 11 pt St. Clements, John, 2 s half 18 t. Qydesdale, Edward, 3 e half 15 £ Clydesdale, James, 6 w half 2 £ Clydesdale, John, jr., 5 e half Clydesdale, Wm., 5, 17 £ Cook, Thomas, lie half 13 £ Cooper, Joseph, laborer, 2 pt 16 t. Collins, Benjamin, 9 pt 17 t. Colvin, Moses, 8 n half 14 t. Crow, Christopher, 3 w half 24 £ Crow, Francis, 3 n half 29 t. Crow, James, 3 e half 26 £ Crow, James, cooper, 4 e half

24 t. Crow, John, laborer, 2 pt 23 t. Crow, Jordan, 3 w half 27 £ Dalton, James, 2 w half 2 £

Dalton, Thomas, 2 w half 3 £ Darling, James, 3 -} 24 £ Darling, Richard, 3 | 24 £ Darling, Richard, 8 pt 29 £ Darling, Wm., teacher, 3 n w -J

25 £ Darling, William, 5 w half 28 t. Davis, Robert, 1 J 8 £ Davey, John, 8 pt 11 £ Dewart, James, 7 s w J 13 £ Dewart, John, sr., 6 w half 14 £ Dewart, John, jr., 7 -|- 14 £ Dockins, James, cooper, 3 pt IS £ Dods, Hugh, 4 w half 23 £ Douty, Charles, laborer,2pt I7t. Douglas, Gilbert, 2 pt 12 £ Douglas, Walter, 3 w half 12 £ Drain, David, 7 pt 29 £ Drain, Hugh, 5 w half 4 f. Drain, John, 7 pt 28 £ Dunford, Lazarus, 1 w half 22 £ Dunford, Thomas, 2 s w J 17 t. Dwyer, Mrs. Aim, Warsaw, £ Edwards, Joseph & Mark, 1, 16 f Elliot, John, 12 w half 2 £ Elliot, William, 12 pt 3 £ Elliott, John, pedlar, 4 pt 1 t. Emery, Nelson, 7 pt 15 £ Ennis, Michael, carpenter, 8 pt

Fawcett, Andrew, 1 w half 3 £ Ferrier, Abraham, 3 w half 13 £ Ferrier, John sr., 4 e half 14 £ Ferrier, John, jr., 4, 13 £ Ferguson, Alexander, 3 e half

23 t. Ferguson, Henry, 6 w half 3 £ Ferguson, Peter, 2 pt 6 £ Ferguson, Richard, 6 e half 3 £ Ferguson, Robert, 9 w half 7 £ Fife, John, carpenter, Warsaw, t. Finlay, John, 5 e half 2 f.

Lumbermen's Fumishings of all kinds,



Fitzgerald, John, 4, 16 f. Fitzpatrick, Daniel, 4 e half 10 f. Fitzpatrick, Patrick, 5 w half

10 f. Fitzpatrick, Philip, 4 e half 8 f Fitzpatrick, Timothy, 4, 9 f Forbes, George, sr., 2 pt 6 t. Forbes, George, jr., pedlar, 2 pt

6t. Forsythe, George, 1 w half 7 f. Forsythe, Neigne, 1 w half 6 £ Francis, Jacob, 9 w half 10 f. Gallagher, Richard, 8 w half 7 f. Garlick, George, clerk, Warsaw f Gardner, Edmund, 6 e half 4 f Gardner, Henry, 7 w half 6 f, Gardner, Robert, 8 e half 4 f. Gilroy, Patrick, 1 e half 2 t. Grant, Joseph, 2, 22 £ Graham, Robert, 9 e half 5 £ Grattan, Robert, 12 pt 8 £ Grattan, Wm., 12 pt 10 £ Grieve, Jas., laborer, 9 n e J 3 t. Hamblen, Nehemiah, 3 e half 7 £ Hamblen, Reuben, 1 s half 8 £ Hamblen, Samuel, blacksmith,

Warsaw, £ Hamilton, James, weaver, 8 w

half 4 £ Hannon, Robert, 4 s w J 1 £ Handbidge, Thomas, 3 w half

17 £ Hartin, John, 12 pt 7 t. Harvey, Mrs. Emily, 1 e half 29 f, Hawthorne, Thos., 1 s half 15 £ Hendren, John, 3 n half 8 £ Hendren, Thomas, 3 w half 7 £ Hiorains, Wm., 6 w half 5 £ Higgins, Wm. John, 4 e half 28 £ Hill, Rev. B. C., 1 pt 24 £ Hill, Thomas, 8 e half 6 t. Howson, W. R., 10 e half 1 £

Hubble, Elijah, llnejl^ *. Hubble, Elijah, laborer, 12 n

half 29 t. Humphrey, Hamilton, 6 s half

If Humphrey, Moses, 6 e half 2 £ Humphrey, William, 6 n e -J 1 £ Hunter, John, 4 s half 27 t. Hurl, James, 1, 23 £ Ingram, Henry, 5 n half 1 £ Irvin, Frederick, 4 pt 1 1. Isles, John, 8 w half 5 t. Jenkins, Paul, 6 w half 8 £ » Jenkins, Silas, mason, 6 e half

Johns, Henry, 3 w half 3 £ Johns, Thomas, 8 w half 6 £ Jory, Joseph, sr., 4 pt 1 t. Jory, Joseph, jr., 3 n half 1 £ Kavanagh, William, 6 e half 16 t. Kelly, David, 5 s half 5 £ Kelly, John, 5 e half 7 £ Kelly, John, 6 w half 6 £ Kempt, Kenneth, 11 w half 2 £ Kennedy, Patrick, blacksmith,

Warsaw, t. Kidd, Alex., sr., 3 J- 6 £ Kidd, Alex.,jr., 3 whalf Kidd, Alex., A. W., 1 e half 4 £ Kidd, Ai'chie, 1 pt 9 £ Kidd, Daniel, blacksmith, War- saw, £ Kidd, James, sr., 2, 7 £ Kidd, James, jr., 2 s e -| 8 £ Kidd, James, 2 s e J 6 £ Kidd, John, 3, 5 f, Kidd, Robert, sr., 2 pt 5 £ Kidd, Robert, jr., 2 pt 5 £ Kidd, Walter, sr., 2 w half 8 £ Kidd, Walter, jr., 2 n e i 8 £ Kidd, Wm.. 1 s half 9 £ Killinback, George, 9 w half 11 1.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for




Kingsley, Paul, 7 n { 4 f. Knapp, Arnold, wagonmaker,

Warsaw A. Leeson, Windfield, 9 w half 16 f. Lennox, Stewart, carpenter, 5 pt

3t. Leveck, Thos., laborer, 11 e half

30 t. Lewis, Levis. 12pt 5 f. Little, George, 4 e half 29 t. Little, James, 4 w half 25 f Little, Win., 11 e half 16 f Little, Wm. H., 3 n e I 25 f Lohan, James, 12 e half 1 1. Lukey, Robert, 2 w half 20 t. Lakey, Sampson, 1 pt 11 £ Lumsden. Francis, 2 w half 11 f. Lynch, John, 1 e half 1 f McCracken, Wm., 2 n half 19 £ McDonald, Jas., 3 s w |: 2 £ McDonald, Jas., laborer, 4 pt 3 t. McDonald, John, 3 n w | 2 £ McDonald, Thomas, sr., 8 w half

4f McDonald, Thomas, jr., 3 e half

4f. McFadden, Robert, 9 w half 6 £ McFee Hugh, 1 e half 5 £ McFee, James, 1 e half 6 £ McFee, James, 2 w half 9 f . McGuire, Aaron, teacher, War- saw t. Mcllvena, Edward, blacksmith,

Warsaw, £ Mcintosh, Donald, 1 e half 7 £ Mcintosh, James 4 n w^ 10 £ McLean, John 7 pt 3 £ McMillan, Abraham, 8 n half

13 t. McMillan, Francis, 10, 6 £ McMillan, Hugh, 8 ? 1 j. McMillan, James, 10 n half 5 £

McMillan, James, laborer, 10 pt

8 t.. McMillan, John, 5 e half 6 f. McMillan, Samuel, 6 e half 5 f . McMillan, William, 8 w half 3 £ McMillan, Wilham, 9 w half 2 £ McMillan, William, 10 s half 8 £ McNorton, Donald, 4 e hslf 6 £ McPherson, Margaret, 7 pt 7 t. Mc Williams, David, laborer, 8 pt

Mackie, James, merchant, War- saw, s. Madill, Alex., 4 w half 12 £ Martin, James, 9 e half 6 £ Mathews, Wm., 4 n half 27 £ Metcalf, Robert, 8 l If Miles, Frederick, 9 i 32 £ Miles, John, 5 w half 7 £ Moore, John, laborer, 2 pt 24 1. Moore, John, 4 s w J 11 £ Moore, Joseph, laborer, 4 e half

15 £ Moore, Wm., laborer, W'arsaw, £ Moore, Wm., 1 w half 4 £ Morrow, Wm., laborer, 6 pt 1 t. Morrison, George, 12 pt 6 f, Morrison, Jrmes, 11, 4 £ Morrison, Robert, lie half 5 £ Morton, John, 6 w half 7 £ Murray, William, laborer, 9 w

half 9 t. Murphy, Michael, 7 pt 11 t. Mustard. Henry, laborer, 11 pt

8t. Nelson, Archibald, 7 pt 5 t. NicoU, Alex., 8 w half 2 £ NicoU, Chas., 10shalf4£ NicoU, James, 7 pt 1 £ Noble, Wm., 8 s half 14 £ Parks, Nelson, 12 s half 29 £ Parker, John, 6 w half 4 £

Ltunbermen's Bailed Pots and Bake Fans.



Parker, Robert, .5 e half 4 f. Patterson, Archibald, 4 n w ^ 2 £ Patterson, William, 4 n half 3 £ Payne, Charles, 1 pt 11 £ Payne, David, 3, 22 £ Payne, Edward, 1 whalf 14 £ Payne, George, 2 s e J 18 £ Payne, George, 3 w half 23 £ Payne, Joseph, 3 s e J 18 £ Payne, Levi, 2 w half 21 £ Payne, Mark, 2 s w J 18 £ Payne, Stephen, miller, 3, 19 £ Payton, Edward, 2 e half 9 £ Pegg, William, 18 e half 2 £ Peters, George, sr., 4 -J 6 t. Peters, George, jr., 4 n half 5 £ Petejs, Robert, 4 :| 6 t. Piper, J. W., wagonmaker, War- saw, t. Quinlan, David, 1 s w J 1 £ Quinlan, Patrick, 2 s e J 1 £ Read, James, tailor, Warsaw, £ Read. Washington, merchant,

Warsaw. £ Riggs, Thomas, Warsaw, t. Ritchie, Robert, miller, 5 pt 3 £ Ritchie, Thomas, carpenter, 5 pt

Roach, Augustus, 1 pt 20 £ Roarback, Irvin, 8 s half 16 £ Robb, James, 8 e half 30 £ Robertson, Duncan, 4 pt 3 £ Robertson, Nathniel, 2ehalf 26 £ Rb]?inson, Thomas, sawyer, 9 pt

8t. Robinson, Thomas, lie half 2 £ Roe, William, 12 pt 1 1. Ross, George, 7 pt 2 t. Ross, James, 7 e half 2 £ Rose, David, 3, 9 £ Rose, John, 3 e half 12 £ Ruttan, Christy, 7 pt 15 £

Ruttan, Isaac, laborer, 7 pt 14 £ Ruttan, Michael, moulder, 7 pt

14 t. Sanderson, Rev. John, Warsaw, t. Scott, James, 5 s w J 1 £ Sedgwick, Mathew, 8 e half 5 £ Slavin, Alex., laborer, 7 pt 6 £ Sloane, Samuel, 10 s half 5 £ Small, Alexander, wagonmaker,

7 pt 5 £ Small, Wm., 8 pt 5 £ Smilie, Samuel, laborer, 4 pt 17 t. Smith, Alex., 3 w half 11 £ Smith, Henry, 1 s half 10 f. Smith, James, 2 w half 10 £ Smith, James, laborer, 10 n w I

7t. Smith, Robert, 1 n half 10 £ Snellgrove, Henry, 3 e half 16 £ Snellgrove, Wm., hotelkeeper,

Warsaw £ Speer, John, 3 pt 6 £ Speer, Wm., shoemaker, 4 pt 1 £ Spence, Andrew, merchant, 5 pt

1 £ Spence, Hamilton, 4 pt 2 £ Spence, John, 4, 4 £ Spence, William, 4 s half 5 £ Spencer, James, laborer, 8 pt

lit. Stavely, John, 10 i 1 £ Steenson, Richard, 5 e half 3 £ Storey. George, 7 pfc 30 £ Susee, Joseph, 7 pt 2 t. Sutton, Jas., 1 |- 8 t. Tamblen, Hemy, 6 pt 27 t. Taylor, George, 4 pt 2 t. Taylor, James, 4 n e J 2 t. Taylor, Warren, 4 w half 18 £ Taylor, Wm., 4 e half 17 £ Tedford, John, 7 pt 5 t. Thompson, Wm., 2 s w J 19 £

Go to Walton's, Feterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Tighe, Abraham, laborer, 2 pt

17 f. Tighe, Mrs,, 1 p half 21 f. Tighe, Walter, 5 s half 22 £ Trotter, Thomas, 10 n half 4 t. Truesdale, George, 2 e half 20 f. Vincent, C. B., 10 w half 15 f. Wason, James, 2 n half 1 f. Wfison, John, sv., 2 e half 11 f. Wason, John, jr., merchant,

Warsaw, f W^atson, Henry, 7 pt 9 f Webster, Thomas, o s half 1 t. Welsh. James, 6 e half 6 f Welsh. Michael, i) e half 7 f.

Weston, John, 3 pt 10 t. White, Jacob, 2 h 21 f White, William, 2 J 21 f Wigmore, Abraham, 9 n e | 1 Wigmore, Daniel, 9, 4 f. Wigmore, Mi's. Mary, 9 w I 1 Wigmore, Robert, lie half 1 Wigmore, Samuel, 9 pt 1 t. Wigmore, Wm., 9 s e J 3 f. Wilson, John, 5, 16 f. Wilson, Richard, 4 e half 18 t. Wilson, Wm., 6 n half 15 f Woodcock, Joseph, 12 pt 9 t, Woodman, Rev. J., 2 pt 17 t.


The township of Dysart is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Guilford, on the south by the township of Glamorgan, on the east by the township of Dudley, and on the west by the town- ship of Minden. This township, in connection with the following eight : Dudley, Harcourt, Bruton, Harburn, Guilford, Havelock, Eyre and Clyde, form one municipality, all being the propert}^ of the Canadian Land and Emigration Company, who offer their lands at reduced rates to actual settlers. For further particulars address Chas. J. Blomiield, Esq., manager, Peterborough, or see top half of outside front cover of this Directory. Population of Dysart about 500.

Austin, Franlvlin, bf 0 f Austin, James, bf 6 f. Austin, Willet, C, carpenter,

4f Beavis, Thomas, 5, 7 f Beavis, Wm., 2, 1 f Beamish, Thomas, 9, 7 f Beamish, Wm., 9, 8 £ Borden, Peter, 6, 6 f. Brownri^g, Wm., 6, 20 f. Burk, Archibald, 6, 17 f. Cashmere, Wm., 7, 13 f.



Clerk, Robert, laborer, bf, 8 Cole, George, 7, 2 f. Croston, John, shoemaker,

11 f

Cullaren, Fred, 8, 6 f. Cype, Peter, J., 4, 2 f Dart, Thomas, 12, 24 f .. Davis, William, 10, 21 f Dover, James, merchant, bh, 8 t. Dugan, Wm., 5, 12 f Elston, Richard, 6, 3 f Elston, Wm, 7, 5 f

All kinds of Cooking Utensils,



Elston,Wm.,J., 7 3f.

Erskine, James, R., blacksmith,

bm, 1 f. Erskine, John, 5, 6, f. Everett, Colin, 6, 21 f. Ferguson, Peter, 9, 9 f. Fowlds. James, 4 I7f. Gainforth, Wm.. 5, 15 f. Garrett, A. H. merchant, bg, 10 f. Gould, Thos., 5, 9 f. Gugan, Wm,E.,5, lOf. Harcourt, George, 6, 18 £ Harcourt, John, 6, 19 f. Holland, James, hotelkeeper, bl

3&4f. Holland, Wm, bf, 12 f. Hurd, Andrew, 8, 7 f. Hurd, Wm, Haliburton. Hurt, Samuel, 5, 8 £ Huthason, James, 5, 21 £ Huthings, James, 11, 13 £ Illman,Herold, 10 & 11, 18&;16£ lUman, Walter, 10, 16 £ lUman, Wm, 10, 17 £ Irwin, Henry, 6 16, £ Irwin, James, 6 15 £ Johnston, George, 10, 19 £ Lane, Thomas, 6, 12 £ Laughlin, Daniel, 3, 11 £ Laughlin, Thomas, 4, 14 £ Leaper, Francis, 4, 6 £ Letherby, James. 5 25 £ Little, George, 5 17 £ Lucas, John, J mills, £ McClugan, Samuel, 8, 1 £ McDonald, Chas, 3 19 £ McFarlan, Daniel, 8 10 £

Maguire, Jeremiah, 4, 1 £ Main, John, carpenter, bh 1 £ Menzies, Wm, 9, 11 £ Moon, Thomas, S, 8, 5 £ Moffett, Adam, 5, 10 £ Mitchel, Hamilton, 5, 11 £ Murray, Wm, 3, 1 £ Niven, Alex, C. L. & E, Co,

resident, agent, bg, 8 £ Pamplin, Henry, 10, 18 £ Parish, Walter, 5, 20 £ Parsonage, Abram, 4, 3 £ Paterson, Adam, 6, 8 £ Peaver, Samuel, 5 28 £ Pocket, Edwin, 9, 18 £ Pritzeow, J. C, 3, 2 £ Quarry, Andrew, 4, 20 £ Rutherford, John, Haliburton. Retherford, R. A., 8, 13 14 & 15 £ Ritchey, Wm, miller, h mills £ Sawyer, David, 6, 2 £ Shaw, Wm., 4, 19 £ Smith, Wm., 3, 4 £ Stewart, Charles, R., 8, 12, £ Stothart, John, 9, 16 £ Stothart, Wm., 3, 21 f Strain, John, 4. 4 £ Sunderland, John, 3, 3 £ Thompson, George, 3, 5 £ Thompson, John, 4, 5 £ Thompson, Richard, 5, 5 £ Thompson, Stephen, 7, 9 £ Wastel, Chas., A, 6, Watson, J. W,l 1,7 & Woods, Wm., tinsmith, bl, 2 t. Wolstholm, John, 6, 22 £ Young, John, merchant, bl, 2 t>


The township of Ennismore is bounded on the north by Buck- horn and Pigeon Lakes, on the south by Chemong or Mud Lake,

Gk) to Walton's, Feterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



on the east by Buckhorn and Chemong Lakes, and on the west by the township ot Emily, County of Victoria. Population about 1 ,000.

Blair, Francis, merchant, 8 pt

16 f. Blanco, Wm., 3 pt 3 f. Bolster, Joseph, 6 J 1 f. Bolster, Nathaniel, 6 J 1 f Brick, Maurice, G s lialf 12 f. Brick, Patrick, sr., 6 J 11 f. Brick, Patrick, jr., 7 s half 9 f Brownlee, George, lumber mer- chant, 8^9 f Oadegin, James, 8 -J 3 f. Cadegin, Michael, sr., 10 l o f. Cadegin, Michael, jr., 8 } 2 f Oadegin, Patrick, 10 I 5 f. Cadegin, Timothy, 8 I 3 f. Cahill, James, 9 pt 2 t. Cahill, Mrs., 6 pt 14 f Calbert, Robert, 3 pt 1 f. Carew, Edward, 5 J 2 f. Carney, John, 7 pt 6 f. Cashery, Eugene, 7 pt 11 f. Cavanagh, James, 8 s half 5 f Cavanagli, Michael, 8 s half 3 £ Chanly, James, 4 J 1 f . Cooly, David, ], 1 f Collins, John, 2 ^ 3 f Collins, Michael, 2 -J 3 f Collins, Patrick, 6 s half 11 f. Collins, Thomas, t Connor, Cornelius, 8 ^ 10 £ Connor, Martin, 8 i 10 £ Connor, Thomas, G | 6 f. Conway, Wm., t. Corkery, John, 6 pt 7 £ Corkery, Martin, 7 J 5 £ Costello, Daniel, 6 s i 9 £ Costello, Michael, sr., 6 pt 9 £ Costello, Michael, jr ,6^7 £ Costello, Paul, G pt 9 t. " Crough, Michae], sr., 5 h 4 £

Crough, Michael, jr., 5 s J 10 £ Crough, Patrick, 6 n i 6 £ Crough, Philip, G s J 4 £ Crough, William, G s i 3 £ Cummins, Wm., 8 J 9 £ Curtin, Wm., sr., 4 pt 4 £ Curtin, Wm., jr., 3 pt G t. Davis, Richard, 7 s half 5 t. Deal, Joseph, 7 s half 12 t. Donoghue, Daniel, t. Donoghue, John, 4 |- 11 f. Doran, Mrs. C, G J 3 £ Doran, Martin. 5 -J 2 £ Dow, Humphrey, 5 pt 7 £ Driscoll, Lawrence, 7 | 13 £ Driscoll, Murty, 7 | 7 £ Eddington, Charles, 9^5 £ Fitzpatrick, John, 4 -J^ 1 t. Flood, John, 7, 1 £ Flood, Thomas, 8 f 2 £ Fowler, Andrew, 1 pt 2 £ Galavin, Eugene, 7, 14 £ Galavin, Garrett, sr., 9 s ^ 4 £ Galavin, Garrett, jr., 10 s -J G £ Galavin, John, 10 s | 5 £ Galavin, Maurice, 10 | G £ Galavin, Patrick, o ^ 6 f. Gannon, Michael, 11 pt 7 £ Geary, Wm., 3 pt 2 £ Gifford, Wm., 2 pts G & 7 £ Gorman, Edward, 4 pt G £ Gorman, James, 3 pt 7 £ Gorman, Jeremiah, Gorman, Maurice, 3 pt G £ Graham, Thomas, 4 pt 9 f. Griffin, Lawrence, 7 pt G £ Guiry, David, G pt 7 £ Haggart, Donald 7 i 8 £ , Harrington, Henry, 7 pt G t. Harrington, James, 8 pt 14 £

.-> s 1 4 £

Axes Double and Single Steeled.


J. c. oonnek's

Harrington, Thomas, sr., G 4; 13 f. Harrington, Thomas, jr., 0 ^ 13 f. Harrington, Wm., 8 | 14 f. Healy, Mrs. t. Hennessy, Mrs. W. 5 J 1 f. Hendricks, James, 8 s -J 6 t. Hickey, Mrs. t.

Hickson, James, 7 pts 15 & IG f. Hickson, Mrs. W., G 1 12 f. Hogan, John, 5 I 11 f. Horan. Denis, 7 s J 13 £ Horan, Donald, 7 | 12 £ Horan, Jeremiah, 5 J 8 £ Horan, Michael, 5 J 8 £ Johnston, John, 7 | 4 £ Kennedy, Daniel, G, 5 £ Kennedy, Michael, t. Killen, James, 3 pt 8 £ Killen, Patrick, jr., G |- 4 £ Lawson, Henry, 11 J G t. Lehane, Thomas, S., hotelkeeper,

6-16 1 Leonard, Martin, 7 1 10 £ Leonard, Patrick, carpenter,

7 i 10 t. McAuliffe, Martin, 7 h 10 £ McAnliff e, Peter, 7 01 McAvenny, Bernard, 7 pt 7 £ McAvenny, Patrick, 7 pt 7 £ McCarthy, Denis, 5 J 8 t. McCarthy, Jeremiah, 4<s ^ 7 £ McCarthy, Patrick, carpenter, 4

s 1 3 £ McConnell, Robert, 4 s | 2 t. McGrath, David, 1 pt McGrath, John, 2 pt 3 £ McManus, Mrs. W., 8 pt 11 £ Mahony, John, J., 3 pt 1 £ Mahony, William, blacksmith,

5 pt G £ Mitchell, Daniel, G., 2 s ^ 2 t. Mitchell, James, 1 pt 3 t.

Moore, Michael, 8 h 8 £ Moloney, Francis, 5 s I 5 i*. Montre, Lewis, G J 14 £ Morrison, Alex., 2 pt 1 £ MuUins, Thos., 8 pt 15 t. Murphy, James, 9 A 5 £ Murphy, Patrick, 4^ ^ 3 £ Murphy, Thos., 0 pt 15 £ Murphy, Timothy, 8, 4 £ Nichols, Peter, G s vV 13 £ Nurse, John, 1^2 £ O'Brien, Michael, 8 ^ 5 £ O'Donnell, Edward, mason, 2 pt

1 £ O'Donnell, Patrick, 2 pt 1 £ O'Reily, Michael, 3 pt 4 £ Perdiere, Thos., 3 pt 2 £ Pope, Alex., 4 pt 10 £ Pope, John, 4 pt 10 £ Pope, Wm., G pt 14 £ Quirk, James, G J^ 8 t. Reid, Richard, 2 pt 3 t. Revington, George, G s I Revington, Wm., 7 I 8 £ Reynolds, Thos., sailor, V Robinson, John C, 4 s | 8 t §cott, W. A., merchant, 8 M) £ Scollard, Cornelius, 5 ^ 9 £ Scollard, James, 8 J 10 £ Scollard, John, 5 I 9 £ Scollard, Wm, 7 i 8 £ Shanahan, Florence, 4 I 4 £ Sharrahin, Daniel, 7 Sharrahin, Wm., 9 ^r o Sheehan, Joseph, 8 J 2 £ Spencer, William, 8 I 15 £ Stiles, Silas, 4 -J 2 £ "^ Sullivan, Bartholmne, 4 I 7 £ Sullivan, B. B., 4 pt 8 t. ^ Sullivan, Cornelius, B., 4 J 8 £ Sullivan, Cornelius, C, Gn |-10f Sullivan, Cornelius, L., 5 J 7 £


|2£ 9 }.

Go to Walton's, Peterborough and Babcaygeon, for



Sullivan, Cornelius, M., 4 J 5 f. SuUivan, John, B, 5 s ^ 9 f : Sullivan, John, C, sr., 6 s | 10 £ Sullivan, John, C, jr., 5 J 6 f. Sullivan, John, G., 2, 4 t. Sullivan, Patrick, G., sr., 5 pt 7f. Sullivan, Patrick, C, jr., 5 J 6 f. Sullivan, Patrick, M., 4 s i^ 5 f. Sullivan, Timothy, 8 pt l*f. Sweeny, Patrick, 3 pt 4 t. Teltord, Thos, mason, 6, 2 f.

Townny, James, 7 | 3 f . Townny, John, 7 i 3 f. Townny, Lawrence, 3 pt 5 f. Townny, Michael, sr., 5 s | 3 f. Townny, Michael, jr., 7 J 3 f . Townny, Patrick, 5^ J 11 f. Traviss, Nathaniel, blacksmith,

4 pt 1 t. Trithy, Patrick, 5 1 11 t. Whelan, Daniel, 5 J 10 f. Young, Kobert, 8 s^^ 8 f.


The township of Eyre is bounded on the north by the township of Lawrence, on the south by the township of Harburn, on the east by the township of Clyde, and on the west by the township of Havelock. This township belongs to the C. L. & E. Co. Not BettJed.


The tovv'nship of Galway is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Wilberforce, on the south by the township of Harvey, on the east by the township of Cavendish, and on the west by the township of Somerville, County of Victoria. Population about 550.

Allen, Edward, 12, 14 f. Allen, James, 11, 11 f. Allen, John, 12, 11 £ Barr, Alex., 10, 1 f Barr, Robt., 10, 8 £ Bell, Malcolm, 13, 2 £ Blair, Robert, a, 10 £ Buckle}-, James, 13, 5 £ By ran, Ralph, a, 18 £ Cain, Michael, 9, 20 £ Carshore, Mrs., a, (> £ Cash, William, 4, 6 £

Casy, William, a J 27 £ Clarke, Owen, 15, 4 £ Clarke, Thomas, 15, 8 £ Coben, Charles, 14, 2 £ Coben, Christopher, 15, 5 £ Collins, James, 12, 18 £ Collins, Michael, 12, 17 f. Collins, Patrick, 12, 16 £ Connelly, Dennis, 11, 16 f. Cotter, George, a, 2 £ Cotter, John, a, 4 £ Creig,Wimam, 12,12 £

Trace and Log Chains.


J. c. Conner's

Crow, Francis, a, 38 f. Currin, William. 18, 13 f. Develin, William, 15, 7 f. Dooly, John, 12, 19 f. Dougherly; John, a, 34 £ Doungherly, Michael, a, 42 f. Dudman, Frederick, a, 40 f. Dudman, John, 14, 3 f. Evelin. Charles, 14, 4 f. Flaherty, Michael, 11, 18 f. Flaherty, Thomas, 10, 18 f. Foley, Patrick, a, 23 f. Gavigan, James, 14, 6 f. Gilmour, John, a, 37 f. Gough, Hugh, a, 15 f. Greany, Michael, a, 26 f. Grealny, Thomas, 11, 2 f. Griffis, Andrew, a pt 7 f. Hardy, William, 13, 4 f. Hartnett, Maurice, 12, 1 f. Henderson, John, a, 33 f. Henderson, John F., a, 30 f. Hickey, David, 13, 10 £ Hickey, Maurice, 12, 15 £ Hickey, Thomas, 13, 8 £ Hoy, Thomas, 1, 3 £ Hughes, John, 18, 10 £ Humphries, Alexander, 6, 1 £ Humphries, James, 5, 5 £ Hunter, John, a, 43 £ Hunter, Thomas, 12, 3 £ Irwin, Alexander, 12, 13 £ Irwin, Christopher. 2, 3 £ Kennedy, John, 15, 1 £ Kerne ttel, Charles, 15, 6 £ Knowles, Joseph, 18, 6 £ Lambert, John, a, 3 £ Lawrence, Anthony, a, 12 £ Lefeve, Joseph, 13, 7 £ Lowes, Robert, a w J 31 £ Lyle, James, a e J 31 £ McElwain, John, sen., 3, 5 £

McElwain, John, jun., 1, 2 £ McGuire, James, sen., 11, 12 £ McGuire, James, jun., 10, 12 £ McMuUen, Daniel, G, 3 £ Mann, Thomas, a, 1 t. Mansfield, Mrs., a, 41 £ Mansfield, Richard, 13, 18 £ Maxwell, John, a, 8 £ Maxwell, Robert, 4, 1 £ Maxwell, William, 3 h 9 £ Megahy, Thomas, a, 22 £ Meneary, Joseph, 12, 2 £ Morgan, Thomas, 13, 11 £ Newbury, Henry, 4, 4 £ Newbiuy, William, % 5 £ O'Brian, John, 10, 22 £ O'Brian, Michael, 10, 21 £ O'Connor, James, a, 3G £ O'Neil, Thos., 14, IG and 17 £ Owens, Edward, a, 13 £ ' Owens, Edward, 11, 3 £ Peacock, Thomas, 13, 14 £ Peirson, Daniel, 14, 5 t. Peirson, William, a s h 27 £ Phelps, James G., 10, 25 £ Prescott, James, 11, 9 £ Prescott, Robert, 11, 10 £ Probert, Thomas, a, 7 £ Purdy, Wm., a, 5 £ Reid, Daniel, 15, 2 £ Ritchie, Alexander, a, 29 £ Ritchie, James, a, 32 £ Scarlet, Wm., 13, 1 £ Sheeha'n, James, 10, 17 £ Stuart, Richard, a, 14 £ Stuart. Samuel, a, 24 £ Sullivan, Maurice, 11, 17 £ Sullivan, Timothy, 11, 14 £ Switzer. Ralph, a, 45 £ Treado, Isadore, a, 28 £ Walton, Mathew, a, 19 £ White, Thomas, 13, 12 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



The township of Glamorgan, is bounded on the north by the township of Dysart, on the south by the township of Cavendish, on the east by the township of Monmouth, and on the west by the township of Wilberforce. Not Settled.


The township of Guilford is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Havelock, on the south by the township of Dysart, on the east by the township of Harburn, and on the west by the town- ship of Stanhope. This township belongs to the 0. L. & E, Co. Population ]5.

Coates, Francis, 2, 29 f Kelso, George, P., 3, 26 f.

Overton, William, 2, 27 I


The township of Harburn is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Eyre, on the south by the township of Dudley, on the east by the township of Bruton, and on the west by the township of Guilford. This township belongs to the C. L. & E, Co. Not settled.


The township of Harcourt is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Bruton, on the south by the township of Cardiff, on the east by the township of Herschel, county of Hastings, and on the west by the township of Dudley. This township belongs to the C. L. & E. Co. Population about 75.

Bernard, I, 10, 25 f Cole, George, 10, 30 £ Peaver, Thomas, 9, 20 f Roberts, Charles ',9, 22 f. Scott, Archibald, 10, 21 f

Scott, James, 10 19f. Scott, Thomas, 12, 29 f Watt, Donald, II, 82 £ ^ Watt, William, 12, 82 £ Williams, Henry, 11, 30 £

Cable and Halter Chains.




The township of Harvey is bounded on the north by the town- ships of Galway and Cavendish, on the south by Buckhom and Pigeon Lakes, on the east by Buckhorn Lake and the township of Burleigh, and on the west by Pigeon Lake and the township of Verulam, County, of Victoria. Population about 600.

Andres, James, 12 w -J 4 f Armstrong, Wm., 8 w | 24 f Ascott, Isaac, 16 w i 21 f Ayres, Robt., 19 pt 21 £ Bennet, Wm., 15 w i- 20 £ Bick, Thos., 19 pt 22 £ Brodie, David, 14, 11 £ Brodie, Joseph, 14 w | 8 £ Calvert, James, 11 pt 6 £ Chambers, Thos., laborer, 5 t. Charlton, James, 15. 4 £ Charlton, Wm., 14 n i 9 £ Clark,Thos., 19 il9f. Clarkson, John, 15, 7 £ Clarkson, Thos., sen., 13 e i 9 £ Clarkson, Thos., jun., 15 pt 8 £ Clemens, Joseph, 19 pt 10 £ Coons, James, 14 s h 7 £ Copeland, Wm., 8, 26 £ Coush, Wm., 19 i 11 £ Dunbar, Robt., 19 pts 7 & 8 £ Dunsford, John, 8 w | 25 £ Eagan, James, 7 ^v | 26 £ Esson, George J., 14 w .^- 10 t. Fortune, Thos., 16 pt 2 £ Freeman Francis, hotelkeeper. £ Findlay, Joseph, 19 1 19 £ Gordon, Thos., 15 pt 18 £ Graham, Henry, 11 e J 8 £ Graham, John, 14 w h 6 £ Guthrie, John, 8 w J 22 £ Guthrie, Samuel, 8 w | 21 £ Hall, Henry C, lumberman, 8 pt 9 £

Hall, J. De Oliver, 1 s i 7 £ Hall, John, 7 s h 10 £ Hall, John J., 4, 13 £ Hall, Thos. C, shingle manufac- turer, 8 pt 10 £ Hall,Wm. H., 9swilO£

Hall, Wm. Mc , 11 w J 8 f

Hatton, Thos., 10 pt 7 £ Herron, Thos., 19 pt 24 £ Hicks, James, 16 e J 5 £ Hunter, Wm., merchant, 9 pt 9 £ Hurle, Joseph, 11 pt 5 t, Ingram, Mathew, 19 pt 23 £ Irwin, James, 18, 12 £ Jarvis, James, £ Jhonston, Alex., 14 w | 12 £ Johnston, Archibald, 11, 7 £ Johltiston, James, 14 e half 12 £ Johnston, Wm., sen., 15 e J 10 £ Johnston, William, jun., 10 s w

1- 18 £ Kennedy John, 14 e | 6 £ Lavery,*^Patrick, 16 pt 21 £ Lee, Wesley, 16 -J 20£ Lennox, Wm., 13 e J 10 £ Lilly, Hugh, 12 e 1 5 £ Lynch, John, 8 w half 23 £ McGee, Joseph, blacksmith, £ McGuire, Charles, £ Mcllmoyle, John, laborer, t. McKenty, William, 12 pt 3 £ Middleton, James, t. Mooney, John, 8 pt 20 t. Moffatt, Alex.. 15 e half 11 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Moffat, Richard, 15 w half 6 f. Murphy, Jeremiah, laborer, t. Nelson, Thomas, 14 e half 8 f Northy, Thomt^s. 14 n half 7 f Oaks, Merritt, 16 i 20 f Oaks, Theopolis, 16 i 20 f Oliver, Wm., 17 pt 17 f. Parker, Albert. 2 w half 7 f Parker, Henry, t. Parker, Lewis, 15, 19 f. Payne, Adam, 19 pt 24 f Pendergrast, John, 12 -J 3 f Purdy, James. 19 pt 20 f Reid. James, 19 pt 12 f Robinson, John, 19 J 11 £ Sanderson, John, 12 pt 10 f Scott, W. A., lumberman, 8, 15 Shaw, Charles C, lumberman,

pt 9 £ Simpson, James, laborer, t. Simpson, John, 19 pt 22 f Stabler, Andrew, 13 e I 11 f Stewart, Henry, 13 w J 10 f Stewart, John, 13 w ^ 9 f

Stone, D., hotel, 13w J13f Stockdale, Wm., 12 e A 4 f Tarlington, John, 13 f 8 f Tate, James, 15 pt 18 f. Tate, John, 15 e ^ 20 f Tate. Wm., 14 w | 19 f Taylor, Robert, 19 pt 19 f. Tedford, Robt., 15 e J 6 f. Trennand, Joseph, 13 w J 11 f Trotter, Wm., 19 J 20 f Ventres, Benjamin, 15 pt 20 £ Ventres, Thomas, £ Ventres, Wm., mechanic, 17 e J

22 £ Wallace, Robert, carpenter, 10

pt 10 £ Wallace, Thos., 9 e Ward, Seth, hunter, £ Weir, Wm., 15, 9 £ Wilkins, Edward, 14 s J 9 £ Wilson, James, 19 pt 18 £ Wood, James, 10 e ^ 9 £ Wood, Wm., sen., 10 w J 9 £ Wood, Wm., jun., 11 pt 11 £



The townshi}) of Havelock is bounded on the north by the township of Livingston, on the south by the township of Guilford, on the east by the township of Eyre, and on the west by the town- ship of Sherborne. This township belongs to the C. L. & E. Co. (Not settled.)



The township of Lawrence is bounded on the north by surveyed land, on the south by the township of Eyre, on the east by the township of Nightingall, and on the west by the township of Livingstone. (Not settled.)

Cow and Ox Bells, Straps, &c.


108 J. c. Conner's


The township of Livingstone, is bounded on the north by un- surveyed land, on the south by the township of Havelock, on the east by the township of Lawrence, and on the west by the town- ship of McClintock. (Not settled.)


The township of McClintock is bounded on the nortli by un- surveyed land, on the south by the township of Sherborne, on the east by the township of Livingstone, and on the west by the township of Franklin, County of Victoria. (Not settled.)


The township of Methuen is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Chandos, on the south by the township of Belmont, on the east by the township of Lake, County of Hasting, and on the west by White Lake and the townships of Burleigh and Dummer. Population about 150.

Althouse, Eljiah, 4 n J 3 t. Althouse, Thos., 4 s J 3 t. Carty, Joseph, 1 e J 7 t. Drury, James, 1 s J 5 t, Ennis, John, 1 n J 2 t. % Hubel, John, 10 ^ 2 t. Kelsh, Charles, 5 e J- 2 t. Lacoste, Andrew, In J 3 t. Lewis, David, 4 w |^ 5 t. Lewis, George, 4 s J (5 t.

Munroe, Allen, 4 w J 4 t. Munroe, Samuel, lO^J 2 t. Post, J. T., 5 e J 5 t. Post, Einard, 5 e J 3 t. Robinson, James, 5 s e J 4 t. Vansickle, David^ 1 n |^ 5 t. Vansickle, John, 1 e J 4 f . Vanvalkenburgh, Nathan, 1

O J.

Washburn. Wm.. 1 e i 6 f .


The township of Minden is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Stanhope^, on the south by the township of Wilberforce,

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



on- the east by the township of Dysart, and on the west by the township of Anson, County of Victoria. Population about 850.

Addison, George, 10 J 22 f. Andrews, Geo., merchant, Milne,

pt 4 t. Anderson, Alex., 3 pt 28 f. Anderson, John, 8 pt 31 f. Archer, Robt., 4 pt 21 f Archer, Thorlly, 4 half 19 f. Archer, Wm., 5 pt 24 f. Austin, Charles, 5 half 23 f. Austin, Willett, 2 pts 18 & 19 f Balfourn, John, 4, 32 f. Barnam, John, 13 half 6 f. Bai-ton, Thos., 4 half 1 £ Bateson. Richard, 7 | 25 f. Bell, Andrew, merchant, Chan-

dos, pt 3 £ Bell, Josq^h, 1 pt 17 £ Blair, Wm., 10 half 20 f Boker, Abner, 2 half 23 £ Bond, Wm., 8 pt 5 £ Boney, Richard, 2 pt 29 £ Bowern, Francis, a pt 1 £ Brown, Andrew, 13 half 18 £ Brown, John, 12 half 16 £ Buck, Daniel, hotelkeeper, Milne,

pt 5 £ Buck, James, 1 half 3 £ Buck, Wm., a pt 4 £ Burk, Benjamin, 2 pt 16 £ Burk, David, 3 half 10 £ Burns, Henry, a half 21 £ Burns, James, a half 20 £ Campbell, Mrs. Margaret, a pt 7 £ Casey, Robert, 2 half 12 £ Chambers, William, 13 pt 22,£ Clark, Jeremiah, 2 half 6 £ Clark, Nelson, 1 pt 13 £ Clifton, Thos,, sr., 4 half 17 1. Clifton, Thos., jr., 4 half 16 £ Cook, William, 10 half 24 £

Corbet, Mrs. Ellen, a half 27. - Coulter, James, sr., 3 pt 8 £ Coulter, James, jr., 2 half 8 f. Coulter, John G., a half 25 £ Coulter, William, 3 pt 4 £ Cox, John, 5 half 7 £ Cox, Thomas, 4 pt 7 £ Cragg, David, 2 pt 15 £ Dancey, James, 2 half 26 £ Dancey, John, 5 pt 25 £ Dancey, Samuel, sr., 2 pt 25 £ Davidson, David, 7 half 25 £ Davidson, William, 7 half 24 £ Dennison, William, 8 pt 13 £ Ellis, James, lumberer, 10 half

29 £ EUiot, Thomas, 3 pt 2 £ Epton, John, 2pt 14£ Fairfield, James, a pt 12 £ Fee, James, 12 half 1 £ Freed, Jessie, 6 half 17 £ Gainer, Johh, a half 23 £ Gainer, Robert, a -| 10 £ Gainer, Samuel, a half 11 £ Gainer, William, a pt 4 £ Gilbert, John, 5 and 6 pts 15 and

16 £ Gilbert, Wm., sr., 6 half 16 £ Gilbert, Wm., jr., 5 half 15 £ Goldie, Edward, a half 19 £ Graham, David, 3 half 17 £ Graham, Thomas, 1 half 8 £ Hall, Richard, 11 pt 13 £ Harrison, James, 2 pt 21 f Hartel, John, carpenter, a pt 4 1. Hawkins, George, 10 half 21 £ Hobden, Thomas, 7 pt 11 £ Hogg, Alexander, 5 pt 12 £ Hogg, Robert, 6 pt 9 t. Hope, George, 5 and 6 pts 26 f

Buckskin Moccasins, Gloves and Mittens.



Wra.^jun., 13 half 1 f.

cooper, St.

Howell, Henry, 13 half 20 f. Howell, John, sen, 11 half 17 f. HoweU, John, jun., 13 hall 21 f Humphrey, Margaret, hotel-

keper, Milne, pt 3 f. Ireton, Robt., 4 pt 8 £ Jackson, George, 2 half 11 f Jackson, Wm, 2 half 10 f Jarvis, Wm, sen, hotelkeeper,

a half 32 t. Jarvis Johnston, James,

Germain, pt 3 f Johnston, Wm., 7 pt 10 t. Jones, Francis, 4 half 4 f. Jopling, John, 6 pt 10 f Kent, Mrs. Catherine, a pt 5 t. Knowles, Wm., 7 pt 3 f. Leavy, Thomas, hoteikceper, 8

pt'l4t. Loucks, Jacob, 2 half 13 f. Loucks, Michael, 1 pt 12 f Liman, James, waggonmaker, N.

Water, pt 1 £ Lunan, John, 11 half 14 £ McCracken, Robt., 1 half 5 £ MeDougall, Alex., caipenter, S.

Water, pt 7 £ Mcintosh, Alexander, tinsmith,

6 pt 32 £ McKelvey, Wm., clerk, N. Water,

pt3 t. McLarty, Donald, 10 pt 10 £ McLarty, John, 10 half 13 £ McLeod, Wm., 7 half 22 £ McNeil, Archibald, 11 pt 24 £ McNeil, Joseph, a half 26 £ McNeil, Peter, 5 half 13 £ McNight, Robt., 5 half 22 £ McNight, Wm., 5 half 21 f.

Manaker, Peter, 3 half 25 £ Mason, Francis, merchant, Milne,

pt 5 £ Mitchell, Joseph, 5 pt 10 £ Moore, Wm., 2 pt 30 £ Morrison, Mark, blacksmith, N.

Water, pt 1 £ Morey, Andrew, 13 half 5 £ Murry, James, 2 pt 32 £ Newstead, Abraham, 3 J 32 £ Noicc, John, a half 24 £ Petigrew, Wm., 6 half 20 £ Pockett, Jacob, 3 pt 26 £ Pockett, Robert, 3 pt 29 £ Pogue, John, 1 pt 11 £ Potter, Herbert, 1 pt 19 £ Potter, Joseph, 5 half 17 £ Puffer, George 2 half 7 £ Puffer, Isaac, 3 pt 5 £ Robinson, John, 6 half 23 £ Scott. John, 1 half 2 t. Shaw, Henry, 8 half 22 £ Sharp, George, 5 half 2 £ Shove, Frederick, 6 pt 3 £ Smith, Richard, 2 J 20 £ Stevens, Robert, 12 half 6 t. Thomas, John, 6 half 24 £ Thompson, Robert, 7 half 16 £ Upperton, Charles, 3 half 15 £ Yoisey, James, 10 half 19 £ W^alker, David, 7 pts 8 and 9 £ Watts, William, a -} 4 £ Weir, Wm., 13 pt 13 £ Whittiker, Samuel, a half 17 £ Wilson, Francis, 1 half 10 £ Wright, William, a half 2 £ Yirks, E., 1 half 27 £ Young, Thomas, miller, Milne,

pt 4 £

Go to Walton's, Feterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for




The township of Monmouth is bounded on the north by the town- ship of Dudley, on the south by the township of Anstruther, on the east by the township of Cardiff, and on the west by the township of Glamorgan. (Not settled.)


The township of Nightingale is bounded on the north by unsur- veyed land, on the south by the township of Clyde, on the east by the township of Airy, County of Hastings, and on the west by the township of Lawrence. (Not settled.)


The township of North Monaghan is bounded on the north by the township of Smith, on the south by the Otonabee River and the township of South Monaghan, County of Northumberland, on the east by the Otonabee River, and on the west by the tow^nship of Cavan, County of Durham. Population about 1,500.

Adamson, Wm., 11 half 7 f AUum, Thomas, 12 pt 10 f Aldridge,Wm., ISpt 13f Alexander, P., 13 pt 11 f. Adderson. James, 10 pt 1 t. Archer, Alfred, 9 pt 2 t. Archer, Edward, 9 pt 2 t. Archer, WiUiam, 9 half 2 t. Babb, John, 13 pt 13 f. Baggs, William, 12 pt 12 f. Bcavis, Francis, 10 half 2 t. Beck, J. Walton, 13 pt 13 f Bell, William, 7 half 3 f Belfield, Thomas, 11 pt 18 f Bennett, John, 9 J 3 t. Bennett, Joseph, 10 half 8 f.

Beriy, Luke, 11, 3 t. Best, Thomas, 12 pt 14 f. Bidgood, William, 10 pt 1 f Bird, Matthew, 12 pt 14 f Birney, Francis, 12 pt 5 f. Birney, George, 11 -| 4 f Birney, John, 11 pt 4 f. Bottle, George, 12 pt 12 t. Brackly, Charles, 12 half 6 f Brackly, James, 12 pt 6 f Bradburn, Thos., sen., 12 pt 4 t. Bradburn, Thos., jun., 12 pt 4 f Brickley, Wm., 12 pt 12 f Brown, James, 7, 2 f Brown, James, 12 pt 12 f Brownscombe, Wm,, 12 J 14 f.

Bird Gag^ of all kindi.



Burr, Wm., 11 pt 13 f. Burns, James, 11 pt 15 t. Burnham, Elias, 13 pt 13 f. Burnham, Frederick, 13 pt 13 t. Campbell, George, sen., 10 pt 4 f. Campbell, George, jun., 9 pt 2 t. Campbell, Isaac, 12 pt 12 t. Campbell, James, 10 pt 4 t. Campbell, James, 10 half 5 t. Campbell, John, 9 half 2 f Carins, Wm., I3pt 13 t. Carver, Henry, 12 I 11 £ Carver, Samuel J., 12 pt 10 f Chambers, Mary, 11 pt 3 f Chamberlin, Edward, 12 pt 12 f. Clarke, Richard, 9 pt 1 f Clarke, Wm., sen., 9 pt 1 f Clarke, Wm., jun., 10, 6 f Close, Mathew, 11 pt 12 f Close, Wm., 12 pt 12 t. Collins, Henry, 12 half 9 t. Collins, Wm., 12 pt 9 t. Conway, Patrick, sen., 13 pt 13 f. Conway, Patrick, jun., 13 pt 12 t. Covey, Mrs., 12 pt 11. Crawford, Alfred, 11 pt 13 £ Crawford, Wm., 12 pt 6 t. Cronnin, John, 13 pt 13 f. Cuningham, Hugh, 7 pt 3 f. Cuningham, James, 7 pt 3 £ Currain, Owen, 11 pt 13 £ Cushion, Daniel, 13 pt 10 £ Cushion, Daniel, 13 pt 13 £ Dailey, Jeremiah, 13 pt 13 £ Dailey, Patrick, 13 pt 13 £ Davidson, Angus, 13 half 2 £ Dobbin, John, 11 half 6 £ Doig, John, 11 pt 13 £ Donnelly, Alex., 11 pt 14 £ Douglas, Adam, 8 | 1 £ Douglas, Andrew, 13 pt 13 t. Douglas, John, 10 half 1 t.

Douglas, Wm., 10 pt 5 t. Druche, James, 12 pt 12 £ Dudgeon, Hugh, 12 pt 15 £ Duert, Prudence, 7 pt 1. Dundas, Gustavus, 12 pt 6 t. Dundas, John, 10 pt 1 £ Dunlop, De Arcy, 12 half 1 t. Dunlop, Robt., 13 half 1 £ Dunlop, Thos., sen., 8 pt 3 £ Dunlop, Thos., jun., 8 pt 1 t. Eastland, Charles, 12 pt 11 £ Eastland, George, 12 pt 10 t. Eastland, Robert, 12 pt 11 £ Edmonds, Edward, 12 pt 13 t. Edmonds, Jane, 12 pt 13 t. Edwards, Fredrick, 13 pt 13 t. Edwards, James, 13 pt 12 £ Fagan, Mrs., 12 pt 13. Fairweather, Wm., 13 pt 13 £ Fanning, Robert 10 pt 4 t. Filly, Elihu, 12jpt 8 t. Fisher, Charles, 9 l 5 £ Forster, Joseph, 10 -J 7 £ Forster, Wm., sr., 10 J 7 £ Forster, Wm., jr., 11 -J 8 £ Forshey, Nason, 11 pt 13 t. Fowler, George, 12 | 1 t. Fowler, John, 12 i 2 t. Fowler, Wm., sr., 11, 1 £ Fowler, Wm., jr., 11 -| 2 t. Garrity, Larry 13 pt 13 £ Giles, Josephus. 13 pt 13 t. Giles, Phillip, 3 pt 12 £ Gilmour, Rev. John, 13 pt 12 Gilmour, John, W., 13 pt 13 £ Glen, Mrs., 13 pt 13 t. Goodfellow, Archibald, 10 pt 1 Goodfellow, Robert, 7, 5 £ Goodfellow, Wm., 7 | G t. Grady, Patrick, 12 pt 10 £ Greene, Joseph, sr., 10 J 7 £ Greene, Joseph, jr., 11 J 8 t.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro* and Bobcaygeon, for



Greenlaw, Philip, T., 12 pt 12 £ Grey, Thomas, 12 pt 2. Griffin, Anthony, 13 pt 13 f. Haggart, James, 12 pt 15 t. Haggart, John, 12 pt 4 £ Haggerty, Patrick, 13 pt 13 £ Halpin, Cornelius, 12 pt 14 £ Halpin, Michael, 12 pt 14 £ Harper, John, 11 pt 10 1. Harper, Robert, sr., 12 pt 10 £ Harper, Robert, jr., 11 | 10 t. Haultain, F. W., 13 pt 13 £ Hayes, John, 12 pt 12 £ Hayes, Timothy, 12 ptl2t. HefFernan, Michael, 13 pt 13 t. Hewitt, Thos., 10 J 2 t. Hickey, Dennis, 13 pt 13 £ Hickey, John, 13 pt 13 t. Hickey, Thomas, 13 pt 13 £ Hickey, William, 13 pt 13 £ Hook, Wm.. 13 pt 13 £ Hooey, George, 9 | 4 £ Hopkins, Daniel, 13 pt 13 £ Hopkins, Wm., 13 J 11 t. Howden, George, 11 pt 13 £ Howden, Gustavns, 10 pt 3 t. Howden, James, 11 pt 15 £ Howden, Richard, 10 pt 3 t. Howden, Thos., 9 | 3 t. Huston, John 13 i 1 £ Huston, Robert, 13 ^ 1 t. Huston, Wm., 12 -|- 3 £ Jamison, John, 9 pt 1 £ Johnston, John, 10 half 10 £ Kerr, Wm., 12 pt 10 t. Kingdon, John, 13 pt 13 £ Kingdon, Wm., 12 pt 12 £ Laing, Robt., sen., 8 pt 2. Laing, Rob., jun., 8 pt 2 £ Laing, Wm.,'8 J 2 £ Leary, Christopher, 13 pt 12 t. Leitch, Moses, 9 J 5 £

Lillico, John, 12 half 8 £ Lillico, Richard, 12 half 4 £ Lockie, George, 7 half 4 £ Lockie, Wm., 8 pt 2 t. Long, Edward, 13 half 6 t. Longfield, Wm., 8 pt 1 t. Lowry, John, 10 pt 6 t. Lundy, Jason, 12 pt 12 £ Lynch, John, 13 pt 13 £ McCamus, Wm., 10 pt 1 £ McCullough, John, 7 half 1 t. McDonald, John, 12 pt 13 t. McDonald, Patrick, 12 pt 14 £ " McGee, Francis, 13 half 2 £ Mclntyre, Malcolm, 13, 4 £ Mcintosh, John, 11 half 2 £ McKnight, John, 7 pt 3 £ McMahon, Bridget, 12 pt 14 £ McMahon, John, 12 pt 14 £ McMahon, Thos., 12 pt 14 £ McNamara, Thos., 12 pt 14 t. McNarmara, Patrick, 12 pt 14 f. McNamara, Patrick, 12 pt 14 £ McNaughton. John, 13 pt 13 t. McSherry, Thos., 12 pt 6 £ Mahar, Patrick, 12 pt 15 £ Mahon, Dennis, 11 pt 15 t. Mahony, Wm., 9 pt 1 t. Manning Samuel, 13, 5 £ Martin, Mary, 13 pt 13 f, Matoon, Barney, 13, pt 13 £ May, Arthur, 12 pt 12 £ May, Sarah, 12 pt 12 £ Michelevenson, Michael, 11 pb

12 t. Moore, James, 12 pt 13 £ Mooney, P., 11 pt 9 t. Moncrief, George, 8 half 3 f, Murty, Mrs., 13 pt 13 £ Murphy, Patrrck, 12 pt 14 £ Murphy, Simon, 12 pt 14 £ Nixon. Mary, 11 pt 14 £

Harness made of best English Leather.



O'Brien, James, 12 pt 14 f. O'Brien, Philip, 13 pt 13 f. O'Brien, Richard, 12 pt 12 t. O'Hara. Francis, 13 pt 12 t Oakley, Wm., 13 pt 13 £ Patterson, Mrs. Margaret, 8 pt 1 f. Patterson, Robt., 7 pt 1 £ Payne, Uriah, 13 half 3 £ Porter William, 10 i 8 1. Portsmouth, Charles, 12 pt 12 t. Poulsounne, Frederick, 1 3 pt 11 £ Powers, Thomas, 11 pt 13 t. Pursel, Daniel, 12 pt 13 t. Redhend, John, 13 pt 11 £ Robson, Wm., 12 pt 5 £ Robinson, Ralph, 13 pt 4 t. Rodgers, Rev. M., 13 pt 12 £ Ruine, Jacob, 10 pt 4 1. Russell, Wilham, 11 pt 8 t. Scott, Wm.S., 11 ptl£ Shaw, Robert, 13 pt 13 £ Shea, Richard, 12 pt 14 £ Shewn, Peter, 13 pt 13 £ Sherwood,Wm., ll|-9£ Simons, Mary, 13 pt 13 t. Solomon, Jonathan, 13 pt 13 £ Spilsbury. Charles, 11 J 6 £ Spilsbur^, William, 11 J 7 £ Spry, James, 12 pt 12 t. Sproule, Joseph, 12 half 7 1. Stenson, Edward, 11 pt 15 £ Stephens, James. 13pt 13 £

Summerville, Henry, 13 pt 13 t. Taylor, Wm., 13 pt 13 t. Theabold, Thomas, 12 pt 13 £ Thompson James 8 | 1 t. TuUy, George, 13 J 7 £ Tully, John, 13 J 8 £ TuUy, Robert & Andrew, 13 h

9t&;£ Tully, Wm., 13 J 8 £ Vassan, Leon, 11 pt 15 £ Wallis, Captain James, merino,

13, 10 £ Walsh, Bartley, 12 pt 10 £ Walton, Joseph, 13 half 7 £ Walton, Matthew, 13 half 6 £ Watters, Richard, 11 pt 3 t. Weller, Charles, 13 pt 13 £ Whalen, William, 13 pt 13 £ White, William, 12 J 8 £ Whitfield, John, 9, 8 £ Wilson, John, 11 pt 7t. Wilson, Robert, 13 pt 12 £ Wilson, Thomas, 10 J 5 £ Wood, John, 13 pt 13 1. Wood, WilHam, 8 pt 1 t. Wood, Wm., 10 J 5 £ Wright, James, 13 pt 5 t. Wright, John, 10 pt 6 t. Wyer, Leat, 12 pt 5 £ Young, Andrew, 12 J 3 t. Young, George, 12 half 3 £ Young, John, 12 J 3 t.


The township of Otonabeo is bounded on the north by the Otonabee River and the township of Douro, on the south by the Otonabee River and Rice Lake, on the east by Rice Lake and the township of Asphodel, and on the west by the Otonabee River. Population about 4,000.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro* and Bobcaygeon, for



Adamson, Robert, 13 w half 16 t. Allen, Samuel, 8 e half 24 f. Ambrose, Robt., li< pt 22 f. Andrews, Wm., 11 pt 12 t. Anderson, Donald, laborer, 7 pt

13 1. Anderson, James, 7 e half 24 f. Andvrson, Wm., 6 w half 30 f. Armstrong Andrew, 11 e J 21 t. Armstrong, David shoemaker,

Keene, f. Ai-mstrong, David, 5 w half 23 f. Armstrong, Isaac, 9 e half 25 f. Armstrong, Jas., laborer, Allen- dale, f. Armstrong, James. 10 w |^ 27 f. Armstrong, Jas., 12 e half 15 f. Armstrong, John, 12 pt 26 f. Armstrong, Martin, laborer, 14

pt 16 f, Armstrong, Wm., 5, 25 f. Armstrong, Wm., 9 e half 29 f. Armstrong, Wm., 11 pt 26 f. Armstrong, Wm., 12 w half 14 t.

Ashburn, Thomas, carpenter, 9 pt 13 f.

Atchison, James and Thomas, Indian reserve, t.

Atkins, Jno., cooper, Allendale, f.

Atkins, T., cooper, Allendale, f.

Banbridge, J., laborer, Keene, t.

Barrie, Thos., 14 s w i 18 f.

Barry, James, 13 n w J 17 f.

Barry, John, 14 w half 14 f.

Barry, Patrick, laborer 3 pt 17 t.

Barker, Claude, 10 e i 28 t.

Barnes, James, 1 e half 30 f.

Bartliff, James, book-keeper AUandale, t.

Bartliff, J., blacksmith, 6 pt 13 t.

Baxter, James, carpenter 8 pt 28 t.

Baxter, John, 9 J 28 f. Beavis, Francis, laborer, Allen- dale, f. Beavis, Francis, laborer, 7 pt

18 t. Beavis, James, 9 s e J 21 f. Bennett, Edward, 14 f 21 f. Bennett, James, laborer, 12 pt

14 f. Bennett, John, 14 | 21 f. Benett. John, shoemaker,

Keene, t. Bickett, James, 1 e half 26 f. Blatchford, Wm., 10 w half 26 t' Blizard, Thomas, 2 s e J 21 £ Blizard, Wm., 2 w half 20 f. Bolan, John, 7 pt 9 f. Borland, James, 2pts 12 and 13 f. Borland, Thomas, laborer, 2 pt

2t. Bowie, Edward, 11 n half 18 f. Bowie, Michael, laborer, 5 pt 24 1. Brenton, Francis, 11 pt 16 t. Brenton, Henry, laborer, 7 pt

12 t. Brenton, J„ laborer, 7 pt 12 t. Breakenridge, MattheAV, 3, 28 f. Briden, Walter, 9 e half 20 t. Brown, George, 6 n w J 23 f. Brown, George, 12 pt 32 f. Brown, John, 6 s w ;| 23 f. Brown, Robert, 6 e half 27 f. Brotherson, William, blacksmith,

3 pt 16 f. Bryce, Archibald, carpenter,

Keene, f. Buck, George, 11 pt 26 f. Buck, Thomas, sr., 10 w i 19 f. Buck, Thomas, jr., 9 e J 17 f. Buck, William, 10 e J 19 f. Buchanan, James, weaver, 7 pt 13 f.

Horse Blankets and Fancy Clothing.



BuUid, John & Thomas, 8, 8 t. Burns, James, 17se:ilof. Burns, John, 16 e J 12 f. Burns, Patrick, 15, 12 f. Burnham, Henry. 6 e half 13 £ Buttery, George, 12 w half lot. Byram, John, 6 e half 19 f Cain, Patrick, laborer, 11 pt 19 t. Calder, Wm., AUandale, £ Calahan, John, 7 w half .31 t. Caloton, John, 2 pt 31 £ Caloton, Mrs., 2 pt 32 £ Cameron, Edwin, 1, 24 £ Cameron, Jas., laborer, 1 pt 25. Cameron, James, 1, 25 £ Cameron, John, laborer, 1 pt 25. Cameron, Wm., laborer, 1 pt 25. Camxpbell, Alex., sr., merchant,

Keene, £ Campbell, Alex., jr., merchant,

Keene, £ Campbell, Duncan, laborer, 7

pt 16. Campbell, Jas., laborer, 7 pt 16. Campbell, John, carpenter,

Keene, t. Campbell, McNeil, & Co., mer- chants, Keene, t. Campbell, Malcolm, 7 w half

16 £ Campbell, Samuel, laborer, 7 pt

18 £ Campbell, Wm., Keene, t. Carr, Samuel, 13ne^l5t. Carter, James, 5 e half 27 £ Carter, Wm., 5 w half 27 £ Casey, George, lie half 8 t. Casey, Redmond, 9 w half 18 £ Cavanagh, Richard, 1 w half 31 1. Cavanagh, Thos., 1 e half 31 £ Chase, Wm., sawyer, AUandale, £ Chambers, Wm., 16 pt 20 £

Chamberlain, Wm., 8 e half 29 £ Chish ol m, Alex. , saddler, Keene, t. Chisholm, Donald, laborer, 7 pt

13 £ Christie, W^m., 7 n e | 14 £ Clancy, Mrs., 12 pt 21 £ Clancy, Thomas, 12 s e ^ 19 £ Clancy, Wm., 4 w half 30 £ Cleary, John, 10 s half 17 t. Cleary, Wm., 10 e ^ 23 £ Cleghorn, John, 10 w half 20 t. Clifford, John, 15 pt 23 £ Cooney, Johnston, 9 n half 21 £ Collins, John, 13 pt 12 £ Collins, Timothy, 12 pts7 and 8 1, Collins, Wm., 12 e half 27 t. Connie, Peter, 9 s w J 14 £ Connie, Wm., 7 e half 15 £ Connel^ Alex., blacksmith, Allan- dale, £ Connel, George, blacksmith,

AUandale, £ Condon, Jas., laborer, 6 pt 11 t. Condon, James, 16 e half 14 £ Condon, Joseph, 6 pt 23 £ Condon, Patrick, 9 e half 22 £ Condon, Wm., 9 w half 15 £ Conroy, John, 8 pt 32 £ Conway, James, 3 pt 30 £ Conway, Wm., 4 half 32 £ Corcary, Patrick, 9 w half 19 t. Corcoran, Brien, laborer,* 9 pt

16 t. Coward, Thomas, lie half 10 £ Croger, Christian, 15 pt 23 £ Crowley, Bartholomew, 15 J 15 £ Crowley, David, 14, 20 £ Crowley, David, 14 e half 15 £ Crowley, David Y., 16 e f 15 £ Crowley, Jas. B., 13, 19 £ Crowley, Jas. D., 15 e half 17 £ Crowley,Jas. R, 13, 21£

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Crowley, Patrick, 13 e half 20 f. Crowley, Patrick Y., 15 w half

15 f. Crowley, Thomas, 15 e J 15 f. Crowley, Timothy, 18, 23 f. Cummings, Daniel, teacher, 11

pt 22. Curtis, James, 11 pt 31 1. Curtis, Stephen, brickmaker, 11

pt 30 1. Davidson, Archibald, 8 pt 26 £ Davidson, Thomas, 8 pt 2G £ Dawson, Fredrick, lie half 31 f. Dean, Marshall, M.D., Keene, t. Devlin, James, 2 w half 30. DevHn, John, 7 w half 28 f. Deyell, John, 14 w half 13 f Deyell, Robert, A., 14ehalf 13 f. Deyell, Samuel, 14 pt 1'.^ t. Deyell, Wm., 14 19 £ Dickson, James, &; James, sr., &

jr.,3ptl7£ Dickson, James carpenter, Keene,

t. Dickson, John, 2 14 £ Dickson, Wm., i, 11, 16 £ Dillon, John, 10 w half 22 £ Dillon, Patrick, 10 e half 22 £ Dinsdale, Jeffrey, mason, Allan- dale, £ Dinsdale, John, 7 n half 18 t. Dion, Leon, sailor, Keene, t. Doherty, John, 10 e half 24 £ Donelly, Edward, 15 e half 21 £ Donelly, Robert, 15 w half 21 £ Donaldson, John, 14 e half 16 t. Doris, Charles, 10 pt 18 t. Doris, Bernard, 10 ^ 15 £ Doris, James, laborer, Keene, t. Doris, John, 10 w ^ 15 £ Doris, John, R., 10 n half 17 £ Doris, WiUiam, 10 n half 18 £

Douglass, James, shoemaker,

Allandale, t. Dowdell, John, 8 n e J 11 £ Dowdell, Wm., 8 s e J 11 £ Driscoll, Cornelius, 14 e J 17 £ Drummond, Alex., 10 s J 18 £ Drummond, Duncan, 10 e | 16 £ Drummond, James, 9 s J 16 £ Drummond, William, 9 n f 16 £ Duffis, James, 12 e half 25 £ Duffis, Wm., 12 pt 25 £ Eagan, James, 3 e J 82 f Eagan, Thomas, 12 s J 23 £ Earl, James, 1, 13 t. Edington, Robert, 10 s e J 15 £ Edington, William, engineer,

Keene, £ Edwards, John, 8 e i 18 £ Edwards, Mathew, 7 pt 20 £ Edwards, Mathew, 7 w i 20 t. Edwards, Wm., 7 pt 20 £ Elmhurst, Francis, 2 w J 24 t Elmhurst. Joseph, 2 pt 17 £ Elmhurst, Philip, 3, 22 £ Elmhurst, Robert, 3 e | 24 £ El ward, Mrs., 11 pt 26 t. Emmerson, Edward, 13 e :| 13 £ Emmerson, John, 13 s half 14'£ Emmerson, Robt.. 13 n half 14 £ Emmerson, Thos., 13 i 13 £ Emmerson, Wm., saddler, 13 pt

16 t. English, George, cooper, Allan- dale, £ English, Mrs., Allandale. Esson, Alex., 1 w half 22 £ Esson, Andrew, 6 whalf 22 £ Esson, Daniel, 6 e half 23 £ Esson, George, 5 w half 14 £ Esson, Robert, 6 w half 24 £ Esson, Thomas, 6 e half 22 £ Evans, G., merchant, Keene, t.

Silver Plated and White Metal Bells.



Evans, John, 3 w half 27 f. Evans, Eobert, 4, 27 t. Fanning, James, 15 pt 19 f. Fanning, James, 16 w half 12 t. Fawcett, James, 1 w half 30 f. Fife, Alex, 4 e half 25 f. Fife, David, Allandale, f. Fife, James, laborer, 11 pt 26 t. Fife, Jas. B, 2ehalf 16f Fife, John, sr, 5, 21 f. Fife, John H., 4 s w J 22 £ Fife, Jas. H, 5 f 20 f. Fife, Mrs, 4 n w J 22 f. Fife, Silvester, 4 w half 23 i Fife, Thomas, 5 e half 26 f. Fife, Wm, 4 e half 24 f. Finnie, Hugh, laborer, 9 pt 20 t. Finnie, Jas., 9 w half 20 t. Fitzgerald, David, 4 w half 28 f. Fitzgerald, David, 7 pt 32 t. Fitzgerald, James, 11 pt 26 t. Fitzgerald, Thos., 4 w half 29 f. Fitzgerald, Wm, 8 w half 30 f. Foley, James, 2 e half 31 f. Foley, Michael, laborer, Keene, t. Foley, Mrs., 8 e half 17 f Foley, Wm., 4, 12 f. Forsyth, Andrew, carpenter, 6

pt 13 f. Forsyth, Wm, carpenter, 6 pt

13 f Fox, Thomas, 1 ehalf ]8f. Frazer, Wm, 12 pt 26 f. Fulton, Archibald, laborer,

Keene, t. Gall, John, hotelkeeper, Keene, f. Gallon, James, 6 n w J 14 f Galvin, John, 11 J 24 £ Garraty, Patrick, 11 pt 26 f. Gillespie, Alex, 3 e half 15 f. Gillespie, John, 3 J 16 f Gillespie, Peter, sr., 3 pt 15 f

Gillespie, Peter, jr, 2 w half 15 f. Gillespie, Peter, 12 pt 24 £ Girvan, James, 9 w half 26 £ Girvan, Richard, 9 e half 27 £ Girvan, Robert, 10 s e J 25 £ Gorman, Michael, 13 pt 26 £ Gourley, James, 6 pt 12 t. Grady, John, sr,, 2 e half 28 £ Grady, John, sr., 2 w half 27 £ Grady, Thomas, 2 w half 28 £ Graham, Thomas, 2 w half 28 £ Graham, Alexander, sr., 3 s w ^

16 £ Graham, Alexander, jr., 4 s e ^

14 £ Graham, David, 1 pt 12. Graham, James, 11 pt 32 t. Graham, John, 7 s e J 27 £ Graham, WilUam, 11 s J 18 £ Greystock, Mark, 11 n | 15 £ Grey stock, Robert, 11 pt 17 t. Grier, John, 7 J 9 £ Grier, Michael, 7 i 9 £ Guthrie, Adam, 14 pt 24 £ Hair Evans, laborer, 10 pt 30 t. Hair, James, hotelkeeper, 10 pt

30 £ Hair, WiUiam, 10 w i 30 £ Hall, James, 7 e ^ 31 £ Hall James, 13 w^i 24 1. Hallahan, Michael, 10 e half 20 £ Hallahan, Robert, laborer, 10 pt

20 t. Hales, Thomas, 17 1 11 t. Hammond, Patrick, 12 w h 18 £ Hamel, John, 8 e J 10 t. Hamilton, George, carpenter, 9

pt 12 £ Hanlon, James, 9 e J 30 £ Hanbridge, Robert, 15 w i 20 £ Hanbridge, Wm., 16 pt 18^ £ Hanbridge, Wm., 16 n w i 18 f

Go to Walton's, Peterborough and Babcaygeon, for



Hams, Wm., carpenter, 3 pt 17 f. Harrison, James, laborer, 2 pt

23 t. Hare, Michael, laborer, 11 pt 14 1. Hartley, Thomas, 10 J 28 f. Hastie, Wm., carpenter, Allan- dale, f. Harlip, Andrew, 14, pt 24. Haslip Robert, 14 pt 23 £ Hatherly, John, 9 w half 22 f. Hayes, James, 10 w half 12 £ Hayes, James, 15 e half 16 £ Hayes, Mchael, laborer, 15 pt

16 t. Hayter, Wm., 17 e half 17 £ Hazlet, John, 12 w half 17 £ Heffernan, Cornelius, 6 w half

31 £ Heffernan, John, 6 e half 80 £ Heffernan, John, 9 w half 25 £ Heffernan, Michael, 4 w half 31 £ Heffernan, Thomas, 9 w half 27 £ Henry, John, 9 e half 23 f Henderson, David, 7 e | 22 £ Henderson, David, 8 23 £ Henderson, David, laborer, 8 pt

23 t. Hendersen, D., laborer, 8 pt 23 t. Hetrick, Michael, Indian Re- serve, t. Hewie, Peter, 2 e half 18 £ Hill, John, 13s e J 15 £ Hill, Wm., 13 n w J 15 £ Hilson, George, tanner, 6 pt 13 £ Hope, John, 2 J 21 £ Hope, Richard, 3 n half 18 £ Hope, Robert, 3 e half 18 £ Hope, Thomas, 3 whalf 19 £ Hope, Wm., 3, 20 £ Houston, Robert, 14 n e J 23 £ Howson, Christopher, 9 w half 12 £

Howson, George, 10 e half 11 £ Howson, Thos., 9 e half 9 £ Howson, Wm., 9 e half 10 £ Hudson, Wm,, sr., 11 w half 28 £ Hudson, Wm., jr., 11 n w -J 27 £ Humber, Lorenzo, carpenter,

Indian Reserve, t. Humphries, Jas. C, carpenter, 6

e half 18 £ Humphries, Mrs., 7 pt 13 £ Hunter, Jas., laborer, 8 pt 12 t. Hunter, Joseph, 8 w half 11 £ Hunter, Wm., 2 w half 18 £ Ingram, Evans, lie half 26 £ Jackson, Robert, 13 | 17 £ Jackson, Robert, laborer, 17 pt


Johnston, Adam, sr., 4 w half 21 1. Johnston, Adam, jr.,4neJ21t. Johnston, Isaac, 9 e half 26 £ Johnston, James, 3 e half 29 £ Johnston, Patrick, 4 s e :| 21 1. Johnston, Simon, 8 e J 22 £ Johnston, Thomas, 8 w half 24 f. Johnston, Wm., 13 pt 26 t. Jury, John, 13 e half 16 t. Keefe, James, 6 pt 1 2 t. Keefe, John and Thomas, 5, 11 1, Keating, Michael, laborer, 2 pt

25 t. Keating, Nicholas, 2, 25 £ Keating, Patrick, laborer, 2 pt

25 t. Keiley, Jas., 12 pt 26 £ Keiley, Michael, laborer, 12 pt

19 t. Keiley, Richard, 13 s e J 24t. Kelleher, Dennis, 8 e half SO £ Kennedy, Dawson, 14 pt 24 £ Kent, Hugh, 11 w half 7 £ Kent, John, 7 e half 11 £ Kent, Mrs., 9 pt 13 £

Gentlemen's Travelling Trunks.


5ent, Wm., 11 pt 13 t. Kendred, John, 9 w half 13 f. Kenally, Dennis, 13 w half 22 f Kenally, John, 13 n e -J 24? t. King, James, 12 pt 32 £ Kingston, John, 1 -: pt 24 f Kindred, Charles, 12 e half 17 1. Kindred, Wm., 12 e half 14 t. Kirby, Henry, tailor, Keene, t. Knox, Alex., 9 e J 13 f. Knox, John, 7 e half 21 f Knox, John, 9 I 13 f. Knox, Wm., 8 e half 25 f Lacey, Thomas, weaver, Keene, f. Laing, Alex., blacksmith, Keene, f Laing, Thos., blacksmith, Keene, f. Lane, Henry, 8 whalf 20 t. Lane, Wm., 8 e half, 20 f Lang, George, carpenter, Keene, f. Lang, James, sr., 6 w half 21 £ Lang, James, jr., 6 e half 21 £ Lang, John, 7 e half 17 £ Lang, "Wm., 6 e half 20 £ Lancaster, James, 3 e half 27 t. Lancaster, John, laborer, 1 pt

John, 1, 20 £ William, laborer, 1

20 t.



pt 20 t. Landregan, Maurice, 8 w half

29 £ Landregan, Mrs., 4 s w :| 19 £ Landreville, Charles, cooper, 7

pt 13 t. Landreville, John, cooper,

Keene, £ Landerville, Peter, cooper.

Keene, £ Laroche, Joseph, 2 e half 17 £ Lawson, James, 13 w half 13 £ Lawrence, Robert, 11 pt 32 t. Leannouth, Gabriel, 1 w half 27 £


Leitch, Charles, laborer, 5 pt 17 1. Leitch, Thomas, 5 e half 17 t Lilly, James, 12 pt 27 t. Lipsett, George, laborer, 10 pt

31 t.

Lowry, George, mason, 7 pt 11 £ Lnmsden, Andrew, carpenter,

Keene, £ Lynch, John, 11 n half 25 t. Lynch, Michael, laborer, 11

25 t.

Lynch, Michael, 14, pt 24 £ Lynch, Thomas, 13 ^ 26 t. McCamus, John, 7 w half 12 t. McCann, James, shoemaker,

Keene, £ McCann, Michael, 9 n e J 19 £ McCannon, Daniel, sr., 17 n e {

14 £ McCannon, Daniel, jr., 15 s w I

16 £ McCannon, George, 15 n w J 16 £ McCannon, John, 17 n w J 14£ McCarthy, Owen, 6, 15 £ Mc Crate, Thomas, laborer, G pt

32 t.

McCrea,, Amos, M.D., 6 pt 13 £ McDermont, Andrew, laborer, 11

pt 12 t. McDonald, Wm., 6 29 £ McDougall, Wm., weaver, 9 pt

12 £

McElwain, Matthew, 13 pt 26 £ McEwin, John, 8 e half 9 £ McFarlane, Alex., 10 w half 13 £ McFarlane, Donald, 8 w half 13 £ McFarlane, Donald, laborer, 10

pt 13 t. McFarlane, Duncan J., 9 w half

11 £ McFarlane, Duncan A., 10 e half

13 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



McFarlane, Malcom J., 9 e half

12 f. McFarlane, Malcolm P., 8 w half

12 f. McFee, Alex., 8 w half 10 f. McFee, John, Sehalf lof. McGee, John, 13 pt 24 t. McGrah, Wm., 1 i w half 30 t. McGregor, Jaijaes, 7 n w J 9 f. McGregor, Mrs., Keene, £ McGregor, Wm., 9 e half 31 t McGuier, Johnston, laborer, 12

pt 14 t. Mclntyre, Archibald, 8 w half

14 f

Mclntyre, Donald, carpenter, 7

ptf. Mclntyre, Duncan, 8 e J 13 f. Mclntyre, Duncan, laborer, 8 pt

15 t.

Mclntjrre, Duncan, laborer, 9 J

14 f. Mclnt3rre, Duncan, 12 pts 10 &

11 £ Mclntyre, Peter, 8 w half 15 £ McLachlan, John, hotelkeeper,

Keene, £ McMahon, Mathew, laborer, 7 pt

31 1. McMahon, Timothy, laborer, 7 p

30 t. McMartin, John, 15 e J 22 f, McMartin, Michael, 15 w f 22 £ McMullin, Thos, laborer, 11 pt

29 t. McNeil, James, merchant, Keene,

t. McNeH, Peter, 7 e half 16 f, McNevan David, 7w half 15 £ McNevan. Duncan,7 whalf 17£ McWilHams, James, 11 w half

29 t.

Mc Williams, Thomas laborer, 11

pt 29 t. Maguire, John, 12 n half, 23 £ Mather, Andrew, 10 w half 10 £ Mather, John, 9 w half 9 £ Mather, Thomas, 10 ptl2 £ Matchett, James, 15swJ19£ Matchett, John, 16 n e J 18 £ Matchett, Robert, 16 pt 19 £ Mein, John, mason, 9 s e J 11 £ Merriam, Henry, lie half 7 1. Metcalf, Alfred, 9 n e J 14 t. Metcalf, James, 6 w half 11 £ Mills Robert, laborer, 12 pt 13 t. Millane, Edward, laborer, Keene,

t. Miller, James, 10 wf 14 £ Miller, John, 7 25 £ Miller, Robert, 8 w half 21 £ Miller, William, 8 e half 10 £ Miller, William, 8 w half 18 £ Moore, David, 7 w half 14 I Moore, Hamilton, 2 e half 27 £ Moore, Henry, 3 w half 21 £ Moore. Wm., 3 e half 21 f; Moffat, Andrew, 10 w half 21 1. Moncrief, Wm., 9 n e J 18 1. Morrow, John, 4 e half 16 t. Morgan, John, 12 n e J 19 £ Morgan, William, lis half 15 £ Morgan, Wm., 11 w half 19 £ Morton, David, 17 n e i 13 £ Morton, Mrs., Wm., 17 pt 10 £ Muirhead, Daniel, laborer,

Keene, £ Mulcahey, Patrick, 13 pt 26 £ Mulcahey, Timothy 14 w half

17 1. Murray, Thos., 5 w half 31 t. Murriey, Charles, mill overseer,

I7ptl0t. Murphy, Patrick, 13 e half 22 t.

Ladies' Fancy Trunks, Cheap.



Neish, John, shoemaker, Keene,

t. Nelson, Andrew, 4 pt 19 f. Nelson, Archibald. 5 pt 19 f. Nelson, David, sr., 5 pt 18 f. Nelson, David, jr., 5 w half 18 f. Nelson. George, 5 s e J 20 f. Nelson, George, carpenter,

Keene, f Nelson, Hugh, 1 w half 26 f. Nelson, Hugh, 4 n w ^ 17 f. Nelson, James, 5 e half 18 f Nelson, John, laborer, 1 pt 21 t. Nelson, John, 5 w half 17 f Nelson, John, 5 n e J 19 f. Nelson, Pengrine, laborer, 1 pt

21 t.

Nelson, Robert, 4 w half 14 f. Nelson, Robert, jr., 4 w half 28 f Nelson, Stephen, 1 w half 22 £ Nelson, Thos., 5 s e J 19 £ Nelson, Thos., 10 e half 31 t. Nelson, Wm., sr., 4 pt 19 £ Nelson, Wm., jr., 4 n w J 19 £ Nesbit, Alex., 1 e half 28 £ Nethercot, James, 16 pt ^21 £ Nethercot, John, 13 pt 26 £ Nethercot, Montgomery, 16 pt

22 £

Nurse, George, 17 e half 12 1. O'Brien, Alex., 9 pt 30 £ O'Brien, Edward, laborer, 8 pt

27 t. O'Brien, Edward, 8 w half 27 £ O'Brien, John, 9 w half 31 t. O'Brien, Michael, 7 w half 30 t. O'Connor, James, 9 pt 32 £ O'Connor, John, 11 w half 31 £ O'Donell, Patrick, 5 pt 32 £ O'Leary, Daniel, 4 e half 31 t. O'Leary, John, 3 w half 31 £ O'Leary, Wm., 4 e half 30 £

Parrington, Thos., 18 pt 26 t.

Patterson, Alex., 2, 26 £ Patterson, Robert, laborer, 2 pt

26 t. Pearce, George, R., tanner, 6 pts

13 & 14 £

Pearce, Richard, tanner, 7 pt

14 t.

Petrie, James, 10 w half 24 £

Pimmet, James, 9 w half 30 t.

Plunkett, John, laborer, Allan- dale, t.

Plunkett, William, 4 w half 16 £

Porter, Joseph, 9 w half 17 t.

Powers, Thomas, laborer, 10 pt 21 t.

Pratt, Wm., hotelkeeper, 17 pt


Quinn, Patrick, 7 s J 9 £ Quinn, Richard, 7 pt 9 £ Quinlan, John, 7 n half 27 f Quinlan, Wm., laborer, 7 pt 27 1. Rahely, John, 8 s w i 13 £ Rahely, Thomas, 8 n w J 31 £ Read, Edward, laborer, 17 pt


Read, Geerge, M.P.P., & Tp.,

clerk, &c., Keene, £ Read, Heary, teamster, Keene, £ Read, Richard, sr., 15 pt 18 £ Read, Richard, jr., 15, 18 t. Read, Roger, 5 s half 31 £ Reckles, John, laborer, 10 pt lOt. Redpath, Wm., 4ehalf 13£ Redmond, Joseph, 12 e half 22 £ Renwick, James, 6 n e J 25 t. Renwick, John, 6 s e :| 25 t. Renwick, Robert, 1 w half 19 t. Renwick, Walter, teacher,

Keene, £ Renwick, Walter, bailifi' Keene, f.

0 to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Renwick, Walter, 8 e half 12 f. Renwick, Wm., 6 w half 25 t. Rice, Richard, 14nwJ18f Richardson, Wm., 3 w half 29 t. Roach, James laborer, Keene, t. Roach, Maurice, 16 w half 14 f Roach, Thomas, 7 pt 8 f Robertson, Andrew, 2 w half 16 f Robertson, George, carpenter, 14

pt 24 f Robertson, John W., 13 w half

12 f Robertson, Peter, 8 e half 14 f Robertson, Robert G., 18 e half

12 f Runnings, Mark, 10 e half 29 f. Rutherford, Adam, laborer, 11 pt

17 t. Rutherford, Wm., 11, 17. Ryan, Patrick, 14 pt 22 t. Sanders, Wm., weaver, 10 pt *^0 £ Sargent, John, 10 e half 27 f Sargent, Samuel, 10 w half 28 f. Savigney, George, 17 w half 15 f Savigney, James, 16 w half 15 f Savigney, John, 17 e half 15 f Scott, James, 1 n w ^ 14 t. Scolhe, David, 7 s w J 18 f Scollie, James, 7 s e J 18 f. Scollie, Robert, 12 e half 20 f Scollie, Wm., laborer, 12 pt 22 t. Sedgwick, Thos., 10 w half 29 f Seins, Thomas, 16, 13 1. Sharp, Andrew, 7 n e J 13 f. Shanghnessie, J., 13 n half 18 f Shearer, Andrew, teacher 2 pt.

16 t. Shearer,- Andrew, 3. 26 f Shearer, Andrew, 6 w half 27 f Shearer, Archibald, 6 w half 28 f. Shearer, Archibald, 8 e half 21 f, Shearer, Bernard, 7 n w J 24 f

Shearer, Gaven, 2, 22 f. Shearei, James, carpenter, Allan- dale, f. Shearer, John, 7 e half 24 £ Shearer, Mathew, 5 e half 23 £ Shehan, Patrick 11 e half 24 £ Short, Richard, Allandale, £ Short, Richard, 7 s half, 26 £ Sliort, Thomas, agent, Keene, t. Short, Wm., 7 n half 26 £ Simple, James, laborer, 11 pt

28 t. Simpson, Thos., sawyer, Allan- dale, £ Sinclair, James, saddler, Keene, £ Slattery, Thomas, 12 i 16 £ Smith, John, 7 e half 20 t. Smith, John, 10 w half 16 t. Smith, Samuel, 14 pt 28 £ Soucie, John, 1 e half 17 £ Speirs, Alex., 4 w half 20 £ Speirs, Daniel, laborer, 4 pt 20 t. Stark, John, laborer, 7 pt 23 t. Stark, John, 7 w half 23 £ Stark, Mrs.,7 whalf21 £ Stark, Thomas, 7 w i 22 t. Stevenson, J., carpenter, Keene, t. Stewart, Alex., 15 whalf 13 £ Stewart, Alex., 16 w half 16 £ Stewart, George, 15 e half 19 t. Stewart, James, 7 w half 11 £ Stewart, John, 15 n e J 13 £ Stewart, Jolm, 15 w half 14 £ Stewart, Richard, 15 s e ^ 13 £ Stewart, Richard, 16 e half 16 £ Stewart, Samuel, 15 w half 17 £ Stewart, Wm., 14 w half 15 £ Stewait, Wm., 17 h 16 £ Sullivan, Michael, 11 n e -} 23 £ Swan, Nicholas, 12 n e J 16 £ Sweeney, James, laborer, 12 pt 21 t.

Valises, Carpet Bags, &c.


J. c. Conner's

Sweeney, John, laborer, G pt

Si t Sweeney, Patrick, 6 e half 31 f. Swinton, Archibald, 14 pt 18 £ Taylor, A., teacher, 12 pt 31 £ Taylor, Charles, Indian Reserve,

t. Taylor, George, 11 e half 20 t. Taylor, John, 9 w half 10 £ Taylor, Joseph, 10 e half 8 £ Taylor, Robert, 12 e half 18 £ Taylor, Thomas, 11 pt 13 t. Taylor, Wm., H, 11 f 23 t. Tedford, Richard, 3 f 30 t. Tennison, George, 12 s half 24 £ Thompson, Adam, 10 pt 32 t. Thompson, Charles, 8 w half 25 £ Thompson, David, 12 w half 19 t. Thompson, Walter, Indian

Reserve, t. Thompson, Wm., 12 w half 22 £ Throop, John, Indian Reserve, t. Tobin, Maurice, 2 e half 30 £ Torpie, Eugene, 1 pt 32 £ Trotter, James laborer, 9 pt 13 t. Trotter, John, laborer, 8 pt 26 t. Turner, Alex., 1 w half 17 £ Walker, Levi, sawyer, Keene, t. Walker, Wm., 3 e half 13 £ Walsh, Timothy and John sr., 5,

16 £ Wason, James, 9 e lialf 8 f.

Waters, Patrick, laborer, 13 pt

22 t. Webster, Wm., sr., 10 w half 23 £ Webster, Wm., jr., 9 n w J 23 £ Weir, Andrew, 5, 12 £ Weir, Andrew, laborer, 5 pt 12 t. Weir, Archibald, laborer, 5 pt

12 t. Weir, Archibald, 5 e half 13 i Weir, Francis, lie half 28 £ Weir, James, 2, 29 1. Weir, J. G., 11 pts 23 and 24 £ Weir, Robert, 6 w half 20 £ Weir, Wm., carpenter, 2 pt 17 £ Wells, Clement, 7 pt 11 £ Welsh, Patrick, 11 pt 32 t. Welsh, Thomas I., brickmaker,

14 pt 24 t. West, Robert, carpenter, Keene, £ West,Wm., 3 whalfl3£ White, Peter. 5 pts 9 and 10 t. Whitla, Wm., sr., 10 J 25 £ Whitla, Wm,. jr., laborer, 10 pt

25 t. Wilson, Archibald, 1 e half 19 £ Wilson, James, 11 w half 20 t. Wood, Alex, 2 w half 17 £ Wood, George, 3 w half 14 £ Wood, James, 1, 16 £ Wood, John, 4, 15 £ Wood, Stephen, 10 w half 31 £ Young, Wm., 8 e half 31 £


The towTiship of Shorborne is bounded on the north by the township of McClintock, on the south by the township of Stanhope, on the east by the township of Havelock, and on the west by the township of Ridout, County of Victoria. (Not settled.)

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for




The township of Smith is bounded on the north by Buckhom Lake and Deer Bay, on the south by the Otonabee River and the township of North Monaghan, on the east by the Otonabee River, and on the west by Buckhorn and Chemong or Mud Lakes and the township of Emily, County of Victoria. Population about 3,500.

on Wm., carpenter, 14 pt

]. R.



2^ Adak.s, Wm., 11 n half 28 t, Aikins, John, laborer, W. E

pt^2 t. Allan, Edmund, M. maker,

C. R., pt 1 t. Allan, George, 6 n half 17 f. AUan, Wm., 18 pt 28 t. Aldrich, Tmeman, laborer, 3 pt

21 t.

Amys, Philip, 7 e half 25 £ Anglesy, Mrs., 13 pt 36 f. Anglesy, Richard, 13 e half 36 f. Archer, John, 3 w hall 8 f. Ardle, John, laborer, E. C. R, pt

22 t.

Armour, John, cooper, 1 Y. L.,

pt 16 t. Ayotte, George, 13 J3fff. Ayotte, Joseph, sr., 13 e half 39 f. Ayotte, Joseph, jr., 13 w J 39 f. Baker. Samuel, 13 s half 25 f. Ball, James, 3 e half 17 t. Baptie, James, 5 pt 26 f. Barie, George, laborer, W. C.

pt 1 1. Barber, Roswell, laborer, 3

21 t. BeU, James, 11 n half 25 f. Bell, John, W. C. R, pt 6 f. Bell, John, 4 w half 17 f. Bell, John, 11 n half 22 f. Bell, Matthew, 9 s half 17 f.



Bell, Thomas, 11 n half 23 f. Bell, Thomas E., 4 pt 16 f. Bell, Wm., 12 s half 23 f. Benson, H. W., E. C. R., pt 1 f. Benson, John R, sr., E. C. R, pt

If. Benson, John, R., jr., E. C. R,

ptlf. Best, James, W. C. R, pt 1 f. Bickell, John, 6 s half 25 f. Bird, James, P. L. surveyor,

Lakefield, t. Black, Isreal, 5 pt 8 t. Black, John, 5 pt 9 f. Blewitt, Alman, 13 s half 27 f. Blewitt, Milson, 13 n half 27 f. Bowie, Henry, laborer, E. C. R,

pt 6 t. Boyce, Charles, 7 w half 21 f. Boyce, Mathew, 6 n half 24 f. Boyce, Stephen, 6 e half 23 f. Boyce, Wellington, 11 s half,

22 f. Branch, Cuthbert, 10 w half 22 f. Bredin, Andrew, 11, 28 f Brown, James, 2 e half 16 f. Brumwell, George, 9 pt 27 t. Brum well, Jacob, H., E. C. R,

pt 12 t. Brumwell, Mrs., 2 pt 18 f. Brumwell, Wm., 8 w half 21 f. Bullock, Peter, 14 w half 32 f. Bullock, Wm., 15 s half 30 f. Bulmer, Edwin, 3 pt 15 t.

Ladies' and Gentlemen's Satchels.



Burton, Christopher, W. C. R.,

pt3f. Butcher, Charles, 7 w half 20 t. Calvert, John, 2 n half 4 f. Carney, James, sr., 13 1 half

33 f. Carney, James, jr., merchant, 12

pt 26 f. Carveth, James, C, merchant, \ Lakefield, £

Cassada, Thos., 15 e half 45 f Cassada, James, 8 e half 21 f. Cassada, John, 9 s half 21 £ Chalmers, James, E. C. R., pt

Chowan, Richard, 6 s e J 20 £ Clark, Reuben, labofer, 4 pt 18 1. Coons, Wm., R., laborer, E. C. R.,

pt 12 t. Cochrane, George, Lakefield, £ Collins, Wm., laborer, 9 n e J

18 t. Cornwith, James, 3 pt 6 £ Coulter, Wm., E. C. R., pt 1 £ Cox, John, 1 pt 17 £ Cox, Thomas, 7 pt 23 £ Crawford, Stephen, M.D., physi- cian, 8 pt 27 t. Cullen, Samuel, 6 s half 24 £ Cumming, Jacob, laborer. Bridge- north, t. Curreth, Peter, 5 pt 26 t. Curtis, Samuel, 6 s half 22 £ Curtin, John, 11 pt 25 £ Daly, Andrew, 7 s e | 20 £ Darling, Alex., 3 e half 3 £ Darling, John, 3, 4 £ Darling, Wm., 3 s half 7 £ Davis, Amberson, 15, 36 t. Davis, James, 17 e half 31 £ Davis, John, 14swJ29£ Davis, Wm., 15, 37 t.

Davies, Lewis, 8, 18 f. Davies, Sylvanus, 11 pt 18 £ Davidson, Andrew, laborer. 2 pt

1 t. Davidson, Hugh, 5 n half 18 £ Davidson, Hugh, 9 s half 22 £ Davidson, James, sr., 5, 20 £ Davidson, Jas., sr., 1, 4 £ Davidson, Jas., jr., 1 w half 1 t. Davidson, Robert, 4 s half 21 £ Davidson, Wm., 5 J 22 £ Dayly, Richard, 7 n e J 20 £ Daynard, George, 13 w half 34 t. Dean, Marcus S., merchant, &;c.,

Bidgenorth, £ Dennistoun, Rober county judge,

1 pt 16 £ Denine, Mrs., 1 pt 16 t. Dever, Thomos, 13 n w J 32 t. Dewire, Wm., laborer, 1 pt 16 t. Dixon, James, W. C. R., pt 1 £ Dixon, Mrs., E, C. R., pt 1 £ Dobson, Robert, laborer, Bridge- north, t. Donnelly, Alex., 6 n half 18 £ Donnelly, Henry, 6 s half 18 £ Donnelly, James, 5 J 18 £ Donaghue, Denis, laborer, 1 pt

16 £ Douglass, Stephen, 18 pt 28 t. Down, James, 6 n e J 20 t. Duff, Hugh, 12 s J 20 £ Duff, James, 12 n half 30 £ Duggan,Mrs., 12 pt 33 £ Duggan, Wm., 10 pt 32 £ Dunn, Francis, cooper, 2 pt 17 t. Dunbar, Asa, hotelkeeper,

Bridgenorth, f Dyell, John, 3 n half 1 £ Dyell, Samuel, 3 s half 1 £ Edger, John, W. C. R, pt 10 £ Edmison, Alex., 2 n half 9 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon. for



Edmison, John, sr., W. C. B., pt 2f.

Edmison, John, jr., 3 pt 11 t.

Edmison, Thomas, W. C. R, pt 5f.

Elliott. George, 4 e half 17 f.

Elliott, James, 1 n half 6 f.

Elliott, James. 4 16 f.

Elliott, Thomas, 6, 19 f.

Elliott, Wm., 4 pt 16 t.

Embury, Philip, laborer, 12 pt 20 t.

Fairbairn, Andrew, 9 s half 26 f.

Fairbairn, John, 9 n half 26 f.

Falls, Wm., 1 n ^ 5 f.

Finley, John J.,''E. C. R, pt 6 f.

Finley, Wm., 5 w half 23 f

Fitzgerald, Charles, 11 pt 30 t.

Fitzgerald, Edward, 5 pt 21 t.

Fitzgerald, Edward, 13 shalf 30£

Fitzgerald, George, 5 n half 21 f.

Fitzgerald, Gerald, 6 pt 27 f.

Fitzgerald, Jas. W., P. L. Sur- veyor, E. C. R., pt 1 f.

Fitzgerald, John, Lakefield,f.

Fitzgerald, Thomas, 6 s half 17 f.

Fitzgerald, Thos. E., 5 s half 21 f.

Fitzgerald, Wm., 6 f 21 £

Fleming, Matthew, 1 s w J 5 f

Fleming, Wm., 1 s e :| o f.

Fligg, Thomas, 6 pt 23 f.

Fobert, Denis, 12 pt 36 f

Fountain, Wm., Lakeiield, f

Fowler, Andrew, 3 s w :]f 5 t.

Fowler, James, sr., 2 e half 1 f.

Fowler, James, jr., 2 w half 2 f.

Fowler, John, 1 s half 2 f

Fraizer, James, sr., W. C. R, pt 2f.

Fraizer, James, jr., W. C. R, pt 2f.

Freeburn, Francis, 10 n half, 26 f.

Freebum, George, 18 pt 29 t. Freeburn, James, 17 w hklf 33 t. Freeburn, Richard, ll,26f. Freebum, Thomas, 11 pt 31 t. Freebum, Wm., 15 pt 33 £ Fredenburg, Hiram, sr., laborer,

3t. Fredenburg, Hiram, jr., 3 pt 16 1. Frize, Henry, 5 pt 25 t. Frize, John, W. C. R., pt 1 t. Galaspie, Mrs., 9 pt 22 t. Galvin, Garritt B., 11 s half 25 £ Galvin, John, 4 n J 14 £ Galvin, John, 10 n half 23 £ Galvin, Matthew, E. C. R.,pt 10 £ Galvin, Michael, 5 pt 13 £ Garathy, Patrick, laborer,

Bridgenorth, t. Garbutt, Henry, 9, 27 £ Garbutt, Isaac, 9, 25 f. Garbutt, John, 3 pt 18 £ G-iddy, Alfred, bricklayer, 1 pt

15 £ Gilmour, Wm., laborer, 1 pt 17 1. Gleason, Wm., 13 s half 38 £ Goodenough. Wm., laborer, 12 pt

23 t. Godfry, Darious, 16 pt S3 £ Godfry, John, 15 pt 35 t' Godfry, Lemuel, 15 pt 32 t. Godfry, Thomas, 15 pt 31 t. Gray, George, cooper. Bridge- north, t. Gray, Oliver, 6 s half 26 t. Grant, Andrew, E. C. R., s half

Grant, James, 3 pt 2 t. Grant, Robert, E. C. R., s half 9 £ Graham, John, 12 w half 34 £ Graham, John W., 12 s half 28 £ Graham, Richard, 16 s lialf 29 £ Graham, Robert, 13 w half 36 £

Ballard's Sporting Breach Loading Rifles.



Graham, Wm., 4 pt 6 f.

Graha^, Wm., 12 e half 84 f.

Graham, Wm., laborer, 16 pt28 1.

Grills, Charles, 7 e half 27 t.

Griffin, Richard, carpenter, 1 pt 15 £

Habbins, Patrick, laborer, 2 pt 18 t.

Hall, Andrew, 4 s half 20 1.

Hall, John, 4 w half 19 f.

Hall, Thomas, 4 e half 19 t.

Hall, Wm. H., 15 n half 30 t.

Halpin, Cornelius, laborer, 2 pt 18 t.

Harris, Almond, 16 s half 26 f

Harrison, Richard, 15 s half 30 1.

Harvey, George, 3 pt 20 t,

Harvey, Mrs., 3 pt 21 f

Katton, Joseph, laborer, Lake- field, f

Hatton, Samuel, 10 n half 30 f

Haynes, Morris, laborer, Lake- field f

Hazlitt, Thomas C, lumber mer- chant, 1 pt 15 f

Head, Henry, 3 pt 6 f .

Hennesy, John, 4 pt 4 f

Hendren, James, blacksmith, Lakefield f.

Herd, Richard, 6 n half 16 f

Hetheringtou, Thomas, 11, 33 f

Hicks, Richard, carpenter, 7 pt 22 t.

Hickey, Daniel, W. C. R, pt 2 f

Hill, Richard, hotelkeeper, Lakefield f

Hilliard, George, lumber mer- chant, 1 pt 16 f.

Holihan, Daniel, laborer, 13 pt 34 t.

Holihan, Thomas, 12 s half 24 f

Hull, John, miUer, 8 pt 27 f

Hunter, Josiah, Lakefield, t. Hunter, Lewis, 7 w half 25 f Hunton, George, millwright, 3

pt 21 t. Hunton, J. S., lumber merchant,

3 pt 21 t Hutchison, Thus., E. C. R., pt 1 f. Ibister, John, blacksmith, 11 pt

25 t. Inglish, Jas., laborer, 2 pt 3 t. Irwin, James, 13 n half 29 t. Jack, James, 3 e half 5 f Jackson, John, 2 e half 8 f Jackson, Samuel, W. C. R, pt 3 f. Jackson, Wm., jr., 2 w half 8 t. Johnston, George, 6 n half 26 f Johnston, Mrs., 6 pt 26 t. Johnston, Robert 5 pt 24 f Johnston, Thos., laborer, 2 pt

17 t. Jones, Humphrey, 4 pt 1 f Kelly, Samuel S., lumber mer- chant, Bridgenorth, f. Kelly, Western B., lumber mer- chant, f Kennedy, John, laborer, 12 pt

27 t. Lackey, Andrew, weaver, 9 pt

15 t. Lane, John, laborer, 2 pt 17 t. Laughlin, Thos., 9 s half 19 f Laughhn, Wm., 12 pt 21 f Lawder, Jesse, 13 pt 23 t. Lawder, John, 1 2 pt 36 t. Lee, George, W. C. R, pt 3 f Lee, Thomas, W. C. R., pt 2 f Leonard, James, Lakefield, f Lillecarpt, Mrs.. 7 pt 27 t. Linn, David, laborer, Lakefield, t. Linster, Patrick, 9 n half 17 f Livick, Isaac, 3 w half 17 f Livick, John, 2 pt 17 t.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Livick, Mrs., 3 e half 16 f. Long, John, 1 pt 17 t. Lund, Ridiard, W. G R, pt 2 f. Lyttle, John, 4 pt 23 t. Lyttle, Wm., 4 pt 23 f. McAnhfFe, Cornelius, 1 pt 16 f. McCal], Charles, sr., Briegenorth,

McGall, Charles, jr., 16 n half

29 f McCall, James, carpenter,

Btidgenorth, f. McCanly, John, laborer, 2 pt 18 1. McCanliffe, Cornelius, laborer, 3

pt 21 t. McCawley, Patrick, laborer, 11

pt 20 t. McConkey, John, 15 pt 28 £ McConkey, Richard, 10 pt 17 £ McConkey, Wm., laborer, 15 pt

26 t. McCormic, Wm., 1 pt 15 t. McDonnell, John, 4 pt 22 £ McDonnell, Patrick, 4 n half 21 £ McDonald, Neil, blacksmith,

Bridgenorth, £ McEwin, James, 3 e half 8 £ McEwin, James B., W. C. R., s

half 9 £ McEwin; Samuel, merchant, 18

pt 27 t. McFadden, Hugh, boatbuilder,

Bridgenorth, £ McGee, John, mason, 5 pt 6 t. McGrah, John, llpt34£ McGrah, Patrick, carpenter, 15

pt 28 t. McGregor, Alex., 4 e half 9 £ McGregor, Alex,, weaver, 4 pt 1 £ Mcllmoyl, Benjamin, 17 e half

26 £ Mcllmoyl, G, E. C. R, pt 12 £

Mclhnoyl, Hugh, 10 w half 21 f, Mcllmoyl, John, 9 n w J 19 £ Mcllmoyl, John, 15 pt 34 t. Mcllmoyl, Nathan, 13 pt 23 £ Mcllmoyl, Thos., 17 w half 26 £ Mcllmoyl, Wm., 9 n e J 18 £ Mcllmoyl, Wm., 11 pt 23 £ McKay, Donald, blacksmith, 9

pt 27 t. McKee, Andrew, 12 s half 22 £ McKee, Andrew, 14 pt 27 £ McKee, George, 5 w half 15 £ McKee, John, 5 e half 14 £ McKee, John F., 5 e half 15 t. McKee, Wm., 5 w half 14 £ McKee, Wm., 1^ n half 22 £ McKibbin, James, 5 s half 19 £ McKibbin, Robert, 4 n half 20 £ McKibbin, Samuel, 9 e half 24 £ McKibbin, Wm., 9 w half 24 £ McManus, Jas., 15 w half 45 £ Madill, Isiah, 8 whalf 24 £ Madill, Margaret, 8 pt 24 £ Mahood, Edward, W. C. R., pt 7t. Mahood, Edward, 4 pt 3 t. Mahood, Mrs., 7 pt 25 t. Mahood, Robert, W. C. R., pt 7 £ Mann, Aaron, E. C. R., e half

11 £ Mann, James, 8 pt 14 £ Mann, John A. M,D., 8 pt 26 £ Mann, Jonathan, 9 pt 13 t. Mann, Mrs., 8 pt 13 t. Mann, Stephen, 9 n hahf 21 £ Mann, Thomas, 8 pt 13 £ Manning, Chiirles F., 13 n half

31 t. Manning, Samuel, 12 pt 25 £ Martin, James, 1 pt 17 £ Martyn, John, miller, E. C. R.,

pt'lt. Martyn, M., miller,' E. C.R.,pt 1 1

Henry's Breach Loading Repeating Rifles.


J. c. coaney's

Martyn, Richard, miller, E. C,

R, pt 1 1. Masters, Henry, Lakefield, £ Middleton, James, 2 s half 9 £ Middleton, Jas., jr, 12 n half 21 f, Middleton, John J., teacher, 11

pt 20 t. Might, Mrs., 3 pt 16 t. Millar, Andrew, sr., 10 s half 29 £ Millar, Andrew, jr., 10 pt 31 £ Millar, Mrs., W. C. R., pt 6 t. Millage, Alex., 15 s half 89 £ Millage, Charles, 14, 39 f. Milburn, Isaac, W.C.R, n hf4 £ Milburn, Joseph, W. C. R., pt 6 £ Milburn, Thomas T., W. C. R.,

pt6£ Milburn, Thomas W., E C. R.,

n half 5 £ Milburn, Wm., W., W. 0. R., pt

Moore, Archibald, 12 w half 29 £ Moore, Charles D., 3, 9 £ Moore, David, E. C. R., pt 1 t. Moore, Henry, 4 pt 22 t. Moore, Henry, laborer, 16pt 37 1. Moore, John, 4 pt 22 f. Moore. John W., 13 s half 31 £ Moore, Mrs., 4 pt 4 t. Moore, Mrs., 4 pt 10 £ Moore, Mrs., 10 pt 24 t. Moore, Wm., 4 pt 4 £ Mooreland, James, cooper,

Bridgenorth, £ Moffat, Peter, 2 n half 5 t. Moffat, William, tailor, Bridge- north, £ Moncrieff, W. G., blacksmith, 3

ptl t. Montgomery, Andrew, 7, 19 £^ Montgomery, Francis, W. C. R.,

n half 9 f;

Montgomery, Francis A., 16 n

half 28 £ Montgomery, Hugh J., 17 nhalf

27 £ Montgomery, John, W. C. R., pt

9t. Montgomery, Samuel, 17 28 £ Montgomery, Wm., sr., 17 s half

27 £ Montgomery, Wm., jr., 17 s half

27 1. Morrison, Matthew, 4 pt 10 f. Morrison, Peter, carpenter, 11 pt

25 t. Mowry, Augustus, 14 e half 32 £ Murphy, John, laborer, 8 pt 19 t. Nelson, Joseph, 10 s half 27 £ Nelson, Samuel, 7 pt 28 £ Nicholls, Aaron, sr., 8 pt 15 £ Nicholls, Aaron, jr., 7 half 12 £ Nicholls, Benjamin, 9 n e J 19 t. Nicholls, Garner, 10 pt 19 t. Nicholls, George, sr., 10 s half

19 £ Nicholls, George, jr., 10 n e J

24 t. Nicholls, James, 13 pt 28 t. Nicholls, Nathan, 8 pt 15 t. Nicholls, Peter, 7pt 13 t. Nicholls, Stephen, hotelkeeper,

18 pt 27 t. Nicholls, Wm., 11 s half 27 £ Northy, George, 6 e half 14 t. Northy, James. 13 pt 22 £ Northy, James, 13 w half 26 £ Northy, John, 17 pt 30 £ Northy, Richard, hotelkeeper,

12 pt 24 £ Northy, Wm., 7 w half 18 £ Northy, Wm., sr., 16 32 £ Northy, Wm. jr., 13; 40 £ Northcott, John, 7 pt 20 t.

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Northcott, Robert, 7 n e J 22 f. Northcott, Thomas, 7 e half 21 f. Nugent, James, 14 1 29 f. Nugent, Samuel, lis half 32 f Nugent, Thomas, 12 pt 32 £ O'Brien, Wm., cooper, 1 pt 16 t. O'Neill, John, 10 s half 23 f. O'Shea, Jeremiah, 10 n half 28 f O'Shea, Thomas, 10 s half 28 £ Olive, George, saddler, W. C. R.,

ptlt. Outterson, Wm., 1 pt 7 t. Paisley, Andrew, 14 e half 37 £ Parker, Varnum, carpenter, 18

pt 27 t. Parnell, John, miller, E. C. R.,

pt 1 t. Parnell, John, E. C. R., s half 2 £ Paul, John, 4 s half 8 £ Paul, Joseph, laborer, W. C. R.,

pt 9t. Paul, Wm., 4 n half 8 £ Pearson, Harvey, 16, 31 £ Pearson, James, laborer, 11 pt

24 t. Pearson, John, 4 pt 6 t. Pearson, John, 15 | 27 t. Pearson, Richard, carpenter,

Bridgenorth, £ Pearson, Silas, 15 s half 38 t. Pearson, Silas, 16 n half 25 t. Pearson, Wm., 9 s half 18 £ Pearson, Wm., sr., 13 n half 28 £ Pearson, Wm.,jr., 12 n half 26 £ Pearson, Wm., 16 n half 26 £ Pethic, Francis, lie half 24 t. Phelan, John, laborer, t. Podger,Wm., 11 pt 23 £ Pope, John, hotelkeeper, Bridge- north, £ Pottle, George, laborer, 2 pt 10 1. Preston, Alex., 8 n half 26 £

Preston, George, 8 s half 26 £ Preston, John, 12 n half 28 £ Quinn, Christopher, 9,n half 23 £ Quinn, John, laborer, Bridge- north, t. Quinn, Martin, laborer. Bridge- north, £ Quinn, Wm., laborer, 2 pt 18 t. Rabidoux, Charles, 1 pt 17 t. Ragan, James, 7 e half 23 t. Ray, John, 7 w half 26 £ Ray, Robert, 7 pt 24 £ Ray, Thomas, laborer, 2 pt 18 t. Ray, Thomas, 7 n w -J 24 £ Ray, Wm., 7 s half 24 £ Redman, Robert, 1 n half 3 t. Renfrew, Robert, carpenter, 1 pt

16 t. Renwick, John, 8 n -| 16 £ Richardson, Charles, clerk, 1 pt

16 £ Richardson, Robert, 9 pt 26 t. Robertsen, John, weaver, Bridge- north, £ Robinson, John, 4 e half 18 £ Robinson, Thos. C, 8 e half 17 £ Rodgers, James, 1 pt 16 t. Rodgers, John, 11, 20 £ Rodgers, Orlando, 11 f 29 £ Roe, Thomas, laborer, 8 pt 25 t. Ross, James, 12 pt 29 t. Ross, Joseph, 12 e half 29 £ Rose, Alex., sr., 11 n half 32 £ Rose, Alex., jr., 11 pt 35 £ Rosborough, Alex., sr., 5, 17 £ Rosborough, Alex., jr., 6 w half

20 £ Rosborough, Alex., 13 n half 27 £ Rosborough, James, 5, 16 £ Rupert, Wm., 15 n half 28 t. Sage, Henry. 13 n half 30 £ Sage, Mrs., 13 pt 29 t.

Leather, Stove, and all kinds of Varnishes.



Sage, Patrick, 14 pt 34 t. Sanderson, Edwara, 11 n half

27 f. Sanderson, Francis, 14, 30 f. Sanderson, John, E. C. R., f 7 f . Sanderson, John, 8 -|- 25 t. Sanderson, Michael, W. C. E., n

half 7 f. Sanderson, Michael, 14, 31 f Savoy, Mrs., 12 pt 35 t. Scott, Alex., E. C. R., pt 8 £ Scott, George, sr., 4 w half 9 f Scott, George, jr., 5 s half 8 f Scott, Walter, carpenter, 8 pt

12 £ Secor, Joseph, laborer, 1 pt 16 t. Shairp, Wm. A., Lakeiield, £ Sherer, Thos., laborer, 12 pt 28 1. Sherry, Anson, shingle maker, 1

pt i7 t. Sherlock, Lucius, clerk, 1 pt 17 1. Simpson, Alex., 1 pt 17 £ Simpson, Mrs., 3 pt 10 t. Simpson, Thomas, 10 s w | 26 £ Simpson, Wm., 3, 10 £ Smith, Joseph, W. C. K, pt Smith, Robert, carpenter, 1 pt

15 £ Smith, Solomon R, 15 pt 32 t Smith, Wm., W. C. R., pt 11 t. Snelgrove, Isaac, 6 n half 22 £ Stabler, Andrew, 14 pt 26 £ Stabler, Henry, 10 pt 22 £ Stabler, James, 7 n half 15 £ Stabler, Wm., 10 pt 20 £ Staples, John, Lakefield, £ Steele, Lawrence St. George, 7

w half 27 t. Stephenson, George, 2 pt 11 1. Stephenson, Jonathan, 2 pt 11 £ Stinson, John, 4 e half 7 £ Stotiiard, James, 2 w half 16 t.

Stothai-d, John, E. C. R., n half

Strickland, John P., Lakefield, £ Strickland, Walter, lumber-mer- chant, Lakefield, t. Stubbs, Joseph, 7 e half 14 t. Sullivan, Michael, 1 pt 17 £ Sutton, John, cordwainer, Lake- field, £ Sweeting, Jonathan, 9 | 20 £ Swinton, James, 1 s half 6 £ Tagney, Jeremiah, E.G. R., pt 3 £ Tagney, Patrick, 1 pt 16 £ Tapley, Henry, 3 pt 5 t. Taylor, Charles, 8 e half 15 £ Taylor, James, Lakefield, £ Taylor, John, merchant, 1 pt 15£ Taylor, Wm., 8 s half 16 £ Telford, Wm., W. C. R, n half 8 £ Thomas, John, 8, 22 £ Tindle, James, 5 pt 7 £ Tindle, Thomas, 3 w half 3 £ Trennum, Francis, lOne J 19 £ Trennum, John, 11 pt 21 £ Trennum, Joseph, 10 n half 20 £

Trennum, Wm., 7 w half 14 £

TuUy, Andrew, 2 f 3 t.

Tully, Andrew, 4 pt 1 t.

Tully, Andrew W., 2 pt 6 £

Tully, David, 3 pt 2 £

Tully, James, 1 n half 2 £

Tully. John, 1 s half 8 f,

Tully, Patrick, 2 w half 2 £

Tully, Ralph, 2 pt 3 £

Tully, Robert, 4 pt 2 £

Tully, Thomas, 2 8 half 4 £

Tully, Wm., 2 s half 7 £

Udey, Wm., laborer, Bridge- north, t.

Wallace, Samuel, 9 s half 23 £

Wallace, Thos. 8 n w ^ 23 £

Walton, John, 2, 10 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Walton, Joseph, 1 pfc 11 f. Walton, Nicholas, 3 n w J 7 t. Walton, Wm, 1 pt 10 £ Waram, George, laborer, 1 pt

17 t. Waram, Matthew, sr., 8 s half

19 f. Waram, Matthew, jr., 8 pt 19 t. Waram, Richard, 8 n half 19 f. Waram, Wm., 8 pt 19 t. Watson, John N., painter,

Bridgenorth, £ Weatherhead, Thomas, laborer,

W. C. R., pt 1 t. Welsh, Laurence, 17 :^ SO £ Whatley, George, 17 32 t. Whatley, Henry, 7 e half 16 £ Whatley, James, 7 w half 16 £ White, Joseph, 14 e half 36 £ White, Richard, 14 w half 37 £ White, Samuel, 12 pt 33 £ White, Thomas, 12 J 33 £ Williams, David, miller, 1 pt

16 1.

Williamson, John, carpenter, 4 pt 1 t.

Wilson, Andrew, cai-penter, Lakefield, £

Wilson, John, 13 e half 34 £

Wilson, Wm., tinsmith, E. C. R., pt

Wood, William, teacher, 4 pt 18t.

Wright, J. D., millwright. Lake- field, t.

Yeoman, Thomas, E. C. R., n half 2 t.

Young, Andrew, E. C. R., pt o t.

Young, Francis, 12, 35 £

Young, John, 6 pts 8 and 9 £

Young, Joseph, 14 w half 36 t.

Young, Matthew, hotelkeeper, 12 pt 37 £

Young, Mrs., 5 pt 8 t.

Young, Mrs., 12 s half 26 £

Young, Patrick, 12 pt 37 £

Young, Thomas, 5 n half 8 £

Young, Wm., 12 pt 36 £

Young, Wm., 13, 39 £


The township of Snowdon is bounded on the north by the township of Minden, on the south by the township of Gralway, on the east by the township of Glamorgan, and on the west township of Lutterworth, County of Victoria. Population about 400.

Armstrong, David, a pt 36 £ Arnold, Amos, 13, 20 £ Ashworth, Emanuel, 10, 17 £ Barr, David, manufacturer, 2, 1 1 Black, John, a 2 £ Boss, Henry, 7, 7 £ Boulby, B. P., 13, 15 £ Bowen, Daniel, a 28 £

Bright, David, 5, 9 £ Calvert, J. R, 13, 1 £ Calvert, Jas., 13 pt 2 £ .Carroll, Wm., 12, 20 £ Chalmers, David, sr., a 5 £ Chalmers, David, jr., a 4 £ Qapp, J. N., 13,19 £ Condon, Joseph, 12, 18 £

Lumbermen's Furnishings of all kinds,



Dawson, Alex., a 17 f. Dawson, Wm., a 15 f. Dixon, Wm., 10, 14 f, Donley, Adam, 11, 14 f. Drake, Jas., a half 36 f. Ferguson, Henry, 14, 13 f Garratt, K. C, 14, 4 f, Garratt, W. B., 14, 5 f. Gase, John, 6, 7 f. Gidley, J. N., 10, 13 f. Haight, R C, 13 pt 3 f. Hamilton. Jas., 13, 6 f. Hamilton, H. B., 13, 7 f. Hartle, Mex., 14 pt 3 £ Harlow, John, 14, 10 f. Herron, John, 12, 15 f, Herron, Thos., 12, 14 f. Herron, Wm., 11, 11 f. Holly, F. R E, 7, 9 f. HoUowell, Wm., a 6 f. Houston, John, 14, 18 f. Johnston, B. Z., 14pt6f. Kindrick, Stern, 3, 1 f. Knowles, Joseph, 1, 14 f. Lindsay, Wm., 6, 9 f. Long, John, 8, 2 £ Lott, Sim.eon, a 26 £ Loucks, Gorden, 6, 1 £

Loucks, John, 13, 14 £ McElwain, Wm., 10, 11 £ Miles, Wm., 7, 11 £ Milburn, Thos., 19, 13 £ Mitchell, Enock, 6, 10 £ Munn, E. B., 13 half 4 £ Munn, Samuel, 13, 8 £ Newell, John, 12, 17 £ Newell, Michael, 10, 12 £ Ogglestone, Henry, 9, 2 £ Otto, John, a 31 £ Peck, Francis, a 34 £ Phillips, Henry, 14, 14 £ Potter, Asa, 14, 16 £ ■Reynolds, Wm., 9, 18 £ Ritchie, Wm., 12, 18 £ Scott, John B., 14, 17 £ Sedgwick, John, 10, 16 £ Sedgwick, Thos., 11, 18 £ Sedgwick, W, J., 11, 16 £ Sheffee, John, 8, 1 £ Stata, Alonso, 7, 2 £ Thompson, John, 1, 17 £ Wait, George, a 25 £ Wilcox, Charles, a 16 £ Wrought, J. D., 14, 19 £ Wrought, John, 14, 20 £


The township of Stanhope is bounded on the north by the township of Sherborne, on the south by the township of Minden, on the east by the township of Guilford, and on the west by the township of Hindon, County of Victoria. Population about 250.

Armstrong, George, a 16 £ Bailey, Richard, 4 pt 26 £ Barnum, Nelson, 1, pt £ Bamum, Wm., 1, 8 £

Beatty, Joseph, 5, 8 £ Boice, Simon, 5, 22 £ Brown, Andrew, 1, 19 £ Buck, Daniel, 3 pt 6 £

Go to Walton's, Peterboro' and Bobcaygeon, for



Buck, Mary, 2 pt 4 f. Buck, Wra., 3 pt 3 f. Coulter, Hugh, a 7 f. Davis, Caleb, 6, 9 f. Davis, Joshua, 6 pt 11 f. Dawijon, Peter, 1, 1 f. Demill John, 4, 30 f. Demill, Wm., 6, 30 f. Demill, Wm. O., 6, 29 f. Edwards, Wm., 5, 31 t. Fee, John, sr.; 4, 5 f. Fee, John, jr., 4, 7 f. Fitzsimmons, Hemy, .4 pt 21 Fitzsimmons, James, 2,^0 f. Fitzsimmons, John, 1, 16 f. French, Wm., 4, 6 f. Gannon, James, a pt 6 f. Hewitt, James, 5 pt 5 f. Howell, Jonathan, 1, 23 f. Jones, Francis, 4, 27 f.

Jones, Henry, 3 pt 22/.

Jones, Thos., 5 pt 25 f.

Keers, David, a 21 f.

Mason, Thomas, 5, 9 f.

Mellville, James, 5 pt 29 f.

Mpore, Alfred, 1, 9 f.

Morey, Isaac, 4, 9 f.

Roack, Richard, 3, 21 f.

Rowe, J. a, 1, 6 1.

Simms, Samuel, 4 pt 10 f.

Sissen, Edward, 3 pt 19 f.

Stev^ens, Robert, 2, 3 f.

Taylor, Alex., a 26 t.

Taylor, Ai-chibald, all f.

Taylor, Nelson, 4 pt 19 f. j Thomas, John, 5, 6 f. I Welch, Wm., 5 pt 10 f.

Wright, B. C, a 9 £

Wright, Wm., a 8 f.

Eevolvers, Six and Seven Shooters.


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